[Suggestion] Planetside 2, incredible potential?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. AntDX316

    The coding for this game is like no other. Sure some people complain and don't want to spend one dime on the game but they play often. This game can get so big as to be like Planetside 1 with multiple worlds and multiple continents within Each world. Other games have tens of thousands of players and more(like Payday 2 and Rainbow Six Siege) and is no where near as good as this. If this game eventually gets 1 million concurrent players this would be Only FPS game to play on Earth.

    As long as whatever upgrades happen to the game, the outfit stats and player stats 100% carry over.. just keep making new maps and items. Over 1100 players on Amerish last night on Emerald. I haven't been tracking peaks so that could be a low average but, that is incredible. ArmA having 100 players has Lag, massive lag yet way more play that game than this game.

    Unfortunately, if 99% of the FPS world wants to be play worse games, oh well. I just think once people know this game w/ the right computer setup (ultrawide monitor on Ultra), they probably won't play the other games anymore.
  2. Demigan

    Incredible potential, and incredibly wasted potential.

    All progression systems in the game (certs, medals and directives) are focused almost exclusively on killing infantry. Even anti-vehicle weapons will usually aurax based on farming infantry rather than vehicles. Infantry can also reward as much XP as a vehicle (extreme menace) and there is less chance of killstealing happening which denies you both the vehicle kill and 100% of the XP and killcounts of it's occupants.

    The goals of the game are also twisted. Continental capture mechanics and outfit resource mechanics encourage players to avoid fights and shut down fights, even though the game's core gameplay loop is centered around fighting each other with hundreds of players at a time.

    The balance is wasted on the game. Aircraft have always been and will likely always be an overpowered mess with bad controls that favor one-trick-pony gameplay styles. Infantry is so weak it needs walls and buildings to keep them segregated from vehicles and aircraft, and any base where the vehicles can climb a hill and fire down into the base is almost always lost the moment this happens because the infantry have no real answer. Even C4 is only possible from stealth.

    The base capture mechanics are too static. It needs variety and versatility so that players can alter a fight as it progresses and even a "static" base that isn't captured or the defenders cannot push the attackers back will still feel like a solid back-and-forth where progress is both made and lost equally.

    There are many bad designs throughout the game. Like spawnbunkers being designed to keep the defenders in rather than help them retake a base, or no mechanics that help make being outnumbered fun.

    Fix those and you can make the game attain a cult classic status for another decade. Unfortunately in it's current state the game is more of a confusing mess and an instructional tool on how not to do a lot of things. The only thing that keeps people comming back is the large-scale combat, and even that is being broken down by the current developers as large consistent fights are deliberately hampered or outright removed by shutting down the base or by introducing new spawnlogic and an entire continent designed to prevent defenders having any solid chance just to get bases to change hands.
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  3. AntDX316

    People keep seeing more as bad. That is why we can't have a lot of stuff in real-life because companies know this and Have to intentionally dumb and limit things way down. I kept saying guides are needed because it basically limits seeing anything else if done right. This is basically like turning what massive options exist down to like 1-2. It's like doing tutorials for some big program like After Effects or Photoshop, you just use what you need and don't have to learn the rest. It doesn't mean the rest shouldn't exist and them existing means the program is bad. It just means for people to not look at everything else and try to force methods that don't work when a certain situation arises. I can complain too how a lightning that runs up to our infantry that doesn't have much explosives feels OP. I can complain too how aircraft when none of us has proper AA or explosives is OP. When you pull armor, when you use AA or other aircraft with an air-to-air loadout, that issue All goes away.

    I mean, I don't really pay too many attention on having to respawn. It doesn't matter to me much. If people value their KDA/KDR, I would play Call of Duty S&D instead.
  4. Demigan

    Nah thats not it.

    A good game teaches you the mechanics while playing. That means that the gameplay is fun and engaging from the moment you pick it up and will help you understand what is necessary to get better. A system like aircraft where the player basically has to spend hours to days of pure training or constant death in the sky to learn how to do the only viable A2A maneuvers is simply bad.
    A good system lets you learn skills and transfer skills. A simple example: C is ducking and space is jumping. On an aircraft it would make sense that C is down and space is up. It lets you learn and transfer skills more easily. And that is just a simple example of controls (and one reason why the aircontrols are bad: mouse controls always control the "nose" of the infantry/vehicle, but on aircraft it controls only the up/down movement).

