Please add contrast between Bravo and Delta colors

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Argg, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. WheezeHeart

    Yeah I'd like to be able to modify the size of names as well, even if by a couple points.
  2. Azarian

  3. yotsup

    Same. Killed my own faction more than once due to slight colorblindness. It almost depends on the time of day and the lighting behind the nametags, sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. I actually spent time looking for a Colorblind option in the game setup, many games such as COD and Halo have this, but did not see it here.
  4. Badfortune

    /signed, This would really help a lot.
  5. Kujo

    This may seem like a very small issue, but it would help out platoons sooo much, and it's such a simple thing to fix. I would love to see this done ASAP.
  6. Ayollet

    This. Ran my first 3-4 squad platoon tonight, and I ended up relying on people knowing which squad they were in. Turns out you can't assume that, and we ended up more or less moving as a whole instead of separate distinct units.
  7. Sgtviper

  8. Trof

    My idea was to use squad assigned symbols in addition to color i.e. bravo and delta could stay the color they are but now bravo is a clover and delta is a diamond shape. Also get rid of the color in the center all together just color the outlines and the squad postion number, make leaders bolded or some other indication and give the platoon leader it own symbol all together i.e. a star . Higby did say in a interview that changes are coming to the mini map he just did not elaborate on what they were.
  9. Pie108

    Nice and simple fix too.
  10. medbot544

    I run solo most time due to fact that some my team mates get colored a redish tone which tends to lead me to shooting the wrong targets. So I dont do squads atm cus of that....

    No team color should be red and or orange imo. Red = dead.
  11. Joabe

  12. Tribeca

    How about changing the shapes as well?

    Like have Circle, Diamond, Square, and Triangle.
  13. FireWater

    Agreed, I'm color deficient with reds and greens, if the developers could take that into consideration of they make squad color changes that would be awesome
  14. Saintlycow

  15. Rolfski

  16. bigcracker

    Should be a easy fix. Do it.
  17. Ruairi

    This just can't get done soon enough. Come on SOE, it's a bloody hex value, hurry up and fix it.
  18. DexterityJones

    Both colour to identify and different shapes as identifiers would be appreciated by all.
  19. AntiAntagonist

    Please add a fourth color. It can be very confusing as it is currently.
  20. strikedragon

    just make delta all yellow and no brown