Platoon Squads are frozen in private

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NightRaven3721, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. NightRaven3721

    Once you start a platoon and move 2 guys to bravo squad, bravo squad can't enable recruitment.
    Also once you set a Platoon squad, that was open to private, you can't enable recruitment as well...
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  2. NightRaven3721

    The bug is still active...
    A bit more details:

    If you crate a Squad, it is now random if it shows up in the finder. (tested it with my outfit today, once it was 3 members then it turned visible, second try it was 6 until the squad shows up)

    If you then create a platoon by moving 1 person to bravo, the squad auto locks and there is no chance that we can enable recruitment.

    Other outfits do have the same problems.

    Please fix this as soon as possible, its double xp weekend soon....
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  3. 1glyn1

    The work around that some poeple are having to use it the command
    /squad lfmoptions "Squad Name " 1 1 1 1
    This is a serious issue for squad play and for the new player experience.
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