From the beginning of the summer, on the COBALT server VANU most of the days have had massive over pop... which makes the game really boring and almost unplayable. You start a cap on a base and instantly you get pop dumped by 80-90% pop... PLEASE BALANCE THE POPULATION SO EACH FACTION CAN HAVE 33-34% SO THE GAME IS MORE BALANCED AND FUN TO PLAY FOR EVERYONE
Maybe it's time for the EU servers to be merged into 1 EU server. That way all empires have enough pop to go around at all times.
It's been time for like 2 years now but the devs will never address it. They said they would look at the possibility last December and never mentioned it since. So either they don't want to, don't know how to, or can't do it. But as every day goes by more players leave Cobalt, and they aren't going to Miller, they are just straight up quitting because no one wants to have to regrind another account.
Not doing server mergers is leading to the loss of players and profit. Just like not addressing Cloak+Sniper Rifles.
This was made much worse when wrel decided to buff the beacons by giving them instant down. He allowed every squad mate to be able to place down , allowing people to place beacons as soon as one is destroyed. I remember back in the day the spawn cool down on a beacon was like 40 seconds until you can spawn on one, so sunderers were much more important to "high level" play.
Open voidwell, select Cobalt, select activity and watch over time.... It could be any faction, it just happens to be VS! There's a section of the player base that likes playing this way. Not a lot you could do to stop it.
Problem with merging servers (any not just these) is that there will be enough people increasing ping times from one area or another and they'll get screwed. Definitely agree with RedGock about balance, on any server.
Most of Connery is already playing on Emerald right now. The EU servers are in the same exact location, merging them is very possible.
I think merging servers is one way to solve the population problem. However, I personally think that the server population problem can only be solved by a strong measure, such as not being able to log in to the camp with the highest number of users when the population exceeds 34%. As you said, it seems to me that the server population problem is caused by a combination of factors. But even if the main cause is not a simple factor, the difference in the number of people is sure to cause unreasonable fights and make the situation even worse. I think mergers are a good temporary solution, but I don't think they are a good fundamental solution. It may be difficult to solve this problem because this is not a game where camps can be automatically assigned during a match. However, a situation where players are continually playing against three or more times as many forces seems totally undesirable. I think the only way to enjoy inequality is if players are so pure that they have just started playing the game and don't know what kind of game it is, or if they can realize the prospect of winning. Playing without even that is quite selective. Of course it is important to have fun as well as to win, but I think it is the cause of most giving up and further reducing the population of the game unless the thinking is such that there is always an extra effort to improve confidence.
pop is so low that if three friends from the same faction login at the same you can see that in the official forums
It's especially annoying when the overpopped faction has a bunch of NSO Minions running around. So you know those guys should be on your side, but they aren't.