Please remove "RELOAD"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MNO, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. MNO

    A minor, minor, minor thing... but still.

    Please remove the flashing red "RELOAD" on my screen. I've been playing shooters for 14 years, and like 99% of the population of PS2, I'm aware of how shooters work. I don't need a flashing red number in my bottom right and a flashing red RELOAD text in the middle of my screen whenever my magazines low.

    It's irritating, I'm not blind and stupid. What next? "YOU ARE RUNNING" "YOU ARE WALKING"
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  2. Achmed20

    lol i thought you were talking about the actual reload and not just the text :D
  3. MobileAssaultDuck

    I honestly never noticed it.
  4. Xinceidi1

    It can be disabled in useroptions.ini

    These are under [sound]


    I also like to set this as well

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  5. Curze

    funny, but actually this would be handy lol

    when Im crouched and feel like its time to change a bit the spot where Im sniping at, I always forget if Im in sprint mode or in walk mode

    the difference? in sprint, moving will step you up. while walking, you will move still crouched
    with the former you will get spotted/headshotted
    with the later you wont

    actually this is the reason why I never use the "toggle sprint" setting
  6. RichBits

  7. Tuco

    Yeah and that circle is constantly blocking my long range tank shots.
  8. Bambi

    ^ that's okay because it's ambigous where you need to be for E to work.
  9. Diamond Sword

    Half-Life and Half-Life 2 didn't need to tell you when to press E or what E would do when you press it.
  10. Bambi

    That is because it worked consistently. There wasn't some arcane angle of the buggy where you couldn't get in, you looked at it and pressed E and it always worked. PS2 is way more finnicky.
  11. MNO

  12. CheeseN!P

    do away with reloading entirely, its just a hassle.
    Could always put a sticky note over where it shows up OP :p

    Option to get rid of gui messages wouldn't hurt, but probably such a small niche complaint wont ever see it.
  13. Mrasap

    Your request is already ingame as answered by Xinceidi1, what exactly is the point of this post?
  14. Fuse

    Maybe it's just me, but disabling it in the .ini did diddly squat.
  15. McFly

    Yes, I have to agree. It's a nice thing to have for a noob, but for pros like me can count shots without even trying to, and get the count with in a +-2 range for a 50 bullet-Mag. The extra "reload" is just annoying.

    How did Pros get this skill? years of Counter Strike and BattleField
  16. TheBumble

    Diddly squat-o-rino here as well.
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  17. runekey

    I would be totally for a YOU ARE RUNNING message on my screen :p
  18. BuzWeaverPS2

    Perhaps like the messages we get for friendly fire we could get a message that says "We know you're NC and your weapons are sub-par, but really, reload so the VS & TR feel you're a little more of a threat."