Please remove the 10k cert cap.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, May 16, 2013.

  1. sindz

    No, cause people dont save certs like you, it just makes no sense to do. There is absolutely _no reason_ to save certs like you do. No matter if you only play 1 role. Deck out the vehicles you use to get around, thats more than 10k certs, right there. Unless you max everything ingame, then you can talk about raising cert cap, which I really doubt you did.

    And a class will never get revamped in the way you need to have 10k certs on the ready.
  2. Pockets

    Clearly the solution here is to introduce cert capacity upgrades that cost certs, and lots of them. That way every time you hit the cert cap you can spend certs to hold more certs.
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  3. LT_Latency

    Is it stated any where that there is a cap on certs??

    If someone spent 150 buck, they gave soe their fair share of cash, they shouldn't punish players who are spending money on the game. The people most likely to get affected by this are people spending big bucks on the game
  4. phreec

    Spend them or lose them. It's that easy...
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  5. FIN Faravid

    Can i see somewhere how much certs i get per day?
  6. illgot

    I doubt he knew there was a cert cap before i posted about it :)
  7. S1eB

    "competent" player?

    Oh you mean worthless farmers that do nothing but farm XP.

    Just spend the certs, if you farm, oh sorry "make" that many certs per day then why do you even care.
  8. sindz

    He might or he might not, but atleast he would never stand in this situation, because saving certs is pointless :)
  9. LT_Latency

    The people being affect by this are mostly like also all people who spend them most money on the game. Sony is foolish to punish these players.
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  10. Beartornado

    If you haven't already filed a ticket or posted this in the account section of the forums then do so. You certainly won't make much progress here.
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  11. illgot

    Yeah come back and tell me that when i fully cert out a new vehicle or buy all the implants and skills for the infiltrator the same day they a released. I wish i could say I am shocked at how short sighted people are...
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  12. KAHR-Alpha

    Probably in some dark corner of the official website.

    Try again, I've known this for months already.
    Anyway, didn't it occur to you that the reason you want that limit removed (to be able to max out new stuff when it's released) could be exactly why it's there in the first place? After all, limits don't appear on their own, and since it's not a bug it's definitely there for a reason.
  13. Valkalkas

    I hear all these suggestions but they don't make sense. Why would I spend certs I have, and paid for cause those alpha and heroic boosts aren't cheap, on things that I do not have?? SOE is deliberately stomping on my rights as a customer and as a player. It is not stated anywhere that I would have to endure a cap on certs that I may gain.

    Just ask yourself this, if we let them get away with this, what will they do next? Stop releasing things to cert into once someone completely maxes everything? Do they really think we can't read between the lines? THEY ARE GOING TO STOP RELEASING NEW THINGS TO CERT INTO! I can't believe the absolute indifference SOE shows towards its customers and fanbase.

    I encourage you all to make a stand and stop spending your certs. Together we can show them that we matter and that we don't need their certs to play on OUR game. It's up to US guys, they don't care!

    Stand strong in the face of adversity my friends.
  14. LT_Latency

    who cares, How is it a good idea to punish the players who spend the most money?? I have a year sub. I have 4000k certs in the bank. If I had the booster as well, I would be way way over 10k.

    Why punish people for spending cash on the game I have though about buying some boosters, but now i know there is no point when i cap out ??
  15. siiix

    is there really a 10k cap ? on the test server there isnt

    10k is to low , it should be AT LEAST double that

    example : your high BR and already got everything you need, then a new vehicle comes out and 10k are barely enough to unlock everything on it

    and its true some people make a lot of certs, last week i had a day where i made 1300 certs in 1 day... not typical for me trough 100-200 is typical for me... and i consider my self average player ... just to much time on my hand ;)

    i think this problem is mostly only common for people with membership, so just make that an extra membership benefit ... members get 20k or 25k cap ... problem solved ... if you end your membership you wont lose the certs BUT you cant gain any more until its down to under 10k

    i highly doubt there are a lot of free players with out boost and membership who have this issue, i'm sure there are maybe a few , but that's insignificant to warrant an update

    there was this guy on twitch who proved that its possible to gain 1million XP in a day, he did it in 18 hours, that alone is over 4000certs.. sure he had all boosts , never the less 10k would be like 2-3 days for him

    in fact i think having a cap just motivates people to spend certs on weapons, who other wise surely would use cash to buy them, just so they dont lose certs... so SOE loses a little money on this

    so i do not see ANY financial benefit in having such low cap for paying members, and very little benefit to SOE for free members

    BUT 25k cap should be enough, there should be a point where either spend your certs or you stop gaining, i dont see it very motivating to play if i have a several 100000 certs in my account, besides by then you unlocked everything in the game anyhow, you wont need certs

    anyone know what is the total you can spend in this game in certs ... like EVERYTHING ? i'm currious
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  16. illgot

    You know what else this cap negatively impacts? Cash shop sales. People that reach the cap have no reason to log in every day. They don't bother checking out sales and they don't spend koney. They also do not renew memberships or buy boosts.
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  17. sindz

    Then go in an fully cert your vehicle and solve your problem. Yeh its a problem in the long run, but its month 5. And its not important now, now go spend some certs and be quiet.
  18. siiix

    here a lil help:

    VS Vehicle Weapons: 14,600 Station Cash
    VS Infantry Weapons: 18,100 Station Cash
    Purchased individually, that’s$327. Keep in mind that, big spenders would be foolish to not take advantage of item PS2’s bundles ormembership benefits, which aren’t taken into account here. If you wanted to earn the same infantry and vehicle items with certification points, you’d need 42,850 of them—that doesn’t include any unlocked optics or other weapon attachments.

    so how much are all the unlocks for all classes weapons and vehicles in certs ? anyone knows ?

    You need a total of 57798 certification points to buy every infantry class certification.
    (not including weapon upgrades)

    vehicles :
    i did some of the math :
    inaccurate but including the harracer its around 100000certs for vehicles
    so there is no way to spend more then 300000 certs in this game / faction (including weapon upgrades)... there for 25k cap is perfect for members

    300000certs is around 75million XP > top player right now 54million XP!/5428010618020696081
  19. PhilDun

    What's the benefit of having the cert cap? If anything, all it seems to do is discourage players from purchasing boosts / membership.
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  20. NoctD

    First world problems... wish I had 10k certs and nothing to spend them on!