Please Remove Teamkilling Penalty from Squadmates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kameho, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Kameho


    I know this is a rather odd request.
    But I would like to ask you guys to consider removing Teamkilling Penalties to squadmates, especially in squads that are "private".

    Why you may ask?

    Well, my Outfit [10KP] 10000 Persians, on EU miller server.
    We like to do events to help people bond, aswell as getting a abit of fun from it aswell!

    Yes I know we got Koltyr and VR room where there are no penalties, but there are certain places on the continents (indar) that have special meaning to us, where we like to host our events, or are only physically possible terrain wise to do in the non-training continents.
    Nor do we mind drawing a audience in that case being.

    There is One particular event we enjoy hosting that helps us boost the community and bonding with other Outfits and Planetside community in general, it is already toxic enough (at least on the NC side on miller).
    Planetside is in its very core, being able to have Fun. And the fantastic thing about this game is that it is so open and big that it allows you to do many other things than just mindless fighting 24/7. Having a break, and just enjoy the other mechanics the game has to offer is quite alot of fun!
    We like to host an event, wich we have named: Flash Jousting. (Following screenshots of the Jousting event is at the bottom of the post)
    Here we set up an Arena, and put people out on a Jousting challange.
    This ofcourse, leads to many teamkills. But it is all done with concent to each other.

    However, I do not like when people get unjustified booted out of the game for Teamkilling done with the victims concent.
    There are many games out there that operates with strict Teamkilling penalties, but does not punish teamkilling within own Squads/Platoons.

    Due to the fact that The squad has a hiarcy in itself that helps to deal with punishing the teamkiller.
    If someone were to start teamkilling fellow squadmates, it wouldn't take me long to boot him out of the squad and then he will start suffering penalties. Ontop of that, blacklisting him from any future squad invites / boot him out of the outfit.

    Please consider removing the Penalties at least from the squad at the very least.

    For anyone else reading this and thinks this looks like a fun event to join.
    You are welcome to join us, just send me (Kameho) a message either through in game or at discord Kameho#8739
    I am planning on hosting this as a monthly event open for everyone to join.
    You don't have to be TR to join us, VS and NC are welcome to. However, special arrangements needs to be held in place for that, so make sure you contact me and we can discuss how to pull it through.

    Screenshot credits: Spiffmeister from BFaX(burgers and fries)

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  2. AmazarThePervy

    The Knife battle at the end of each platoon public session, would be easier to win if they removed the Penalties.
    Kind a hard to win in Flash Jousting when you know.. If you win too much you will get booted by the server xD
  3. frozen north

    Yeah, I honestly have to agree.
  4. Sprant Flere-Imsaho

    If they do this, I solemnly swear I will join every public Wild Cards platoon and C4 every max crash rally, suicide ram every galaxy... oh joy.
  5. Sul-Matuul

    You sure there's no penalties on Koltyr?

    We had a test of the new BR's today with the platoon i was in and i was booted from the server for team kills after we tried to see how many people the NC rifle could go through with sabot rounds. It took out about 10 people at once mind you but still...This was on Koltyr.
  6. Kameho

    This might be true. I just tought it didn't have penalty as the description of Koltyr says that there is no Penalties.
    maybe it's just my english that is bad.
  7. frozen north

    I kinda want this, since when im running with friends, we tend to treat horrid driving as a respawn deserving offence.
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  8. Movoza

    I like the idea, but maybe it should be a bit more controllable. An example is setting the status for yourself, so you need to actively agree toturning it off to prevent other ways of griefing. So you can turn it on/off with a hotkey/in a menu or it's requested the moment you join the squad.

    At the same time, can personal items and vehicles be removed from the griefing pool? You can leave in a warning sound, but griefing points seem weird.

    Unless someone is in your vehicle, you should be able to damage it without consequences.

    I once flipped my harasser over in a biolab. Me and a friend started repairing and a third friend was trying to flip it back on its wheels. Too late I noticed a warning message that it wasn't tolerated, but it was already too late. The accumulated friefing points locked me out of my weapons for at least half an hour, if not more. Any accidental transgression afterwards was quickly met with threatening of further locks. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. Interestingly I could use the repair gun, but not switch. If people who were locked could only use support items it would be much better.
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