I think a new type of game play would make Planetside even more fun to play if we were able to build the bases instead of having existing map bases that are always the same. The environment would always be different, strategies would need to be developed on the fly, creativity would rule... what are your thoughts?
Remove AI module and maybe it would be fun. They are the single reason attacking PMBs is not fun for me. And before anyone writes me a 'how to attack a PMB guide' sure theres ways around it, but i just dont like it. And of course theres terrain and other exploits to prevent you attacking mods, but i wont focus on that. Now if an infiltrator could go in and hack AI mods (and others) to stop them functioning youd have a game worth playing. Currently i just ignore all PMBs wherever possible, and would ignore such a continent.
p Infiltrators (and light assaults) already enter bases and destroy modules. How is that any different?
I really hate players with such an attitude... You really should try the other side of the gameplay first before suggesting something that is clearly unbalanced towards any attackers. Also thread-jacking is very bad behavior... I like the idea of having only player made bases, but the total building concept really doesn't cater towards such gameplay at the moment and would require extensive changes in order to function well. Things that i wouldn't trust DB getting right (and probably they don't even want such sandbox gameplay).
I do like the idea, although I fear that is a bit beyond the bounds of what PS2 will ever become. However,15 years from now PS3 might be a thing and I'd love to see them consider that then. If they did I'd also like to see a dynamic trench digging system where the trenches and tunnels dug and shell craters made with combat are permanent until the continent is locked and the field resets. Sadly such a glorious battle in a game the size of PS2 would require 15 years of advancement to be plausibly able to be made.
2003 called. Pinpoint accurate automated base turrets. Meanwhile ... Edit: "cloaked spitfire." It just occurred to me how much of PlanetSide Classic Beta is represented in Google Image Search.
Everyone carried jammer grenades or a CUD to deal with these, only the infil can effectively get anywhere near a PMB. Also the base turret did not shoot at you unless you shot at it, or you were in a vehicle (harasser not included) or a MAX. They didnt insta kill anything in sight. I shouldnt also have to mention that the base turrets fired at 1/3 of their ROF when not manned, if not even less...
Try the other side? LOL. Perhaps you should try asking me if i have before assuming i havent. Ive done everything PS2 has to offer, more times than i can count. And it wasnt thread jacking, i dont like your idea, for the given reason. Sorry if my words hurt you, well actually im not, i dont give a ****. /shrugs.
There are alarm modules, reinforcements modules, and 0 time spawn points. The map shows enemy presence, even without friendlies to relay the info, and hotspots when people shoot stuff. Spitfires & mines. The HIVE requires a long damage period, or a 30 second overload. I think thats enough tbh. Besides its not the turrets that are really the issue, its those combined with 1 or 2 players, the 1 or 2 players make cloaking to kill mods almost impossible since they can lay motion spotters to follow your movements, run around with primary flashlights, lay mines that you cant deal with due to having to explode them giving away your position, and to top if off you have to use an explosive crossbow to fight them since its the only reliable thing an infil can use to kill the mods. If you dont use infil you get cut down by the turrets. Im a bit confused as to how anyone can think this is a situation people will want to get into often. Do we not already have 'problems' with pop imbalances? This situation is putting a massive amount of favour to the base builder, its a imbalanced situation, hence i want nothing to do with it.
Yes you where, and great job commenting something that wasn't even meant for you. So you totally misunderstood. Why should i ask you? You are clearly thread jacking and very unfriendly and unpleasant. And btw? What idea? I said i like the basic idea of the thread creator, and that despite me liking it, it would't work. So great job not being able to read you m...key
What wasnt meant for me, your comment below your quote of me? Excuse me for thinking that it was. Youre going to have to explain that one, seriously, saying 'i dont like attacking PMBs' in this thread is absolutely relevant since the request was to make a PMB only continent. Fail to see the hijack. Also to go back, what attitude did you have a problem with? Me saying i dont attack PMBs? Or me saying i dont like the AI mod? You started with the personal attacks and assumptions. Quite ironic really since your name reads attackattack to most people. Is that what you say when you enter the forums 'attack attack'. Its not a fight here m8. Eh, i confused you with OP. Perhaps it was the way you took my comment so personaly that confused me, ive seen Zealots defend their religion with less vigour. If you want to talk about hijacking threads, them maybe you should look at your personal vendetta posts, thats 3 posts now in this thread that have 0 meaning, due directly to your attack of me. Great job. Now if you want to discuss why i dont like the AI mod fine, i still believe this is a thread to do it in, since the whole subject is a PMB continent. Currently i dont think it would work due to most peoples preference for not attacking PMBs. Since i couldnt say why anyone else doesnt, i gave my reasoning, the AI mods.
This post is about replacing current bases with PMBs, so typical small base fights wouldn't really exist the way they currently do. Imagine the 96+ vs 96+ fights that we have now, or even platoon vs platoon, those few AI turrets aren't that big of a deal anymore, and a 3-man team of HAs could tank everything and kill a mod every run. I also think we'd need extra buildings placed to give more cover and concealment, so you wouldn't have open killing fields. Those buildings would hinder defense, so they'd have to be what boosts a base's regional benefit so that players would actually place them and make a little urban warfare city.
I get what youre saying, but with 96+ defenders and attackers do we really need AI mods? Also a 96 vs 96 wouldnt create a situation where defenders are baby-sitting. Of course they could, however theyre basically worm food unless the base is empty because they can only hide where the AI turret cant hit them. As much as i like the idea of new buildings, id rather they just removed the offending mod. Again this is just why i personaly dont like PMBs, the AI mod is too good imo.
Exactly, when I build I try to minimize the number of walls I place because they just help attacking infiltrators/infantry. I almost never build major strictures, at least not inside the primary base area, they're a liability to defenders. Rather than totally remove standard bases, you'd be better off having them scaled back to simple building clusters around control points with almost no standing defence. The PMBs could be built around these control points to allow spawning and vehicle deployment. Although in saying that you'd need to allow people to place more of each structure in this scenario or else a Zerg overrunning one base would sweep into the next set of capture points uncontested.
Yeah, I suggest this all the time. It would be great. Add in a simple procedural map generator, and the replayability would skyrocket. lol I hate it when maps in a game become 'learned' Everyone knows the good spot for this or that, but they don't know why and could not tell what is a good spot for a sunderer or sniping if they had never seen it before. This is why I still play Age of Empires 2, procedural maps, new things every time, you need to learn how to tell what is good, not just what is good.