Planetside 2 and his community - huge problem? Not necessarily.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sprintfox, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Sprintfox

    Hey folks.

    I've been chatting a lot with people @ PSU, giving answers on these forums - and yeh, I think we reached a point which really turns into senseless rageous actions. At least for some.

    I know everyone playing Planetside 2 has a different wish of what he wants to see in the game, what he thought what's going to be in the game and what he at least already got in the game.

    While many people are wishing to get the chance to re-design the look of their carbines, turning them into black weapons with cute little pink skulls or kitten, others want more realish looking weapons. This also applies when it comes to camo and armor.

    Same way for people which are flying. Those flying, want to see lesser AA. Those at the ground want to see more AA.

    Others are expecting a "lot" more vehicles, talk about promises which were never made, like player made bases and marine warfare.

    So, let's make a cut here.


    Yet, there are a lot of balancing issues which may - and are - getting sorted out. Step by step. While doing this, designers are implementing also new stuff like weapons and cosmetics. T-Ray has posted already posted stuff about new vehicles and turrets. Broome has posted stuff about new cosmetics.

    And now it comes to you, appreciated community. If you aren't fine with the path the game is currently taking, be that good, NOT to rage, but being constructive. Yes, no one has to ask you for contributing. And principally, you can sit there, while not doing anything. Now you may say: "But I've already spent a lot on StationCash". Yes, you did. It was up to you to do so or not. There are no obligations to do so.

    But while you're still here and haven't left the game yet, you do so because you like the game. And if you've an idea or an complain, just share it in the forums in a constructive way. Constructive means, you've to look also from the point of view of the other balancing factors. Not just saying: "I want this - who care's about the other stuff."

    I mean, yes. You can create many threads saying: "This game is already dying." Yeh, it's okay. But it doesn't helps to continue improving it. I mean, it don't helps anyone. Not you, not SOE, not other players. So, if you really want to leave the game, do so. Otherwise stay with us and try to improve the game. I can understand many of you are upset, because the switch between a full retail game and these F2P models is still new to a lot of you. But that's what the future is bringing. We've to deal with it. That means, games get released and are still under constant development and balancing. What to do? No one has made you pay to play this game. It was still, as already said, up to you. You knew the risk you were taking while investing a buck into it.

    I personally would say, in some way, that yeh - I'm a fanboy of Planetside 2. The same way I'm a fanboy of the Borderlands and Elder Scroll-Series. I also love sushi, touring bikes, tourism and many more stuff. Does it makes me a guy which doesn't understands the rage of others, just because I love that stuff? No.

    But when it comes to stuff I don't like, I'm going to tell it - by sharing also a way to improve it. And that's what I also want to see here in the forums. You guys already realized that SOE and the Developers are always taking note of what you guys are looking for. Just show a bit more patiences. Don't stress yourself and enjoy the game. Don't ask for endgame content. It's an open-end based MMOFPS. Basically a sandbox-like shooter - not a themepark. And if so, then you guys are the themepark. Which leads you back to the fact, that it is a sandboxish shooter.

    Hope everyone understands, when I now ask, if you guys can create threads, which include what you think and how it could be sorted out. Do NOT expect to get 100% attention. But if your idea is good and the community agrees with you on it, you'll see, it will be always on the top of the forums - and Devs will take note from it.
    • Up x 3
  2. Sprintfox

    /bump for better will.
  3. Czuuk

    Kids today. Always have they looked away. To the horizon. To the future. Never there mind on where they are. What they are doing. F2P and yet still entitled. Cry me an ocean of salty noob tears.
  4. Marked4Death

    followed by shameless self bump. OK.
  5. Hosp

    A good idea pushed by the community is fine...a good idea pushed by a single outfit isn't. Why? Because a single outfit isn't the whole community.
  6. Sprintfox

    You're right :D