Please give the M18 Rotary its 5 bullets back.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SushiCW, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. SushiCW

    I was interested to discover that the Needler is getting its clip extended by 5 bullets (reverting an earlier nerf), but disappointed to find the M18 Rotary is not. Why?

    The 10% extra damage per clip is currently the *only* advantage the M18 has over other faction rotaries. Vortek gets DPS and longer falloff range. Hailstorm gets bullet speed and quick reloads. M18 gets *barely* better damage per clip.

    Please consider increasing the one advantage the M18 has to be enough to be useful. Thanks!

    TL;DR: Please give the M18 a bit more dakka so there's a good reason to use it.
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  2. doombro

    I find it hard to believe that it's even 10%. o_O
  3. minhalexus

    Max damages:-

    Vortek DPM:- 8000
    Hailstorm DPM:- 8050
    M12 DPM:- 9000

    The DPM difference is more than 10%, i can say that without even doing the calculations.

    Vortek DPS:- 4000
    Hailstorm DPS:- 3285
    M12:- 3333

    Why do you need the buff again?
    Just saying, the hailstorm does not get MV.

    Just saying the 5 bullets to needler does not compare to 5 bullets on a rotary.
  4. SushiCW

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