Place Bugs Here

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Freeze74, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Darhsiddes

    against whom we fight ?, with human opponents or against a program?
  2. ParakeetLord88

    [BUG] Spitfire turrets immune to ram damage

    They can stop a sundy or turbo'ing harasser cold (no damage to either). Since other turrets take ram damage, this seems like a clear bug.

    Recommendation: make them vulnerable to ram damage like other turrets are.
  3. ParakeetLord88

    [BUG] Repair grenades and shield generators

    Tonight the TR were trying to take a VS amp station, and the TR repeatedly found that the VS was throwing repair grenades onto the generator, causing it to be repaired (repeatedly) with no way to stop it. It made tanking the amp station impossible while the VS kept doing this.

    Note: It is my understanding that repair grenade stacking was disabled some time ago. I don't know if that isn't working on generators or if serial repair grenades are doing this; I only know that the end result is completely unworkable.
    Recommendation: disable repair grenades on generators, and for good measure also SCU's.
  4. nasus

  5. Jabpba

    I just startet a new Robomen but stuck in the Tutorial at "go to an terminal and switch to heavy assault class".
    It doesn't get that I'm already HA or switching to LA/[any other class here] and back to HA is not working.
  6. Gibber

    PTS Build 1.0.407.405249 x64

    Unable to change vehicle/aircraft weapons from defaullt
    Unable to repair vehicles/aircraft
    Unable to access teleporters (jump-pads & turrets are fine)
    Engineer doesn't have all Engineer Cert trees (Vehicle Mana & Spitfire)
  7. bwilson

    Not sure if by design but ESF is not accessible to the NS faction.
    After flipping a base, the turret team value is not set correctly, can interact and enter it but it shows as enemy can fire upon it.
  8. Døc_

    All bugs I've found while playing an NSO character on all factions after the PTS update on 11/26/18:

    - Able to fire on other allied turrets without notification of firing on allied turrets, only notified that I've been firing on allied forces after shooting an AV phalanx turret with an AA turret for some time.
    - Crosshair shows red when hovering over allied turrets (AA, phalanx, etc.) and vehicles.
    - Able to damage allied equipment terminals, notified of friendly fire upon terminal being destroyed, unable to repair terminals at any state of damage.
    - First spawn into a continent's warpgate always spawns you in underneath the spawn tube.
    - Unable to use allied jump pads and teleporters.
    - No access to any NS weapons except for the default on the harasser.
    - HA Overshield effect does not appear on the first person model for any of the shield types.
    - No faction specific cloaking sound.
    - Red crosshair showing on allied engineer placed turrets, FF sound and on screen notification working as intended.
    - Unable to access the Spitfire turret and the Anti-Vehicle turret on Engineer.
    - Unable to upgrade the MANA turret, certification path in engineer certs not shown.
    - Unable to equip all-faction available banners after purchasing them.
    - NS-45 Pilot magazine does not leave the pistol when reloading.
    - Using "Join Combat" will sometimes put you in a spawn queue for your current allied faction's territory but in another continent, switching continents changes your faction as intended but I found this to be a little weird in regards to where the system will try to spawn you i.e. Using join combat while fighting for NC on Hossin will put you into a spawn queue for a bio lab the NC own in Esamir, but you'll spawn in Esmair as another faction at their warpgate.
    - Camo changes on any of the vehicles are not reflected on the vehicles themselves in the loadout menu, only ornaments, and decals are visibly applied in the loadout menu; vehicles spawned with designated cosmetic loadouts do not spawn with said cosmetics.
    - All fragmentation grenade types, including the sticky grenade, are always the NC type.
    - Able to see part of what looks to be the arm model when ADS on NS rocket launchers that feature a viewing crosshair (Swarm, Annihilator, and partially on the Masamune but only when moving.

    - Unable to change the default weapons on all vehicles and vehicles that are spawned in spawn with faction specific color tint applied to the weapons. Vanu give the purple tint and blue on NC; don't know if this is an intended feature.



    - Vehicle gate does not fully protect the vehicle spawn at Andavari Frozen Reservoir.

  9. viend

    maybe it's intentional that NS agents do not have access to building via ants, but this seems relevant - no building options are available, all menus are blank except for field tools, which offers the welding device

  10. bug_tracker

    cannot play on pts.i just get redirected to the error code G25 and i use a msi GV72 7RE laptop it shuld work fine?
  11. SubsonicBeatz154

    I can't play on PTS either, Getting that same G25 error. I'm using a Radeon RX 570 GPU if that means anything.
  12. hanisoft

    I can't play on PTS either, Getting same G25 error. I'm using Nvidia GTX 1080
  13. Atarax

    Since the last update, I have a battleye error about my default browser (Vivaldi) and G25 error. I send you an image with the error.
    Config: Nvidia GTX 770

    IMPORTANT: the PS2 game (normal launcher) is working perfectly, there is no errors. I can play on Cobalt etc...
  14. Scatterblak

    Can't even load PST -- game crashes with a G25 error (video system). That's not it - I'm running a GTX1060 w/ 6G - regular PS2 runs 120-180fps. Any ideas?
  15. Døc_

    Just a quick update from the most recent PTS patch: I currently still cannot login as an NSO on the test server. I get a message stating that I have been disconnected from the server and not much else, I was able to make a Vanu character and play through the tutorial no problem. Is this happening to anyone else?
  16. MichaelS

    I can log in with a premade NSO but it is placed in the centre of Koltyr with no place to respawn. New NSO get disconnected after joining the server. Same for VS and NC. Only my TR guy can join, but only Koltyr and VR.
  17. Brad seven

    I'm getting a ctd when trying to play a newly created NS character, it crashed after pressing "finish" but it did create the character when I logged back in but I still got a ctd when pressing "play"
  18. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    This is currently an issue the team is working on.
    A Patch should be deployed soon in order to fix the crash.

  19. coldasblues

    Is there an ETA on this? Like should we expect it this week or will this happen sometime in the "near" future?
    • Up x 1
  20. Braken

    Getting the same ctd when trying to play a NSO character.

    Also, it seems the ones I tried to make before this latest update still exist somehow, as their names are taken, but they do not appear on my character list.