Please consider server transfer tokens

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trudriban, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Trudriban

    I'll try not to make this too long, or too pathetic for that matter. I'm not even sure why I'm doing this at all, let alone here where the devs try to keep away. Before I start though I want to say that I love this game and for the most part find every penny I spent in an otherwise free game to be worth it. This game is one of the few things that makes me happy, and considering I'm a clinically depressed young adult who rarely finds any happiness where I should, this is really ******* great.

    Now onto the reason I'm pouring out my thoughts onto forumside. I play NC on Mattherson. I used to play TR on SolTech and made it up to BR60+ with no boosts or membership until the toxicity of The Enclave ruined any enjoyment I had playing a game with those people. I got up to BR30 before the game performance made me leave for a good 4 months, and when I came back I found an outfit of fun guys to play with and caught up with my ex-main's BR. Then the WDS hit...

    Everything wrong with this server was magnified ten times when it started. VS with ridiculous overpop when alerts hit, NC zergs completely disappearing when you needed them the most, spending an hour to cap one base with 48+ that the VS or TR took back 6 minutes later with 1-12, intolerable ammounts of trash talk in /yell chat as well as proximity voice chat, so much complaining about how everything that wasn't NC was OP and everything that was being UP, getting killed by DA members 50 times without firing a single shot after walking out of the spawn room, the list goes on and on and on.

    Whatever made me feel good about this game is lost on this server. I can't keep playing on Mattherson or else I'll start bringing myself down back to the point where I'm abusing painkillers again, and I can't start again on Waterson because I don't have the time to grind certs a third time. Mattherson is a horrible place to play this game and I have no means to leave it. I'm desperate for the means to get my NC out of that **** hole even if I need to pay $30 per character for it.

    I guess this is where I say /rant

    tl;dr: Mattherson is terrible for my mental health and I will throw money at people to get out of there
  2. ironeddie

  3. Tycoh

    Players from Soltech like myself never asked to be merged with Mattherson. Before then, we didn't even know what we were being thrown into before it was too late.

    I hope SOE gets the server transfer token out there soon. I want to get my character out of there as well.
  4. WyrdHarper

    Server transfer tokens are more likely to cause WORSE faction balance issues, as people won't have to create new characters to jump to a server where their faction is winning. The sad fact of the matter is that people who want to win far outnumber those looking for good fights, as evidenced by the current state of the game and the history of pop imbalances, where more people tend to join overpopped factions on various servers.