Maxes abilities are over lapping the ammo counter. Cannot see the left side ammo gun unless the ability is used to see it.
DAMNIT!!! Can not install PTS, get error "You cannot install to your documents directory. Please select another location." no matter where I try to install it to, whether it be the default or anywhere else. Running Windows 10 with a SSD primary drive
And again after the update I can not log on to the test server 1) The launcher loads the update, run the game - choose a character ... and the game crashes for no reason and error !!! maybe something is blocking it? or I really weak computer? 2) Kore 2 Duo E8400 3 GHz 6 GB RAM AMD R7 250 2GB DDR3 SSD 120GB Kingston 3) The game server normally fnuktsioniruet
There seems to be an issue with the Carapache implant and the Regeneration implant where the ladder doesn't regen your health even when you have been out of combat for a while. The Regeneration implant still works if you don't use Carapache.
After Esamir was locked down by VS, the Orbital Strike worked as intended (ticked some damage, pretty pretty lights, then killed me). I then used "Join the Fight" to warp to Amerish. Orbital strikes were also going continent wide on Amerish, eventually killing me at any base I spawned in. I took a Reaver into a orbital strike, got damage markers, but took no damage while in the Reaver.
Accessing the Warpgate console in the VR Tutorial Zone disconnects you from the server and closes the game, basically making it impossible to leave the tutorial for any new characters.
this crap is always happening this is what you get when you pay to win(play)by the way you still get shot through 2 wall cheating still going on
I'm playing EvE in the background (o7) so I got the launcher of it opened. Battleeye howeer seems to not like it a lot: "04:59:41: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Programme\EvE Chache\sisi\bin\geo2.dll"."
gatekeepr - sometimes doesnt shoot the whole clip while shooting if you press Q it stops shooting sometimes if you dont press reload it doesnt reload by itself gatekeeper low dmg to all vehicle types and terrible ttk with low dps and no usability at any distance at any playstyle(supposed to be long range and its so useless at those ranges that the mjolnir beats it at any range inf vehicle everything) harrasers - if you switch places(solo harraser) then you ask yourself to switch places sometimes after shooting 2 shots with the prowler you get a third that doesnt do any dmg(at critical moments it means death)
While in esamir the brightness of infravision is way too high, even at night and inside dark buildings, way to high.
Bug: Red dot sight x1 of MGR-L1 Ballast displayed as a x3,4 sight with no indicator other sights of the Ballast have the same problem
Equipping the BX adapter on the jackal smg after the 1-29-18 update removed the suppressor from the weapon. There isn't anything listed about making them not compatible nor anything in the description of the weapon and it's attachments.
Dont know if someone already say it, but the last update said "removed HA 2xLMG and Inf carbine) Problem is, my inf sill got his gladius and my HA use a lmg + shotgun and i dont have the 2 ASP Points i spend on the removed skills back. Pls fix, i really want to try out that HA hardligh barrier <3 (and please think about giving HA a secoundary shotgun instead of lmg)