Planetside 2 to last 25 years? Your thoughts?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Aztecoatl

    I doubt that it will last more then even 2 ..
  2. Raichu

    Yeah my mistake. I saw it a while ago and thought it said 25 years not 2025*
  3. tralalog

    dead by end of 2013
  4. Deronok

    Probably wont be gaming anymore in 25 years.

    Also lol this thread is so full of ********.
  5. ArcKnight

    beta was lot more optimized than now
  6. Eugenitor

    25 years?

    I give it 25 weeks.
  7. ArcKnight

    how about a event for PS2 becoming 1yr old

    " happy birthday you unoptimized, unbalanced, bug ridden. hacker filled game "
  8. ArcKnight

    uh how many week do we have left ?
  9. Eugenitor

    Nah, I meant 25 weeks from right now.

    While Pavlovian stimulus-response is a great way to get people buying flavor-of-the-month weapons, people get bored eventually, especially if their friends/outfit aren't on or they can't escape from being zerged.
  10. ArcKnight

    well SOE is currently more interested in selling weapons instead of fixing bug, optimization, meta game etc
  11. Zorro

    There is this neat section called the Roadmap. It lists the important updates coming down the pipe. Also, a separate department makes the weapons.
  12. Raichu

    Lets see if they actually do half the stuff they say.
  13. MasterD

    In it's current state I would say the game will last about 2 years. I think if they would have released with a better base for the game it would of lasted much longer. I know they are updating monthly but so far the drastic changes that are needed are not being talked about by the devs (Base design, resource system, over abundance of vehicles, lack of objectives for infantry). They had nearly a decade to learn from Planetside 1 and threw most of that stuff out the door when they started developing PS2. It's only now after they've seen their version fail that they are bringing some of the PS1 Characteristics back.

    Being free to play will def keep players playing the game and the constant updates may make the game better. I think its only a matter of time (id say 4-5 years or so) that a game will be created and will do everything Sony wanted to do but better.

    Edit: I played PS1 for nearly 4 years before getting bored. Yet after 4.5 months of PS2 I'm pretty much ready to call if quits. At first I thought it was because I was getting older but there are plenty of other games that have held my attention for longer periods of time in the past 2 years than PS2 has.
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  14. SgtBreastroker

    This game has potential to last that long. However with the amount of people crying for things that shouldn't be nerfed and crying in general about something in the game that rustles their jimmies I don't see this game lasting two years.
  15. Ash87

    I think 25 years is a bit much. I really like PS2, but I don't think there is a single 25 year old game that is still regularly played... the reason being you can't really RUN many 25 year old games on modern computers. You can run them on Graphing calculators likely, but a computer, probably not.

    I could see PS2 lasting 10 years, if they put in 2-5 years of constant development, akin to the roadmap. It could space out with time, so that we get larger stuff at more infrequent intervals, but 25 years is a long bloody time.

    Mind, graphics are getting to that point, where sizable improvements aren't necessarily going to improve much, but when we are talking that far in the future, you have to be considering the fact that what you consider a desktop PC might not even be the primary gaming platform. Considering the rate of technological advancement, you could have f-ing holodecks in 25 years...
  16. Raichu

    Oh hai ash. Its me raichu. tell pika I said hi k?
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  17. ArcKnight

    the devs will most likely mess up something as usual and eventually kill this game

    this became obvious the moment they decided to end beta even after we said a million times not to
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  18. DemoEvolved

    No way in hell will this game last 25 years.

    I cannot imagine ANY game released after 2010 that has a chance to last 25 years. State of the industry.

    Maybe he meant for the PS FRANCISE to last 25 years. annnnd.... nope I still dont think so.
  19. LabRatTy

    They can do it if they:

    1) Merge servers (which they did, yay!!!)
    2) Deal with this AMD CPU bottleneck on framerates.
    3) Deal with all their minor, long-lasting bugs and issues. (World of Warcraft's success & League's success are due in large part to great polishing - follow their examples!)
    4) Create a metagame by getting players to actually care about taking and defending bases more than their Exp income (or make it their primary Exp income).
    5) After all of that is finally out of the way, if they can figure out how to get their competitive scene even half as strong as League's, this game will last for a very long time.

    Most everything else is nice, but relatively unimportant.
  20. Slaidd

    It will be stretch if this game lasts two years. That is unless they make drastic changes to improve it. As it is now, no way in hell it survives. MLG won't save it. That's just a last ditch effort to stop the game from hemorrhaging the last players it has left.