Planetside 2 PS4 fears

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by evansra, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. evansra

    First off I am sorry if this has been brought up before.

    I love this game as I did ps1 but I am worried about the repercussions of this, I know it will not change as sony has no doubt forced SOE's hand here making them do it regardless of the technical problems involved.

    I am worried for the following reasons -

    1, The massive performance push that is going on is bound to be aimed entirely at AMD APU's as that's what the ps4 runs and as it stands there is no way that spec could run this game. meaning even AMD CPU users will most likely not see much of an improvement.

    2, If the ps4 version is tied to the pc version as I saw a DEV post "they want both versions to be as similar as possible" this means the game cannot grow on pc with time as for the next 5-10 years it has to work on the substandard ps4 spec essentially holding the game back.

    3, The cutbacks to reduced CPU load are already being seen, explosives are not "clipping" right any more and damaging through walls and the only way they can stop it with this system is to nerf the radius into oblivion.

    4, We as the pc community are missing out on valuable updates that have been pushed back indefinitely.

    5, The game may well be toned down to accommodate the ps4 resulting in a game that is worse after than it is now.

    I am sure I am not alone on this and despite it being an act of futility to even make this post I just wanted to get my grievance's off my chest as it where.

    As a disclaimer I appreciate that more players means more money and will potentially help the game but is it worth it?

    Please feel free to add your vies on this matter
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  2. KenDelta

  3. Phazaar

    This is my main concern to be honest. It's absolutely evident that SOE have no intention of the game standing the test of time, in much the same way as PS1 was allowed to die thanks to outdated graphics, gameplay and mechanics.
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  4. tproter

    It's how the world turns.

    Look at the bright side. At least gaming consoles are coming closer to their PC counterparts.
  5. Phyr

    Do we really want the same game 5 years from now? The only way WOW has maintained interest for a lot of people is with massive game changing expansions.
  6. evansra

    That post was comforting no doubt but none the less I think its more propaganda than anything else, I have seen many SOE posts that never amount to anything good.

    Also I could not help notice a few of those points about not calculating things that don't need to be seam suspiciously like reducing rendering, while this can be a good thing and I really hope it is, I am worried its just a nice way of saying we are cutting the game back but don't worry your fps will improve...
  7. evansra

    No I don't want the same game in 5 years time but that is also the point, they cannot make game changing revolutions when it is still constricted by at that point massively outdated hardware :(
  8. ironeddie

    It's ok when ps2 dies we will get ps3, and so the wheel turns.

    I was raging about the new GTA game & how its not coming to pc yet. Rockstar made the first few GTA games for pc & ported it to console. Then they realised the money is in the console & now we are lucky when they get around to porting it to pc. Or even if they do the port well, vice city was unplayable on the PC.

    This is my biggest worry about ps2 going to the ps4. That we end up becoming the poor relation, getting the unwanted scraps after they've already been used by the console gamers.
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  9. Phyr

    Planetside 3
  10. evansra

    MMO's should not work on that kind of time frame IMO, just look how long it took to get this game stable then look at eve( released the same year as PS1), then take into account planetside 3 will not be playable on ps4 as it will require higher specs and thus not win the approval of sony as a whole.
  11. Phyr

    That's assuming the console generation lasts as long as the last one.
  12. Necron

    The new consoles are already obsolete. A Dev from DICE commented just last week about the shortcuts they needed to take to BF4 to get it to run on the PS4 and Xbone.
  13. evansra

    This is true and a cannot speculate on that with any level of certainty. I am only worried about the possible outcome.
  14. LOLdragon

    Calm yourself, calm yourself. All will be well with the universe soon enough.

    1) The PS4 will not hold PlanetSide 2 back graphically. More likely, both versions will be developed separately with the console version being very pretty but still graphically inferior to the PC version played at max settings.

    2) SOE has said this many times in the past: a SEPARATE team is working on the console version. Optimization and for the PC version isn't being done because of a console port; it's being done because the biggest issue with this game right now is how few people can play it. PlanetSide 2 by its very nature relies on a huge pool of users to provide an ideal gaming experience, and right now the only people who can play it are people with high-end PCs and that is a problem, even though the game is free to play. Plus, quite a few people have seen decreased performance with successive updates to the game, so THAT is why they are addressing optimization; to bring in a broader base of PC players who happen to own only mid-tier machines.

    PlanetSide 2 on PS4 will be a great thing for the game; it will introduce the big console market to this fantastic game! When console gamers realize they can get a much BETTER experience of this free-to-play MMOFPS on PC (where they can have a keyboard for typing messages, use software like TeamSpeak with their outfit, and generally play with more mature players) they will hop on to the PC platform. And that, in turn, will boost the PlanetSide 2 user base, which as I said earlier, is something this game inherently needs.

    Good times are ahead, don't you worry! :)
  15. Phazaar

    The real kick in the teeth will be when they do what -every- other PC->console port has done and release console only 'DLC' (weapons, freebies, whatever) to try to convince people who are already invested in PC to make the move to console.
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  16. Phyr

    I'm worried that the rate at which PC gets content will be severely limited by the PS4 because of how much longer it takes for patches to get approved.
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  17. evansra

    I truly hope you are right :)
  18. LOLdragon

    I have no idea! lol
    I think a lot of it depends on your point of view. I'm a major optimist when it comes to the future of this amazing game. I also think a keyboard and mouse are much better tools for navigating the maps and general user interface than a gamepad would be. Plus, console players will have to rely on the in-game voice communication which can be ineffective for larger outfits.
  19. LOLdragon

    I think it's safe to say the 360 and PS4 stuck around as long as they did because of the recession. Asking people to blow $400-500 on one game console back in 2010 would have been a bone-headed move.
  20. evansra

    This is very true and also I am sure the vast majority of console gamers will find it hard without auto aim lol :p

    I am an optimist in everything normally but when it comes to this game I feel the need to voice my worries, hopefully they are unfounded and all will be well *crossed fingers*
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