Planetside 2 is way better than battlefront 3...More Skill, Faster Gameplay, more massive!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Pikachu

    Wasn't that a temporal change because they can't put it all together in time? Either way I not bothered much. Btw no surprise if it's just space marines and the spikey version on release.
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  2. AxiomInsanity87


    Too many people who have only ever played dow helping the devs in that game so i am not expecting much and cannot see much potential in it. I've been into 40k since rogue trader myself.

    I'm sure it's going to be fun though.
  3. CorporationUSA

    I played it for a bit. It feels like a more casual Battlefield. I personally thought the other Battlefront games were a joke, but at least they had their own unique feel.

    Since I don't care for Star Wars or casual gameplay, I'm gonna pass on the new BF.
  4. ColonelChingles

    That would be quite unOrky.

    Can't have a proper WAUUUGHH with only 20 people per team. :(
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  5. Pikachu

    How many ork players do you expect in the first place? ;) We all know 50%+ of player are going to be space marines. About 25% chaos and the remaining 25% eldar > orks.
  6. ColonelChingles

    I remember hearing grumblings that F2P players would all be shoveled off into the WAUGHH. If you wanted to play some other faction, you'd have to cough up cash.

    In this way there should be more Ork players than everyone else, because that would be your F2P bunch.
  7. AxiomInsanity87

    Orks>Spehez maweens

    My fav is IG though.
  8. AxiomInsanity87

    Either sub up or get rekt basically lol
  9. Turiel =RL=

    The weird thing about Battlefront is that they virtually ignored Planetside 2. I mean how you can you design a brand new game that is so much worse on so many levels than a game that is already existing?
  10. Pikachu

    About Battlefront graphics again, I just saw Angry Joe play on Tatooine which it's famous binary star system but things only cast 1 shadow! :mad: One of the cool things of having mulitple stars for a planet is that you get multiple shadows. Boring butt DICE just making normal Earth style shadow.
  11. MikeyGeeMan

    Will never play a ea game again.

    They could have figured out a f2p model. But it looks like you need to drop 60 bucks for a spiced up version of bf.

    Lack of vision.
  12. Haquim

    Its EA and you complain about lack of VISION?

    I'd complain about their lack of actual non-DL CONTENT.
    Their lack of CREATIVITY (that doesn't **** things up)
    Their lack of working SERVERS (although lately PS2 Servers seem to be similarly bad at times)
    Their lack of customer SUPPORT.
    Their lack of COMMON SENSE ffs. (Some say its so rare nowadays it should be classified as superpower....)
    Their insistence on using ******* Origin.

    .... And now I have flashbacks of The-Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named.....
  13. MikeyGeeMan

    Well yeah. Lack of vision includes all of the above. :)
  14. FieldMarshall

    Hard to compare 2 different types of games.
  15. Pikachu

    The peasants had a similar thread but it got locked because of drama.
  16. Daigons

    The game looks great, but it's missing the BF2 massive battleground feelings.
  17. Shiaari

    I checked the FAQs on Eternal Crusade. Its effectively a lobby shooter. Open world game play is a future project.
  18. Littleman

    BF3 does away with large battlefields and opts to concentrate players into smaller spaces across a battlefield.

    Of course, being a DICE game, inevitably there will likely be a high pop game mode similar to the classic capture the points style. Supremacy is that game mode.

    Remember... we're only seeing a demo involving the walker assault (20v20) and a capture the pod (8v8.) Supremacy promises the largest maps and all the vehicles, however, control points have to be taken in order, so it's like a push game mode, like CoD: World at War's old War game mode. Even at 32v32 (I don't know the actual player numbers,) players will be concentrated to a front line, keeping concentrations high. And really, that's what makes PS2 grand - player concentration. We can have 2000 players on one continent, but if they're all over the continent, it doesn't really matter. Some of you know this from the hex-only days where the only fights to be found were at the Crown, Indar.
  19. 1Tap2Tap

    1) EA.

    2) EA.

    3) If you are willing to invest effort into learning Planetside 2, the game can give you enjoyment for hundreds and hundreds of hours.
    Why? Because every fight, every kill, every death is different, every situation unique, all because of the open world and the massive scale.

    Why would I cut down on all of that for an (admittably better looking) max 20v20 TDM game on rails?

    There is no reason from a gameplay perspective. Just good graphics and lots of hype...

    Long live Planetside!

    (P.S.: My FPS carreer started about 25 years ago with the original Wolfenstein 3D and i played most FPS ever since, online and offline. I think I can recognize a good shooter, and Planetside 2, even with all its little flaws, is one, if not the most enjoyable FPS I ever played.)
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  20. pnkdth

    The scary part is that many who play it say it reminds them more of COD than BF. Forget depth, enter the Michael Bay-zone.