Please bring back Motion Blur

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by MistaN, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. MistaN

    Well if you didnt know by now, the motion blur has been removed and it's been removed because of the new "GPU Input Lag Fix". I welcome the fix wholeheartedly because the game feels GREAT now but I do love me some motion blur in my games (YES even the competitive doesnt hurt my KDR either). The game just seems very staccato-like and I miss the smoothness already.

    So with that said, I'd like to be the guy who goes ahead and gets this started because I, for one, loved the motion blur in the game and it shouldnt hurt anything to bring it back as an option (just like it already was).

    As per July Update Release Notes:

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  2. Plunutsud pls

    Well if it's broken then they should keep it disabled until they fix it.

    Bye bye motion blur, say hello to PhysX particles.
  3. M2_Bradley

    Motion blur is like warpgate invincibility "We apparently broke it,so it's getting switched off eternally".
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  4. MistaN

    Well they said it would need to be retooled in order to work with the new system. Im just, hopefully, showing them that there's a demand for it so they can bring it back.
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  5. noidea

    Motion Blur is one of these things I always turn off in every game. It's always overdone to the point it looks completely out of place.
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  6. user101

    We don't need motion blur - PhysX we do need, and blur is eating up the bandwidth why would you want to use blur on your PC.
    To do what - to run slower to hit things sounds sort of like a hack to me.
    Down with blur / down with smoothing / down with AMD
    Lets get back to real gaming. Laptops will totally be at a stand still when this update goes live. Laptops will be a 2 FPS if not slower. Blur is the last thing SOE is going to be thinking about when all the laptops quit.

    SOE might as well put in a FROZEN Button for laptops when I am running at 30 FPS on PTS -- I have never run that low even in big fights. FPS jumps all over the place... one second I am running at 75 FPS next second I am running 30 FPS...
  7. MistaN

    Well honestly, we dont NEED either one of them but it's nice to have the option of having it for the people that like it...especially when it's been in the game since day 1.

    I also think you're misunderstanding his use of the word "bandwidth". I'm pretty sure he meant "manpower" in they didnt have enough resources to dedicate to retooling motion blur to work with the new rendering pipeline. Also, the game is CPU limited and rarely GPU limited, so for ppl like me who have a 780GTX...we'd like the option of being able to have more graphics options.
  8. Rigsta

    Its actually rather well done in PS2. I'm in the same camp, I normally turn it off. I did turn it off in this game eventually but it was for performance reasons rather than the normal "oh god my eyes" :)
  9. Gleerok

    My main issue with blur is that it enables lit up tracers, and those ridiculously improve my accuracy while on a ESF. I wish tracers could be enabled without blur, as it eats on performance.
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  10. Longasc

    My sympathies for a feature being removed that you apparently like, but seriously, motion blur? PS2 motion blur?

    I find motion blur for walking Infantry quite off tbh, but well, I hope you get it back when they figured out how to put it in without messing up other things.
  11. Doomzzg

    The only great thing about motion blur was when things like this happened
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  12. Tython

    Motion Blur has practical value in that it helps reduce eye strain in low-FPS situations.

    Believe it or not, not everyone can afford a top-of-the-line rig with dual SLI graphics cards, and motion blur helps to mitigate some of the "choking" feeling in low-FPS situations such as one of those massive battles that PS2 is famous for.

    It's an optical illusion - my framerate is still low in that massive battle regardless of whether motion blur is enabled - but it feels much better with motion blur.
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  13. SushiCW

    Yes please, I miss my motion blur.
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  14. Themoth2

    I really really want motion blur back, it makes the graphics look 3x as good.
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  15. HyperMatrix

    I really miss motion blur. Hard to play without it. Even running at 120fps, it helped smooth everything out and make it easier to track things on screen. Right now I get a mild headache at times (also contributing to this is my 40 FOV setting which increases motion heavily).

    Leave it as a feature we can force-enable through the settings file at least, even if you don't want to leave it in the settings menu. I swear this game is getting more and more broken as time goes by.
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  16. sixoo

    why totally get rid of a feature so used by many ppl and not leave it off by default or in beta state while fixing it. there are many games that use beta graphical features with a pop-up indication (just add "can give input lag and cause graphical problems").
    i didn't have any problem at all with it, neither when gpu lag, now it feels like you have -10fps or more and you even get an headache witouth it.
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  17. GlueHead

    It's still possible to re-enable the motion blur by adding "motionblur=1" to your useroptions.ini file.

    Also setting Ultra from the overall settings dropbox ingame enables it...but that may be a bug(?) :p
  18. sixoo

    hm no, i tried but maybe i'm missing something because forcing by ini file doesn't work. not even with ultra quality graphic (motion blur doesn't work only with medium, it worked also with high only).

    if you delete user options, it will give you the new one with motion blur setting=1. but it doesn't nothing.

    EDIT: tried again and seems to work but if you change something, it will revert to 0 even if it is =1 in the ini. so must be locked to ultra, i made ini read-only and now it doesn't reset everytime i start.
  19. sixoo

    nevermind, it reverts to 0 everytime i start the game also with ultra settings, so i need to put ultra again to make it work.
  20. Themoth2

    Yeah, all you have to do is when you launch the game, before you log into a character is go to settings and set overall quality to ultra. Once you log into your character motion blur should be in effect. The only downfall is you can't change settings that need the client to be restarted, because you have to do this every time. Fortunately for me i play with everything maxed out already. If you have a lower end pc, I would suggest setting overall to ultra, then turning down your render quality to 50%, and render distance all the way down so you're able to launch the game at ultra, then turning down graphics in game before putting your rendering back up.