Playstation's Playerbase and why they're not getting updates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mechwolf, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. Mechwolf

    This is speculation, but I'm guessing one of two things happened, the developer/s that was working on Playstation has quit, or we're not making DBG enough money, and I'm not advocating shelling to a company that might not even deliver, however this is the population at 11pm EST.

    Ok, for some reason everyone else can upload photos but... whatever.

    Briggs - dead, Ceres 19, Cobalt 35, Connery 585, Emrald 1199, Genudine 335, Jaeger 1, Miller 157, Soltech 200.

    So, ignoring the fact that Ceres, Jaeger, and Cobalt are obviously a waste of money, we have the 3rd largest population, 4th largest if you combine Miller and Soltech.

    At the moment, the problem isn't with PS4, it's with the PC elitist devs thinking PS4 is dead.
    • Up x 1
  2. Mechwolf

    Instead of completely giving up on Planetside Arena, why don't you just port it to console and not have all of your resources wasted anyway?
  3. TheSunlikeOne

    Time Zones
  4. Mechwolf

    Wow... that completely escaped me... I'm just so worked up that playstation is losing players left and right thanks to no updates, and I've been willingly staying off of Planetside on PC to support them.

    Hopefully I can port my character over to Emerald in the coming months, I'd hate all that recently spent money to go to waste.
  5. Mechwolf

    Jaeger now has 3 players by the way, I still believe that's a bigger waste of money.