Platoon / Squad Leadership

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AxisO7, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. AxisO7

    Ok, this has happened a couple of times now and it really needs some kind of fix. When the platoon or squad leader gets disconnected or just leaves without actually setting a replacement first, there needs to be some way to designate who takes over.

    Tonight my outfit was running a platoon on Briggs, but three times the platoon leader had their game crash. The first time we were lucky enough it went to another outfit member; the second time it went to a random but he was good and happily gave it back; but the third time (myself this time) it went to another random who either refused or didn't know how to give it back. He had no voice-comms, he didn't put down any waypoints, he did nothing. So for a couple of hours we had this almost full platoon running around with no platoon leader. I did as much as I could just by giving orders, but it's rather difficult to keep things organised. Not only that, but this platoon was running around with my outfits' tags in the Squad descriptions. Not a good look for potential recruits, joining a platoon designated as being part of a particular outfit only to find absolute chaos (which is what it would've been if I hadn't stayed online and somewhat in charge until finally the the guy who took over from me disconnected and the new leader knew how to give it back to me).

    The previous time this happened about a week ago, we got back online the following night to lead operations again, only to find that one of the squads was still going with the same squad description as we gave it the night before, but they were scattered throughout the continents. As I said above, that's a great look for our Outfit isn't it?

    It's not so bad early in the night as we tend to have enough official Outfit members online that the leadership normally falls to one of them, but when it's late at night and there are only two or three proper members left it will tend to go to a random player who has joined the platoon.

    There has to be some way to designate who takes over if the platoon leader gets disconnected. Whether that is the platoon leader setting some kind of vice-leader, a vote (either from everyone or just the squad leaders), or a 'smart' option where it will automatically fall to someone in the same outfit as the previous leader. Whatever it is, there needs to be some way to get the platoon leadership back in the situation it gets to someone who shouldn't have it.