Planetside crashing at 48%

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by James763, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. James763

    Just installed the latest update and the game crashes for me at 48% every time... anyone else got this?
  2. haldolium

    Huh. Such a weird error. We all can just play fine... must be you :eek:
  3. Messy

    Yeap my outfit is playing right now ok. It's on you James763.

    Do you understand that servers are on maintenance (down) due to GU11?
  4. Torok

    Servers are down, don't get trolled
  5. SharpLight

    Every time, people, every god damn time you post the same thing....and I reply with the same :D
  6. Arkadeivitch

    • Up x 1
  7. SharpLight