Even with the 10 month update embargo, it has roughly 300 active players. Here are a few update suggestions that could keep these gamers occupied for another year with no updates. 1. Make a custom mission system. Players being able to put certs into a mission system and needing to meet certain criteria to finish the mission, whether it's spawning at a base, gunning for a vehicle, deploying from vehicles, or destroying a bastion, these would definitely increase the incentives for players who need certs to be given them, and an outlet for veterans with everything in the game to still contribute to the game. 2. Weapon trial system similar to PC New players have no idea what weapons have the ability to do in this game, put in a trial system exactly like the PC version has, and they'll be able to try out the weapons, it was essential to me as a starting player on PC, console players got the short end of the stick on that in the beginning. Even if the trial weapons were somehow exploitable, I've seen these devs fix worse bugs (although with all the tech layoffs idk who else got cut loose recently) 3. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall, nevermind the rest lol
I am sorry for you. I'm not a brick wall. Just a PC player. And hence i do not really care about what's going on with the Playstation version of the game. I hope this explains why i pretended to be a brick wall for so long.