[Suggestion] PlanetSide 2 Asymmetrical Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odiogn, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Odiogn


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  3. DatVanuMan

    A seven for a chaingun, and an eight for a weapon that deals too little damage and has almost no one using it? Asymmetrical balance is buffing everything to be better than other things in different ways, not nerfing VS and buffing the other guys.
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  4. TheKhopesh

    Tell me again how effective the Jackhammer is at +60m?

    It's a shotgun, it falls under "situational" on that basis alone.
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    Lel. A suppression weapon is more situational than a shotgun in this game. 70-90% of fights are within 0-15m. I'll trade you the jackhammer for the lasher anyday. Currently the jackhammer is outperforming the lasher so its doing fine to me. The Basis alone that the lasher needs a whole squad to make it decent means its more situational than the jackhammer.
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  6. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, this really bothers me as well.

    NC stands for New Conglomerate.
    The NC are the most financially influential faction on Auraxis.
    They have the combined funding of +90% of every company in existence.

    Salvagers and scrappers we are not.
    While the people who joined them did have to scrape by for a small period of time immediately after being declared terrorists by the then world government (The TR), they quickly recovered, as the NC's economy accounts for the majority production of every resource on the planet Auraxis.

    Amongst the companies in the Conglomerate are the vast majority of every food company, metal company, medical company, etc. on the entire planet, and thus they have the most financial backing of the three sides.

    The NC military forces (AKA, us. The guys out there doing the fighting) are either idealists who value their freedom and privacy over safety in conformity, or they're among the few surviving mercenaries that the Earth's New Conglomerate (our other half that we are cut off from back on Earth) that were hired to temporarily guarantee the security of the "best of the best" analysts that were sent to Auraxis to benefit the organization back home.

    Seeing as how everyone on Auraxis is now immortal (thanks to the warpgates) the mercenaries are no doubt significantly lower in number.

    The striker is getting dumbfire, and can now be used as a RL Lasher with a 2 hit splash kill.
    In a 5 round weapon, this needs to be changed so that it does indirect damage like the Phoenix (100 max splash damage) or the Lancer (225 max on the tier 3 charge) so that it's not a room clearing easymode weapon.

    Direct shots are fine, but being able to just spam a room will result in a balance issue not seen since the Phoenix could OHK max flak armor infantry with a foot shot.

    All the ESRL's are AA/AV weapons, and specifically designed NOT to be advantageous against infantry.
    This needs to stay that way.

    This is entirely false.

    The Lancer isn't OP in any way whatsoever, and yes, all the ESRLs are supposed to be devestating in numbers.
    The Lancer is fairly more combat effective than the other two, but luckily the VS don't seem to realize that they could destroy everything in existence if only a few (5 or more) people with the lancer and one engie got together to fight armor columns.

    That said, the Striker is up in the air as to how effective it will prove after it's revamp goes live, and the Phoenix could use an afterburner so it's not utterly useless at it's already extremely limited max range.

    I like this idea in principle. The exact numbers themselves would have to differentiate between each weapon as needed though.
    However, the VS should be able to carry a lot of batteries (8 to 12 for carbines and AR's to start with, and if that's too much or isn't enough it can be tailored as needed til a happy medium is found. Obviously the numbers would differ on a per weapon basis), as they will often have to be prematurely tossing batteries in order to survive real combat situations.
  7. DatVanuMan

    1. REALLY? Two hit splash? Interesting.
    2. The Lancer deals 750 damage on a tier 3 charge; it has no splash.
    3. You mean the Pounders in their early state?
    4. YES. I don't know why SO MANY TR must have a perfect AI ESRL that was made to destroy vehicles only. Such logic:rolleyes:
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  8. TheMish

    NC has to be the best quality faction they've ever made.

    It has the best looking soldiers, vehicles, and coolest weapons.

    It also has VERY powerful strengths, as well as fatal flaws.

    If only the TR and VS had the same thing.
  9. TheMish

    **** I should play with you. I only use the Lasher. Best out of the 3 for overall effectiveness.
  10. LIKE A BOSS!

    HAHAHAA. Overall effectiveness? Goes to the MCG no doubt decent in CQC and Mid range.
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  11. TheKhopesh

    The Lancer had splash last I checked (back in late July - early August), but it's splash range was tiny (It felt like only 2/3rds-ish of the Lightning AP rounds).
  12. TheMish

    You play on Emerald too.

    You, me, and DatVanu should hop on our VS characters. And I'll be the loser with the Lasher. Or we'll be the 3 loser Musketeers with our Lashers.

    We'll have a disco party.

    As for the MCG, definitely more killing power head on, there's no doubt. But it's certainly not build for versatility like the Lasher.

    The Jackhammer is easily the best killer, but it's the worst purely because of it's lack of ranged capabilities, that's the fatal flaw obviously.
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  13. TheKhopesh

    The Lasher, like the concussion grenades, isn't intended to be a killing machine.
    It can kill, but it's more intended to be an area denial/deterrence tool.

