Planetside2 has stopped working error upon exiting.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TKBoom, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. TKBoom

    Since the new patch, I've crashed out of the game 3 times but the point of this post is I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the stopped working bug?

    Every time I have exited the game on my own, I get the pop-up box that says the game has encountered an error and will now close. It's not a big deal, since I was exiting anyway, but it hasn't done that in a long time. I know there used to be a problem like this many months ago and it appears it's happening again.

    As I said, not game breaking since I'm exiting anyway, but still, an old issue has reared it's ugly head.
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  2. Aethestis

    Having this every time i close as well, game runs about the same however
  3. NaniteSystems

    Same. I'm stuck on the forums because I've had it with the constant crashing. It's driving me CRAZY! :mad:
  4. Tamonize

    same here.
  5. Llethander

    Every single time I close the game. Yup.
  6. Xiaobaozha

    That one has happened a few times to me recently, but not on every exit.
  7. MajorD

    I've had the same problem since the patch. It sometimes freezes completely on exit too.
    One step forward two steps back....
  8. DLL2

    Same but
    Nom de l’application défaillante PlanetSide2.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x51c4ef6d
    Nom du module défaillant : PlanetSide2.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x51c4ef6d
    Code d’exception : 0xc0000005
    Décalage d’erreur : 0x02584f71
    ID du processus défaillant : 0xa04
    Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01ce6f34566535ea
    Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : D:\Steam\steamapps\common\PlanetSide 2\PlanetSide2.exe
    Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\PlanetSide 2\PlanetSide2.exe
    ID de rapport : 3960e11f-db32-11e2-b499-c86000e388a1

    Nom de l’application défaillante PlanetSide2.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x51c4ef6d
    Nom du module défaillant : PhysX3_x86.dll, version :, horodatage : 0x51893f48
    Code d’exception : 0xc0000005
    Décalage d’erreur : 0x001442e7
    ID du processus défaillant : 0x114
    Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01ce6f415d0db1f3
    Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : D:\Steam\steamapps\common\PlanetSide 2\PlanetSide2.exe
    Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\PlanetSide 2\PhysX3_x86.dll

    I5 3570k
    8Go ram
    ATI 7970 OC Catalyst 13.4
    Windows 7 64bits prof full update
  9. BeachHead2

    mmmm yep...

    Sounds like an old bug reintroduced again.... :)
  10. Hyred

    Happens to me too every time exiting the game - not only since last patch. No biggy tho, just a bit annoying.
  11. BeachHead2

    ...think yourself lucky you get to the 'exit' stage...

    MY exit consists of having to hit the frikken power button... grrrr.
  12. Rogueghost

    Yep, every, single, time.
    I also got a fairly major fps decrease in this latest patch.
  13. PresidentFreeman

    This used to happen to another friend and has since made it into my game with GU11. I take every update with a mix of excitement and fear these days, you never know what issue will resurface.
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  14. Guadoc

    Same here, never had it before GU11.
  15. Aubvenn

    Yeah me too, the game crashes after the latest hotfix. First is lag spikes in game and crashes. This only happens to AU Briggs server though, for me, i tried the other servers and the game works well.
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  16. BeachHead2

    ...the 'resurfacing' issue should be a GREAT BIG WAKE UP CALL to those that control the code, IMHO...

    Why is it that old bugs keep re-appearing (or so it seems) with every GU?

    Why is it also that performance seems to degrade with every GU and hotfix to the point where the game is not only unplayable for many, but it WON'T EVEN LOAD reliably?

    Not good.

    Glad I haven't paid for it.

    Feel silly for being a beta tester on 'released' code...

    My 2c...

    Go ahead... shoot... it won't make any difference...
  17. PresidentFreeman

    Yes the fact that stuff keeps resurfacing shows that whatever fixed it in the first place was just a patch job (pardon the pun). It seems like every time they push an update out they strain the existing code and release previously polished over issues.
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  18. BeachHead2

    ...hmm... version control....

  19. Flaimbot

    same problem here, but i have it eversince i installed ps2 (steam version as EU player).
    fun thing about it is that it appears to me when the game has closed already and i'm on the desktop.
    the only annoying thing with that is that i always have to close the "ps2 has crashed" pop-up :/
  20. gdlk

    same crashes
    driver - nvidia 320.18
    gpu - Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce GTX 670
    motherboard - Gigabyte Z77-D3H
    cpu - i7-3770k 3.50Ghz
    ram - 16gb 1600Mhz Hynix
    hard - OCZ Agility 3 60Gb SSD