Planetside 2 will be more popular on ps4.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Corporate Thug

    Your 8 AMD cores mean nothing to SOE.
  2. nukularZ

    The PS4 has a GPU slightly more powerful than a HD 7850, which is capable of running the game on ultra. Everyone's issue on the PC is the lack of CPU optimization. Who knows, maybe SOE optimized the game on the PS4 to run on six of its cores?

    But if the game ends of running at a locked 30fps on the PS4, there's no way I'm playing that. I don't know how competitive console gamers can stand 30fps... the input delay is just awful at that frame rate.
  3. Chinchy

    good thing all the parts in the PS4 are confirmed intel and Nvidia :)
  4. capocapone

    your high...COD & BF4 and GTA5 will ...this game will maybe rank in the top 20 for maybe the first right at launch...after that..drop like a bomb and only seen on PC and in a mag while on the pot,
    if they would have went with a revamp and made it more real guns,modern infantry kinda factions...woulda been #1 for years....but they went with a remake of planetside 1 so flop even so far on pc(server merges low pop free fps first year,every update we see the players drop like flies)...and the boxes have less its just another title to get ppl to buy the boxes...

    ppl that like spacey kinda games(lasers) is a low we will see but i do not see it being a huge hit other then maybe SONY who has what?.
  5. PaperPlanes

    Didn't they also say the PS4 version was going to be its "own game" so to speak? As in it's probably not going to support the same amount of people per continent, continents will be smaller, bases will be smaller, a lot of stuff from the PC version probably won't be in the PS4 at all.

    It's not an identical port or anything, it's a different game. So yeah the PS4 version might run on ultra, but you also might only see something like a continent lock of 600 players in total, compared to the 2,000 of the PC version. Stuff like that drastically affects performance.
  6. phreec

    The biggest attractor you're missing is that PS4 now has paid online access fees for multiplayer called PS+ (Playstation plus). However, F2P titles like PS2 and DCUO (only ones confirmed so far AFAIK) do NOT need PS+ to be played online so I bet a lot PS4 players will at least try PS2 since they wont have to pay a cent to do so.
  7. Eyeklops

    #1. Unless you're running some very funky light & shadow settings, for your GPU setup, I can predict with a 90% certainty that your CPU limited in large fights (because everybody is CPU limited in large fights at the moment).
    #2. Consoles use hardware much more efficiently than PC's and remove a few serious rendering pipeline limitations that DirectX has. REFERENCE:

    Also: I have an Intel 3570K @ 4.6Ghz with a GTX 690 and haven't dropped below 60 FPS in over a month. I glance at the framerate counter all the time and I usually see anywhere from about 80 to 140 FPS. Maybe the optimizations are getting better, maybe the fights are getting smaller, not sure, just an observation.

    That would be a huge slice of win-pie, although technically possible, SOE will probably never be ready to deliver this much awesome.
  8. DxAdder

    Every game I ever played on a Xbox360/PS2-3 for the most part was finished when I bought it aside from some bug fixes.

    I'm not sure how long there interest will hold the way the Nerf Bat gets swung around this game, I think they will try it but

    if they read these forums I thing they may think twice about playing this game long term.
  9. Rivenshield

    This is why I so fervently hope we get cross-platform compatibility, so we can keep the PS4 crowd on existing servers (and bring back some of the old ones). I'll accept a slower rate of development, and some kind of aim-assist to help the console guys. Because it is vital for our community to stay intact. I don't want to see a bifurcate player base, each of which may thrive or struggle independently of the other. I want them to be able to pack the servers full and wage ginormous campaigns simultaneously across multiple continents, together, side by side.

    I don't want to see outfits get busted up and the PC player base bled dry because people migrate to the PS4 in hopes of better performance and better pops.

    I don't want to lose you.
  10. Andy79

    You have to pay monthly for online multiplayer functionality on the PS4, right ? ( PS+ )

    I wonder if all PS4 Planetside 2 players will automatically get the memberbonuses or if there will be an additional fee on top of the PS+ one.