Plans for more armor cosmetics?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. DJPenguin

    Aside from the MAX all we have is the composite armor for the remaining 5 classes. Whats the holdup?
  2. RomulusX

    Daedric Armor!!!
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Development priorities elsewhere, as they should be.
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  4. KenDelta

    Well infiltrator stealth armor is introduced but said to be added in the big infiltrator update in a couple of months I guess.
  5. Tayradactyl Developer

    The problem with armor is it's both time consuming and complicated to make. We are working on more but I couldn't say when it will be done or what it will look like at this point.
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  6. TheBlindFreak

    That's more of an art department thing than a dev thing. They need something to keep them occupied.
  7. DJPenguin

    Thanks for replying.
  8. SturmovikDrakon

    Just make you sure you guys have a dedicated spot made for decals! Be it on shoulder, or even better, on the chestplates!

    Also on the topic... can we please have this?


    Just the belt, leg and boot armour... I personally don't like how overly bulky the Heavies currently look compared to the original plan.