Player Studio Items Unavailable

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Pikabanga, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Pikabanga

    I cannot see any player made items in the depot, neither can I find/equip them in the VR. I have a PS7 account. Anyone else have the same problerm?
  2. Pikabanga

    Still havintg the same problem.... anyone else?
  3. Linus

    Yesterday, I contacted ProsiebenSat.1's customers support.

    They told me that the player made items were removed temporarly from the marketplace, due to a problem.
    They cannot give more informations for the moment or any delay and they invite us to be patient until they fix this problem.
    • Up x 1
  4. Paulus

    That's weird, I play with an SOE account and I can see the Player created items and have purchased two of them in the last 3 days. Looks like Pro7 strikes again.
  5. Kociboss

    Same problem. I have Pro7 account so it makes sense.
  6. He7ios

    Phew, thought I was the only one with this problem. Good to see they're working on fixing it.
  7. KimikoDoll

    Still no news on this issue?
  8. EagleGuardian

    I'm just going to 'bump' this thread, as my outfit members cannot buy certain camos this way. Any official word on this would be great (even if it appears to be Pro7-related).