Did you guys really expect any different on a ps2 patch day? SOE probably doesn't even know their game doesn't work yet But yeah both the 32bit and 64bit are ****** right now.
Oh well... seems SOE want to see how much punishment we can take in form of fixes that need fixes to fix.
Yesterday we told SOE that this will happen today ! The exact same error is on the PTS! Thx for listening to the Community!
Same issue: crash to desktop when 100% loading complete. I've been playing PS2 more than a year ago and this is the first time I get these crashes.
I can confirm that creating a new character and logging in, then logging out and switching back to your main character works. At least it got me in.
At least they consistently don't listen to feedback about the PTS. That is one known in the vast cesspit of unknowns that SOE bring to the table..