Playing on 4K resolution - very small UI

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kwintezarius, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. Kwintezarius

    Hey All,

    I have a 4K-monitor (3840*2160) since a short time and wanted to try out Planetside 2 with it.

    Now when I used this resolution in Planetside, my UI becomes so small... it's realy annoying. :)

    Do I have to use a lower resolution? If I have to, it's also a bit annoying since when I alt-tab, it has to jump resolutions.

  2. InexoraVC

    You can at least change the Font size. In UserOptions.ini
    section [UI]
  3. Kwintezarius

    Yeah, found that option to, but that's only for the chatwindow :) my minimap is so small :D also the icons on the worldmap are tiny!
  4. DarkStarAnubis

    I play on 4K as well and the default minimap is unreadable. I always make it bigger when I log.
  5. Kwintezarius

    And how do you do that? :p
  6. OneShadowWarrior

    Planetside has no real wide screen monitor support, especially for Ultrawide, I run a 3840x1080p and everything is just stretched out and doesn’t render properly, it’s even worst when I have wide screen mode checked in settings, but it is a 6 going on 7 year game, you’ll find many of the newer games this isn’t the issue.

    They should have dialed this in with DX11 but didn’t.
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  7. DarkStarAnubis

    Oh sorry - I was thinking you knew it. It is "h" (default).
  8. Kwintezarius

    Thanks mate :) but the icons stay so tiny! :D but it's allready an improvement!
  9. TheProScout

    Well, i guess we are in luck that out of All the staff that has been fired at DBG, it wasn't the UI guy... so perhaps there is still hope for this.
  10. CapEnTrade

    They have never fixed this issue despite the Fact I and may others have made them fully aware many times years ago.
  11. Scatterblak

    Agreed. They also used to have multi-monitor support. I'd love to have the continent map on a separate monitor while running a squad.
  12. TheProScout

    Careful what you wish for, i tried planetside 2 on my Triple 4k 40" monitors setup, playing on 12k resolution ( 11560x2160p )

    My mini map was on my Left monitor in the FAR FAR FAR left corner, so everytime i wanted to look at map, i would have to turn my head to the far far far left. lol


    and yes this is the ENLARGED minimap....
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  13. Scatterblak

    It's not the res I'm after - it's the continent map on one screen, and the game map on the other. :) That would be pretty handy when calling out targets and managing squad deployments. :) :) As it is now, I'm running a 34" wide format monitor, and I think it's at 1920x1200, and it's all plenty small enough - I don't want to go any finer res. :)
  14. SethiozProject

    old topic, but still no fix? in general ps2 is well made and doesn't have many bugs, but it's so sad to see how devs don't know how to make UI scaling.
    As a programmer myself, you need to set UI in percentage and not in pixels. They have it in fixed pixels, so let's say minimap is 250x250 pixels (IT IS EXAMPLE!!!). So on a monitor that has 500x500 resolution, minimap would cover half the screen. On a monitor that has 1000x1000 res, minimap would cover 1/4.
    So if you have 4000x4000x res, minimap would only cover 1/16 of your screen.

    in other words, the higher the resolution, the smaller it appears on your monitor.

    BUT if you do it in percantage. Let's say 10%. then regardless of what resolution you have, minimap would always cover 10% of the screen. However it can cause the stretching issues as someone here mentioned .. which I don't understand, how can it downscale with higher res and still also have the stretching issues .. that's quite bad programming.

    So correct way to make UI in games, is to first set fixed aspect ratio (so it won't stretch with odd resolutions) and then set it by percentage of the screen. EZ PZ LEMON SQUEEZY!

    On another note, I tried playing some old games at some point, like Tomb Raider and Colin McRae rally and some of those old games surprisingly have it all correctly. They support wide and odd resolutions and UI won't mess up. Some of those games even support USB controllers by default (those games were made in days when USB wasn't even a thing on PC).
    and then we have PS2 that is made in 2012 and they can't get the UI right :/

    Please devs fix, this is such an easy fix. Just couple of edits in your code would do the trick. I'd do it myself with cheat engine, but I'm quite sure Battleye would ban me for it, so I won't even try. I don't even play in 4k for that reason, I use 1440p and minimap is still awfully tiny, not just the map, but icons on the minimap are so tiny that I have to shove my nose into the monitor to find terminals.