Planetside 2 Obituary. Goodbye & Farewell.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChUnKiFieR, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. ChUnKiFieR

    Well it's unofficially official. Planetside 2 is damn near dead. I've been watching the server population numbers for a while now and it's really very sad. The days of the "epic" battles are over and now I'm watching as the game dies a slow death.
    I wonder if Daybreak Games Corporation (DGC) knew they were buying a lame horse.

    In mid January of 2014 the all worlds (servers) combined population was 10,000 players plus. I'm sure there was a time when the numbers were even higher than that. As of the beginning of this month it's barely 3 thousand. On the Connery server alone at the time of this post (midday) there are less than 150 NC players online spread out over two unlocked continents. If you think I'm imagining these numbers click the link.

    So, since I can go to one website and see in real time and past history the day to day popularity of the game, you've got to ask yourself why would ANYONE have bought this game from Sony a couple months back. I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question but I can tell you this. Whoever brought the idea to the big wigs at DGC is probably not only out of a job but out of the entire gaming industry. I can only assume Sony refused to let DGC see the game code before the deal was struck for if they had, there would have been no deal as far as Planetside was concerned. I know this is not the only game DGC purchased in the Sony deal but it had to have been pitched as to be one of if not their best possible acquisitions.

    All that being said, I for one have come to the unfortunate conclusion that as far as Planetside goes, the thrill is gone. The good times are too far and few between. Without a large player base to fill the support roles as the game was designed to be played, it has become almost unplayable and only angers its' existing player base to rage quit more and more until they don't return at all. I know you die hard players will flame me for this post but the numbers don't lie. Say what you will.

    The number one cause I believe why the game is fading away is the number and frequency of bug issues that have arisen for what was obviously from the beginning, a poor job of coding. I also think it's now so broken that it's practically impossible to fix. If it were possible to fix, I'm sure we would see a major attempt by DGC to try to recoup it's investment by advertising new ownership, a new roadmap and deeply competitive sales pricing.

    I have never been so enthusiastic about any game in my life but I can longer recommend Planetside 2 to my friends and I have lost all but a little of my own excitement to play the game as well. Damn, I really wanted to make battle rank 100 before it was all over and I only made it to 91. I never bought a membership but I managed to spend more than $150.00 on this game. More than I have ever and will ever spend on a game again. (Unless they surprise me and fix this one.)

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  2. ChrisWorth

    Daybreak Games IS Sony Online Entertainment...they were not bought by Daybreak.

    Sony sold SOE to Columbus Nova (an investment company) which after SOE was renamed to Daybreak Games.

    I have no clue what your post is about as I stopped reading there...if you cannot get even the correct info in your first two sentences then I have no interest in what you have to say afterwards as it will probably be just as loaded with incorrect info.
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  3. Klypto


    I will continue to pull maxes until everyone quits.

    Never before have I played a game where there is this high a level of pervasive and intentional sabotage. When else I can go 80-0 in a handful of minutes completely solo without an engineer or any teamwork? Seriously, why play any other classes in CQC?


    As I heard yesterday:

    "This game makes me want to donate money to cancer research."

    "Oh look the fat man (Rhino) is on top. At least it's not like Planetside. You will never find a game with something more obviously broken than maxes." (Paraphase while playing Dirty Bomb)

    Playing as a max I would have to agree with them. It's like a bad joke.
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  4. ChUnKiFieR

  5. Vargs

    Do you go on ridiculous anti-MAX tirades in every completely unrelated thread that you enter or was it just this one?
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  6. Mythologicus

    Daybreak Games, formerly Sony Online Entertainment, making layoffs

    Sony Online Entertainment, which was recently sold to investment management firm Columbus Nova and rechristened Daybreak Game Company, has announced layoffs at its San Diego and Austin studios.

    If the title, first sentence and even the URL of the article you are linking contradicts your statement, you shouldn't be so hasty to talk down to people about 'quitting reading early'.
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  7. teks

    Came back from a year break, my server was renamed emerald. Lots of fights. No problems.
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  8. Littleman

    I'm expecting the PS4 release to be the financial kick in the *** DGC needs to really get development of PS2 back up to speed.
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  9. salembeats

    There's a bunch of people who agree with you, but you won't find many of them here -- Most players who have realized how pathetic this game is right now won't bother to post in the forums about it.

    Just know that for every 3 posts contrary to your perspective, there's at least 15 people who silently agree with you.

    Most of the players leaving the game are the better players, leaving us with a proportionately large playerbase of zergfit ultra-casuals who need to abuse force multipliers to avoid dying to anything and everything.
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  10. ChUnKiFieR

    Now your saying Sony sold its' products to investment firm Columbus Nova then renamed Columbus Nova for them? Sony could have renamed themselves without selling anything if they wanted to. Do I have to define the word SOLD now?

    According to the way you're interpreting the title of the article nothing was sold at all just renamed but yet the article clearly states in red letters "recently sold". Admittedly the title of the article is confusing because it was written poorly, but the article itself clearly states what happened.

    The bottom line is Sony SOLD and Columbus Nova BOUGHT. Need more proof?

    Now I guess I'll have to explain the word "Acquired" to you.

    Some of the players like devs and so forth may be the same but the "OWNERS", the guys who make the big decisions, are not!
  11. RedArmy

    server merge
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  12. FateJH

    Columbus Nova is Columbus Nova, Sony is Sony, and Daybreak Games is Daybreak Games (which was formerly Sony Online Entertainment). Stop making the situation more confusing than it needs to be. You can even check the website and the wikipedia article for Columbus Nova.
    ... you really don't even understand what people are trying to correct about what you said.
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  13. ChUnKiFieR

    If some of you don't understand the difference between the words sold and bought then you're beyond help.
  14. salembeats

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  15. RedArmy

    as TR, i would rather merge with the VS over the NC any day. VS would find the TR weapons more familiar anyway as most of them are the same or close enough. the TR and VS coulda got along just fine without the NC pestering everyone. TR holding all the bases, and VS digging random whole everywhere. We'd hate the mess but learn to ignore it and probably install boot cleaners in various doorways. nto that it would happen, but it sounds ominously fun
  16. KoRneY

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  17. Kentucky Windage

    I've made my own obituaries a few times while playing this game. I've deleted characters I've gotten to almost 50 more than twice because I got so pissed at this game and the DEVS. Yet, I am still playing and will continue to play until the last goodbyes are said and my screen goes black. It's my daily ritual with my morning coffee. Best of Luck to you.
  18. salembeats

    You're welcome!

    You should also like to know I've fixed your error -- you've only played VS in Planetside 2 for a maximum of ~3 years. Planetside 1 is an entirely different game with very little resemblance to Planetside 2.

    Of course, there's always the option of just throwing out the entire game you've been playing for over twelve years as a solid alternative.
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  19. dngray

    Hmm.. I am still having fun on Emerald. Population does not seem to be an issue for me...
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  20. salembeats

    Yep, you pretty much highlighted why many of us more experienced players continue to play:

    It's a comfortable habit (and we've invested lots of time and money into it).

    At some point, however, you just need to abandon your sunk costs and move on.
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