Planetside 2 memberships

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TSR AlexS, Nov 20, 2012.

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  1. Pyro-GX

    So, I've bought Auraxium membership, the 100 buck one, and have auto-renew on but still can't see my 500SC. What gives?
    I know it's rewarded to you each month, but I didn't get anything.
  2. Ynwe

    My 3 month subscription is running out soon. I want to make another 3 month subscription. 2 questions

    1) does the amount of xp and resources boost I recieve per month become increased?

    2) how can I make a second subscription? Ingame it tells me I already have a subscription and I cant do another one till the old one runs out. But how do I make it go on longer than before it runs out?
  3. Ynwe

    push! Please reply
  4. JonboyX

    I got my first 500SC as I completed the cc transaction, then it hits every month based on when the sub actually kicks in. So; I resubbed a week early, got my 500SC immediately, I'm not expecting any next week, but in 5-6 weeks time I should get my next lot.

    If you've not had anything then sumfink has gone wrong
  5. JimmyGisontheforums

  6. Grimfalcon77

    Any chance the memberships will ever include a discount for SC purchases? Still can't wrap my head around paying a monthly fee to get $5 worth of SC per month (atop bonuses) but having to wait for Double weekends to buy cash.

    It'd be a huge incentive if a membership gave you a double cash buying option for SC as that plus the bonuses would at least bring the current exchange rate for SC to a more acceptable line for most.
  7. IamTheRyaN

    Agree, it would be pretty good, and more people will buy membership.
  8. Quarrel

    Why is there NO PAYPAL OPTION YET? WTF guys really>? People on this forum have been asking for is since 2012! So we can buy SC money with paypal, but not a membership? This is a really poor setup. I Was wanting to get in on the sale price but I doubt that will happen.

    I don't use a credit card, and can't buy a membership. GET PAYPAL FOR MEMBERSHIPS.
    • Up x 1
  9. Sarolveldruk

    I'm still fairly new to this game, but I noticed that certs are obtained through filling up the little meter below the cert symbol with experience points. Does this membership increase in XP rates affect the rate at which I gather certs as well?
  10. IamTheRyaN

    You get increased xp rate by, i.e. not 100XP per kill, 150XP per kill with 50% boost. So you logically get faster certs, 1 cert = 250XP
  11. Balrogos

    We have new month and i dont aquired +500sc what is the problem?
    • Up x 1
  12. ItsJustDash

    -Early access to new cosmetic items in the Store

    Are we ever going to get that again? :S

    It seems everyone has been getting the new stuff at the same time. Non member and member.
  13. Rider004

    Paypal is unreliable. When SOE charges your Paypal account, Paypal is already released from liability if your account is empty, freeing them from obligations which banks have such as such as overcharging your account or sending out letters of debt to your domicile to demand repayment.
  14. zionforge

    I have a simple question... With all of the down times your system will be having... Is there going to be a credit or funds refunded given for all the lost play time? I mean.. by paying the subscription fees in full for a year I would gather that it means you have 24-hr access every day for the entire year and so far I see several days worth of no access down time. Just wondering if that is something I can expect? So far today I have not been able to play since the maint. status has been on the servers. Would like to see some type of reply that isn't a canned response.
  15. Marinealver

    So what do they get paid and with what?

    and since we are on that topic what do TR and VS soldiers get paid with?
  16. QuartzHD

    Couldnt find the answer so im gonna ask here

    example : i subscribed for 1 month and played for like 15-20 days and now i want to cancel my sub cause maybe ill go away for a while and will be not able to play.will i loose my current benefits and when im gonna loose them without paying?

    P.S. + for paypal.

    P.P.S is there is a way to earn 15SC so i can buy 600sc bundle?:)
  17. EmmeraldWeapon

    quartz, canceling simply means no longer renewing. You current sub is active until it expires. All subscription games are like this. And no, no way to get small SC increments.

    Zionforge, what is this mythicle downtime? PS2's 90 minute updates for major patches beats out most MMOs.
  18. RusMan

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