[Suggestion] Please Nerf Hossin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Braneman, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Braneman

    Whenever I log on these days and its even a slightly off prime time Hossin is always the worst continent in the game. The population imbalance there is usually something insane like 65%(or as it is right now a full 48% between the highest and lowest factions), and that's fine for Hossin. The big problem is whatever faction has the massive imbalance there ALSO has a really pathetic showing on whatever other continent is unlocked

    So not only is it ruining the fun for anybody on Hossin, turning it into a boring grind against nobody. It's also preventing actual fights from happening on the main continent that people actually play on for actual fights. Normally I wouldn't care about this but since the pop imbalance is actually bleeding people away from making kills elsewhere I think its actually hurting the game.

    Can anybody think of a solution to make Hossin less of a wasteland for fun?
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    The pain of this post.
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  3. Savadrin

    How does one actually nerf a continent?

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  4. Scr1nRusher

    We nerf continents by adding 3 point tower bases where A is inside the Tower & Bio-labs.
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  5. Pfundi

    Youre a mad genious :D
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    Well I do know a thing or 2 about game design lol
  7. breeje

    The A points where in the beginning of PS2 inside the towers
    They needed to change it cause it was to hard to cap the towers and the fight stayed in one place for to long
  8. Sulsa

    Yes, I feel Hossin needs a 'nerf' and I think it is quite an apt description.

    I actually really like Hossin but for god's sake remove at least 33% of the bushes, thorns, hills, trees, rocks, flowers, glowing thingies etc. etc. so that we can actually travel around on it.
    There are some great ideas with the bases but it's such a drag to mount any sort of assault or defense with all the clutter, Hossin goes unused.
  9. Azawarau

    Do i have to explain to you why youre wrong about that again ._.
  10. bLind db

    It has nothing to do with the continent itself, but the playerbase. ****fits like PHX, DaPP, and AOD send 3-4 platoons worth of morons to ghost cap an entire continent in hopes of opening Indar sooner. A lot of these worthless ****stains think that ghostcapping an entire continent is fun and immersive gameplay.

    Stopwatch simulator is really where it's at, lately.
  11. Azawarau

    Make Hossin worth more and people will go

    I feel like the Hossin bonus is very under appreciated and people dont fight for it the way they would for other continents

    on top of that theres this perpetuating idea that Hossin is the way it is and wont change that feeds into the battles not living up to the greatness they had before
  12. freeAmerish

    This, not limited to Emerald.
    Sometimes it looks to me Hossin is often more unlocked then Amerish and Esamir together.
    But Hossin isn´t the problem it´s the players that play on it.
  13. sebastian oscar post

  14. Scr1nRusher

    Nope lol.

    I was joking that...... to nerf(which means make worse) a continent, you would add the worse base designs in history of PS2 all over it.
  15. Pfundi

    I still think the major turn off on Hossin is the visibility.
    Its on Battlefield Niveau "bad". Only that we got invisible fortresses, invisible mans, flying mans (the continent heavily favors LightAssaults) and the second problem:
    Unreachable airfarmers
  16. EPIC389

    I just don't like the too laggy swamp map

    See if you can figure out why
  17. zaspacer

    Hossin needs a Design Overhaul. Not everything. Just specifically in areas to make it so people want to play there. What kind of changes? The feedback has been posted by many people: open up all the terrain bottlenecks, get rid of the plants that Vehicles get stuck on, get rid of or reduce the time of the perma-haze, reduce the giant trees to just certain sections, etc. PS2 Devs could just start with making a list of all the stuff people say (over and over) to change on Hossin.

    Amerish was pretty garbage early on: steep terrain that forced Vehicles and Infantry into narrow and twisty-slow bottlenecks. And it was pretty empty. Then they changed the gradient Infantry (and Vehicles?) could climb and suddenly Amerish was usable... and people started playing on it.

    Indar has been modded over and over by the Designers... and this is when MANY Players already loved and used Indar. And many of the mods for Indar removed stuff many Players liked. Yet Hossin just sits there largely disliked and ignored by the Players (and Devs).

    Of course PS2 is setup to keep routing players to start in Hossin. Which is another level of terrible Design ("let's route all new players to the most hated Continent!", "yeah, and let's make every experienced player who hates it have to start there then use Redeployside!"), like the perma-Pro NC Loading Screen.

    C'mon Andy, "C'mon man!"
  18. Eternaloptimist

    Perhaps we could nerf (reduce) the amount of terrain that is impassable except with a jetpack.
    ................and the amount of fog.......................and the difficulty of hitting back at aircraft farming us ground pounders.

    Or we could just accept that Hossin is mostly a 12v12 LA death match arena (which is what it acts like most times when I get sent there on logging in).

    Or we could buff my time available for playing so I could experience it a bit more and maybe find something I like about it.
  19. Liewec123

    remove the fog, make the map a little brighter, done! :)

    currently playing on ultra your view is capped at about 70m and its pretty much perma-night.
  20. Mezinov

    What if you put a tower base in a Biolab dome? So you take a Biolab like Suarva with two points outside and one point inside. LEAVE IT LIKE THAT. Then you take out all the other buildings and the SCU gen tower in the center and replace it with an entire tower base with the A point in the tower, and two points outside the tower.

    So it would be a 3 point base inside a 3 point base. A would be in the tower, in the Biolab. B and C and D would be in buildings in the Biolab around the tower, and E and F would be outside the Biolab in buildings around the base - probably beneath the airpads for symmetry.

    Naturally, the spawn room would be in the tower with a teleporter down to the vehicle pads on the tower, which would then have across from them a teleporter down to the vehicle pads at the base of the biolab, which itself would have a teleporter that takes you back to the top of the tower, where you can hop back down into the spawn room.

    The Satellite bases themselves would then be tower bases with the A point in the tower, and whose launch pads take you to the airpads, but whose teleporters bring you just within the walls at the base of the Biolab - not into the Biolab itself.

    Do All of That, PLUS, put the Biolab over a classic AMP station. Can rest the Biolab legs on the wall turrets (towers) of the AMP stations walls. The point from the AMP station would, of course, integrate with the base giving us 7 points total.

    The AMP Stations generators to control the shields protecting its points are moved up into the Biolab.