Player Griefer

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Bastid721, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Bastid721

  2. Lancener

    Looks like he goes for revenge every time someone team kills him, most probably accidents but if I was on that server not sure if mine would always be accidental for him... Feel like killing a friendly ground vehicles should be an automatic weapons lock, there's almost no way you'd accidentally do that, especially with tank mines.
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  3. Leer

    I think dpso is having issues with new recruits. I'm with Jenk and we work well with dpso but have been tk'd and given a little attitude (made up excuse) last night. Normally, they will say sorry and be cool about it. If that person really is an issue contact a senior member of dpso and let them know. They are pretty good about doing the right thing.
  4. dking1981

    Im in DPSO. I am NOT an officer, but I will bring this thread to the attention of the higher ups in the outfit.
  5. LastAlbatross

    6 months later hes still doing it! TK'd my proximity repair sunddy.. Just helping our faction... I asked BoldRambo why but got no response. is he still in DPSO? he still has the tag.. I looked around and thats not what DPSO wants to present as a community.
    And I rather not have a consistent TK'er in our planetside 2 community.
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  6. CzechErface

    Just follow him around and shoot him to drop his shields when he engages an enemy head on. If he TKs you enough then he will get weapon locked - problem solved. If the moderators do not want to punish him, then let the game mechanics do it for you.