Please buff AA.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. IberianHusky

    Honestly, when an A2G farmers are infesting a hex, why bother to waste nanites on a Skyguard or Burster MAX? The second that Skyguard gets pulled the ESF is just going to fly away. Why should I bother with a Skyguard when I can pull an ESF with Tomcats/Coyotes (Get at me, Skyknights.) for the same amount of resources? Why should anyone bother trying to tickle an ESF with flak only to have it run away, when you could pull your own ESF, pursue them, and straight up gank them with A2A lockons?

    The Skyguard is in need of a massive buff. It is currently a waste of space. Please make G2A options more viable to bring them more worth using than A2A lockons.
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  2. Ianneman

    What ground needs is a Liberator counter, probably a heavy version of the Skyguard on the MBTs, which does less damage to ESFs and absolutely destructive damage to Libs. (pretty much a ground version of the Tank Buster vs air)
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  3. Vorpal_Spork

    Agreed. It's almost impossible to actually kill a competent pilot. They can run a lot faster than you can kill one. The only way to keep them from getting away is for multiple people to focus fire them.
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  4. Pirbi

    Well there are two types of A2G pilots. Same with all pilots and players in general. One just cares about kills, one is after an objective. The objective A2G will laugh as all the lock-ons and bursters light up their ESF and be in extasy if the objective dies first. The other type is a pansy.
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  5. Jamuro

    So how exactly do you think buffing g2a weapons would help?

    Ask yourself why esf's run away as soon as a skyguard/burster gets pulled?
    The answer is simple ... esf vs g2a is not an engaging fight

    I have no issue with a buffed version of g2a, BUT it has to be something that offers the pilot an engaging fight too.

    Right now for the most part all forms of g2a are invulnerable to esf's.
    Even the lockon heavy is ... while you don't have the insane reach or beefy hp of a skyguard, from the esf's point of view each and every one of the people on the ground could be the one targeting him.
    Only after the missile launches, will you show up on the pilots radar (and only if he has an awareness implant running)

    Sadly at the moment all g2a offers a pilot is a more than decent chance to die and not a FUN FIGHT.
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  6. CursoryRaptor

    Simple solution:

    Buff AA effectiveness vs ground targets. That way people will be more likely to have AA equipped already when aircraft start attacking and nobody will have to go through the frustration of pulling a Skyguard, using it for two minutes until the flyboys leave, and then be stuck with a vehicle that contributes to the ground fight.
  7. dstock

    I feel bad for anyone that spends resources on AA that isn't a Walker Sunderer.

    Those poor, poor wasted nanites...
  8. Mefi

    At very least, I'd like to see these Skyguard changes:
    • Better projectile visibility (tear drop tracers, DBG promised to add them)
    • Make it fire from the barrels, not from the center of the screen, this should make them sligtly more visible too.
    • Make them visible with active NV scope
    It's annoying how hard to see the projectiles.
  9. Crayv

    How about having "heavy flak" that doesn't detonate on ESFs (too small) but larger aircraft it rips apart.

    That or they could just change flak to work like that in general and then make ESFs take a lot more damage to bullets (especially small arms).

    In general we need to get rid of the "one size fits all" AA because healthwise an ESF and a Galaxy is like trying to balance a weapon that suppose to counter Flashes and MBTs. You can't have a weapon that completely destroys the Flash but it still has to be effective against the MBT... good luck trying to balance that.
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  10. Ballto21

    >Tank kills me
    >Pull Ejection Seat ESF and BailAssault
    >Laugh as he has a false sense of security as the random scythe is lit up, unaware his tank has until i press the red button
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  11. Jawarisin

    ded airgame is ded, don't even care about tomcats anymore. But the problem there is your major lack of skills. i've seen you quite a few times, and it's not the weapon's fault.
  12. Ballto21

    >Skyguard is renamed to something to specify anti esf roll
    >New AA added to be great vs libs and gals but less so against ESFs (maybe essentially a buffed walker, so accuracy is needed which is more difficult on a fast small target compared to flak)
    >More AA added specifically for Gals
  13. LodeTria

    We could just re-purpose the Ranger into this roll. I doubt anyone who uses it will care.
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  14. Booface

    Eh, I think the answer is to find a way to make G2A weapons fun to use against either infantry or ground vehicles. The problem with pulling AA is that it's only a deterrent against air. If that's the way they want to keep it, then it's boring to be a Burster MAX or Skyguard, because now the only thing you get to do is wait, deter, and wait.