    PS2's playerbase is dumbed down on their gameplay because the gameplay teaches them to be dumbed down. Progression systems teach them to attack the easiest target and give barely anything if anything at all for going for a tougher opponent. The voice comms for squads and platoons prevents most players from communicating with one another at a time since only one can talk and get the message across, which is why zerg tactics of "everybody go there" is so vastly powerful etc.

    Oh god no this is a horrible example. You are advocating that it is OK for 99% of the playerbase to be helpless against air because there are AA options available, even if those options are terrible to begin with. Or that it is OK to be helpless against vehicles because you should have picked "proper" explosives, which the game severely lacks since only C4 is really able to effectively kill tanks and only if you can achieve stealth to reacg them.

    In fsct, your attitude is one of the reasons the game hasnt reached its potential yet. You cannot avoid arguments about blatant problems in the game with "but there are options". Just because there are options does not mean that they are good options OR that it is OK for people who did not pick those options to experience bad gameplay (especially if the roles are reversed and that gameplay isnt as bad, see a vehicle without AA being attacked by AV aircraft versus an aircraft without AV being attacked by an AA vehicle as example).

    Just because you dont pay attention to it doesnt mean others dont. And KDA/KDR isnt exclusive to COD-games nor is it the only thing that players in PS2 use farming for. If you dont care about KD then you might care about auraxing weapons, completing directives, attaining a BR rank, unlocking specific weapons and upgrades. All of which can best be achieved by behaviour that looks like KD whoring since killing the easiest targets gets you all of those the fastest.

    As for not paying attention to respawning... why the hell not? Its like not paying attention to your loadout, class or vehicle you pick. Its an important part of the game and needs careful consideration on how it is handled to make it fun and engaging. Most games do: spawn protections, cooldown for spawning and why (of any), spawn locations, the ability to pick a spawn or have it done randomly, the environment around the spawn to make sure spawning players dont get killed instantly in an unfair fight etc.
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  5. AntDX316

    oh yeah it all makes sense why you guys love Bio Labs because you can pretty much attack and defend against everything inside. When you guys are outside, you lose the control when none of the people around you cannot fight what has come up. This is where it is important to make sure someone has armor, anti-vehicle, anti-air, etc. It should be a given not to be entitled to Not die under All situations. This is the beauty of Planetside 2 and for most, bad because they aren't probably smart enough to adapt. People should blame themselves for not being prepared enough than blaming the game for being too open.

    This is why I've striven? to get as many people into my Outfit since 2012 as possible so I have the ability to communicate and use All aspects of Leadership as possible. I play trying to accomplish objectives and seek help when needed. We cannot solve everything ourselves. We cannot Help solve everything else ourselves directly but we can indeed inform others to solve and we solve what they aren't solving. We just have to always accept we all can only do so much in life and in Planetside 2.
  6. Demigan

    You are the problem. You are exaggerating my points and ignoring that the game isnt perfectly balanced.

    As I've said before, just because you have options, does not mean they are GOOD ENOUGH options.

    Your response is a classic for people who cannot defend their point. You victimshame everyone who can disagree with you. You tell us we arent smart enough to adapt, but the truth is that we have tried to adapt and found the requirements to be unreasonable. It takes far more effort, skill, capability and costs too much enjoyment to perform certain tasks like infantry AV while the vehicles they try to counter require virtually none to completely curbstomp them.
    Also your attempts at using a fraction of a complete leadership system do not justify your insulting everyone and they do not prove you right.

    I'm trying to improve the game. Your rethoric of "its perfect and if its not its your own fault" is what is keeping the game back.
  7. AntDX316

    You said you've found the requirements to be unreasonable. You basically just gave confidence to my claims perfectly.

    I can complain about having no respawn beacon cooldown but I still play through it. The idea is to Adapt like I've said, adapt to the changes of the game and whatever the game looks like now. Before, when Terran Genetics had a Massive spawn room bug problem, it didn't prevent us from attacking/defending the base. We've put spawn solutions outside as a good example. Even when hackers were running rampant at times, we've still played through either by spawning somewhere else or just taking it until they left or got banned. We've still played through the Flail artillery fire hitting no-deploy zones. We've still played through even when the other factions roll up with 100 armored tanks and we have nothing but infantry. We've still played through even when we were underpopped 48-96 and we are only 1-12.

    .. because under All those situations, it was still possible to come back bigger than what they had, not all the time of course. It usually took making everyone else aware to come help which was the first step. Seeing lots of galaxies, steel rains, valks, air, mobile armor coming to a Base you needed help at is truly cool especially towards the end of an alert and from there we've won. You guys know what this is like, mass revives, Maxs, heavies, etc. etc. trying to win a base populated with more than 2 full PubG and Apex Legends servers.
  8. Demigan

    Yes, because your claims are ridiculous.