    Comparing kills on the jackhammer or MCG to the Lasher is like comparing the ESF nose AI weapon kills to sunderer roadkills.
  14. abaddun

    Lasher: ask yourself "why should I pick the lasher over another LMG". The low bullet velocity more then counterbalances the splash damage, and it is unlikely for there to be a significant number of heavies sacrificing single target DPS to enact the levels of suppression you mentioned.

    I have never seen a Lancer squad in game. for the past year, I have enjoyed using my Lancet to pick of fleeing vehicles, but outside of YouTube platoons, it has never been that crazy. The drawbacks make up for the benefits when used in the hands of a single player, and that is what you must take into consideration. If the Lancet had all of the drawbacks you listed, I would never consider picking it up, as the DPS of the S1 completely blows away the no drop bonus.

    The Orion is very powerful. But so is the repeater.

    While I am not sure what the magazine size of the betelguase is, the eclipse only carries 25 shots before you must cool the weapon, at a slightly longer time then a normal solstice(quite hazy on that part, I will need to recheck the numbers). While the independence of each player does increase, their effectiveness in direct combat decreases, especially in close quarters environments. Taking out a sheilded heavy at mid range who hasn't spotted you(yet) becomes incredibly difficult. The over charged battery idea would be incredibly detrimental in close quarters where I must take every opportunity to reload. If I am forced to wait for my firearm to cool down after reloading once, there is a good chance that I will be caught with my pants down.

    At the moment, ZOE is detrimental to the user. There were better ways to balance it.

    If you think the only redeemable trait of the magrider needs to be removed, I cannot take credit in anything you say. Remove the magriders ability to navigate terrain and you are left with: The slowest top speed, the largest hitboxes, tied lowest armour, fixed turret, lowest turret elevation, lowest DPS and lowest shell velocity. With the highest acceleration and the ability to strafe.

    No bullet drop is negligible.

    If I have to wait 4 second to make a single swing, I might as well shoot my target in the head.

    Giving vanue bolt action rifles zero bullet drop would be a very bad idea.
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  15. Lord_Avatar

    "Creditabiliity" :rolleyes:

    Big fan here. Big fan...
  16. Akashar

    Stop with saying VS is OP in the long run. Please. That's ridiculous. I just need to look at the score you give them compared to the other two to see that it is your thought. Things are pretty much equal right now, what may not be doesn't lie in the games mechanics.
    NC are really good, TR are really good, and VS too, but overall, new players tend to join VS because they SEEM more interesting to play with (magrider, pew pew everywhere...) so VS benefits often from larger amounts of new players. More beginners, so in the long run maybe more high ranked players. And in battle of course whiners will be whining because they are often killed by vanus.
    Before the last merge, on Ceres, vanu playerbase was inexistant, inconsitant at best. Guess what? They never bothered NC or TR during alerts, even if they were "the super OP faction with invisible camos everywhere, godly lasher and flying magriders." That's just propaganda man. Their weapons suck/are good the same way NC and TR weapons do. Pointing out every SITUATIONNAL advantage they have and saying : "NERF IT PLZ" won't make them really OP.
    Doing heavy nerfs on existing things will only make you happy and make other people (like me for example) quit the game. I play with weapons, I have hard times, I learn to play them, I kill things and you come from nowhere throwing all my learnings into trash with your marks: "7 fort that, it is more powerful than other things, blablabla."
    Thank you for saying that all the strength I put in the game and the results I got were thanks to stupidly easy mechanics playing for me. Thank you for insulting all VS playerbase in saying that they are anyway 1.5 times more powerful than NC or TR, and as such, don't deserve all what they work for.
    What could benefit the game, the whole game, would be promotions of it speaking more of NC to get people to join them more than VS. Liberty and such are not so powerful motivators when you talk about scifi games. Science, power and might, on the other hand...
    I could not care less if they totally stopped promoting VS and gave everything they got to TR and NC, I'm ok with being totally underpoped, in facts, since merge VS of cobalt are often overpoped, and it sucks.
    As long as they don't listen to posts like yours saying things like "the magrider can do things SOE doesn't want him to".
    This one sentence is a total lie in the beginning. Magrider is the vehicle with the heaviest past of nerfs/nerfs/nerfs of all vehicles in the game, and you say, nerf it even more? If you want assymetrical balance, stop saying that, please. I don't complain about the jackhammer, don't complain about my magrider. Or my lasher. And I won't complain about your phoenix. Deal?
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  17. DatVanuMan

    I used it in the fixed VR zone and splash NEVER registered. It's a universal fact that the Lancer has no splash.
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  18. DatVanuMan

    AHHH! That guy gave us a good little chuckle.
    Increased effectiveness my spandex-covered rear!
  19. Xasapis

    Some food for thought from actual data taken from the game:

    Regarding ES Heavy Weapons:
    As you can see, the Lasher under performs compared to the other weapons. All three weapons are situational in their own right, it is just obvious that the Lasher is the least productive to use out of the three.

    Regarding ESRL:
    A surprise perhaps for the OP. The Phoenix is the best performing launcher, while the Lancer is merely mid of the road. Also the gap between the Phoenix and the Lancer is bigger than the gap between the Lancer and the Striker.
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  20. TheAnnoyingGunner

    As soon as they make Reddit the "official" forum.
    What is it that all those game devs don't care for their own forums anymore?!
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