    If AA weapons became dual role, then you'd actually have something to do while that Lib repairs, hits another base, and eventually comes back to wreck you again. So maybe Bursters could be buffed against MAXes, for example, so you can hunt enemy MAXes in between AA rounds. Or Skyguards could become better at anti-infantry. There's a reason everyone runs the Annihilator instead of the dedicated G2A launcher in all but the most specialized situations.

    The other issue is durability. For example, if you decide to dedicate yourself to AA (barring point #1), you still lose horribly. I've had plenty of times where I pull a Skyguard with one or two other guys, and a Dalton lib just does a slow pass killing one, repairs, comes back for the next one, etc. If AA is only going to tickle Libs and gently suggest they leave after they've killed a few things instead of everything, then Skyguards need better top armor so they aren't just slightly higher priority Lib food. Same goes for MAXes, which are trivially easy to kill with either ESFs or Libs even if they see you first.
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  15. Halkesh

    I think actually AA is good enough about it's effectiveness.
    It only need 2 things :
    -more access for low BR (give Ranger for free on every vehicles)
    -improve it's ability against non-air target (buff skyguard, burster, ranger, AA-phalanx to the same level than Walker at AI & AV)
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  16. IberianHusky

    I am an Infantryside player. I fully admit that I am a terrible, terrible pilot. I couldn't do a reverse maneuver even if my life depended on it, so I run racer and ejection seat and hope for the best. When I run an ESF, it's either for transportation or to go after some A2G scrub that's been ******** up a fight. The second any competent pilot comes after my ESF is usually the second I run for my life. I honestly couldn't be bothered to learn how to fly, as I never really cared about the airgame.
  17. InoxGecko

    Give the skyguard dual Annihilators on the side so it gets increased capability over longer distances where leading with your auto cannons becomes a waste of ammunition as you'll be missing 95% of your shots anyway.
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  18. NoobStylerIGERI

    I know, u guys have much troubble with the Lib ( is so hard to find a Base for Cover on the Map, or just respawn)

    But the Thing is, a Skyguard is an 350Nanites 1 Man ****t... and it still Shredder an 350Nanites 1 Man ESF in 5 seconds..


    i dunno, but something is wrong with u Guys..... this is not only a Inf based game.. this is a combined Arms game and if u guys can`t handle it., don`t Play it
    u guys cry about that an ESF can go for Ground and defendt Air counterst (1 Man), than on same way u want that an 1 man Inf Player can Kill a 3 Man lib, (350 Nanites 1 Man, vs 450 Nanites 3 Man).......

    Now we look, what is True, 3 Man vs 3 Man...

    1 Man take a Skygaurd other both Locks.. that Lib (3 Man ) are Die.. (350Nanites vs 450 nanites)
    1 Man take locks,other take AA Max.. that Lib is die
    all 3 take a skygaurd... that lib is die in 10 Seconds
    all 3 take locks... that lib is die (no nanites needed)

    i Thing, the true is, G2A is so much OP, that it Need to be nerfed ( this Game isn`t for Rambos, this is for Teamplay)
    it wold be fair, that u Need 2 Skyguards for kill a ESF, same is on other side.... 350Nanites 1 Man vihecle vs 350 Nanites 1 Man vihecle

    Stop cry about G2A, this ****t is much OP and that game don`t Need Inf Domination and Rambos wo kill as 1 Man hole Sky
  19. ColonelChingles

    A few more than just two would be nice...


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  20. InoxGecko

    SOEDBG I will throw money at you if you give the TR us a carbon copy of the Tunguska. Me love you long time.
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