    If there was no infantry AV your claims would still exist. You can "adapt" by pulling vehicles instead, never mind that 99% of the time one side needs massively more skill and cooperation just to break even.

    At some point the game design is just bad and players should not be asked to try and adapt to it. You then have to ask the game design to be adapted instead. But your rethoric holds the game back, it gives the devs a justification to leave bad gameplay in and focus on other, less important things.
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  9. AntDX316

    I've been working with what exist in the game and it feels like it did in 2012 but better. The game is not worse. As long as people see what you see, as long as people are happy across all parts of the map, as long as people pull the right counters, attacks, defenses when needed the game is great. It's all about the balancing of resources across the Entire map and what is going on in each of the bases connected. I like to build up some awareness in command chat and platoon chat Before their massive pop arrives at a connected base. Sometimes they just give up and stop pushing for some reason. Maybe to redeploy to another base they need to defend or attack on the Other faction. I had to use steel rains multiple times to save bases and it works great. I inform the squad what to bring and where we are going so they are prepared. I move people around so we have at least a super near full or full squad before dropping in. The steel rain asset is an incredible option as well as ANVIL Heavies. Sometimes you cannot just hack the vterm and pull a sunderer as it's been destroyed or it being difficult due to how some bases are designed.

    Having the ability to Citadel Shield and OS at your own discretion.. having people join your platoon squad because they "know" you. I was doing other things in life and other games but when I play this it's like I never left. Even since 2012, people still hardly use /sitreps and /command often which is good but then it ultimately ends up with me having to inform people. Sometimes I do something else or AFK a bit and realize no one did the informs and we lose the alert.. I feel bad but I don't say anything. I keep thinking I'm not really needed but most or at least a significant some of the time, I am though I never say or think like it matters. It makes me feel bad that I'm not helping more.

    I just want people to "know" how to play the game, how it "should" look like, and to act accordingly. It's different if you have to have people mindlessly follow where you want them to go and them "knowing" why they need to be somewhere.

    I've seen other post throughout other forums and people said when they realized there are "objectives" in the game (after joining a good mentor squad) it's a lot better experience than just shooting anything that moves who isn't on their team.

    It's motivating when I see how some 1v1 battles can change the result of an entire alert of even 1100+. Just think about that for a moment. Sure, you all can see how missing the Bio Lab 3-way pop dumps and nothing else but at least see, from your massive experiences how you can help guide your faction to victory with your skills and some leadership. There are no requirements to using /regionsay, /platoonchat, /command chat(besides being Squad/Platoon leader of course).

    Most of the time, you can request for things from people and get Zero response but you see them do it and they tell others to do it too. Basically you have to kind of "talk to yourself" to get stuff to happen just outloud this way if anyone says anything bad or doesn't respond at all, you can disregard it as you were planning on talking to yourself anyway.
  10. Towie

    You know - at some point you're going to have to release that Bio Lab hatred !

    At the end of the day it's a game and people want to have fun. If they are not having fun - they seek it elsewhere.

    We can all pour extreme reverence on the brilliance of DBG to 'Guide' people into doing that they want you to do (mostly by removing things that you are currently doing, probably due to you having "fun") but at the end of the day it's paying players who will determine whether PS2 survives or not.

    What if all of the remaining paying players really liked Bio-labs and hated Zergs ? Well then we would be in trouble...
  11. AntDX316

    I like Bio Labs.. just not when it was a spawn camp session for 3 hours straight.
  12. Gutseen

    No, it's dead.
    Grifters and "MUH COMMUNITEH INFLUENCAS" can rot in quarantine.
  13. Demigan

    Just because it can be great does not mean we cannot strive to improve it. So lets start with the things that arent great and never have been.

    I mean you started a thread about PS2's POTENTIAL, as in what it could achieve if it changed. Yet here you are defending it tooth and nail asking for it to stay the same.
    Look at the things I say. Dont try and find an excuse for it and dont talk about your subjective experiences and ESPECIALLY dont insult everyone by default by claiming they all arent smart and cannot adapt. Just look at what I am saying and try to objectively judge if the criticism is justified.

    Again, this thread is about potential. Shouldnt you applaude anyone pointing out the game's flaws and helping you achieve that potential?
  14. AntDX316

    I meant, for clarity, not to make the game worse as I meant the same. For the game to be better but remain the same great game it is and not worse.

    People want an environmental change. I want cooldowns to happen for squad beacons on Emerald but lately.. it has been beneficial for me so..