Place Bugs Here

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Freeze74, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Maxence822

    Hello! So a bug I encountered was my NC light assault character seemed to shift weirdly when I switched the camo on him in the preview screen where there seemed to be a sort of body stuck there with the actual body moving and changing with the camo that I was moving around, very weird experience :p
    Also if it helps I had the drakon armor equipped, pump action shotgun, eye patch helmet and the zebra camo.
  2. IzumoKousa


    Cannot Overload the SCU Shield Generator at Xander Bio Lab.

    What is the point of the second Horizontal Shield Generator inside the Svarog Tech Plant?

    Svarog Tech Plant: The Vehicle Terminal closest to the Spawn Room does not allow for Heavy Tanks to be materialized even with the facility under your control.


    Flight Controls after Patch 3/20:

    Movement feels a lot better than when you guys first told us to go give them a try. Thank you.


    Pitch up and Pitch Down still have a massive delay when used with Mouse Buttons. I assume this might also apply to any other flight control bound to a mouse button.
  3. Zadic

    Particles for elevator on third floor, east side of Koltyr Amp Station Outpost not displaying.
  4. Zadic

    When you equip the NS blackhand and switch between it and primary, the model of the NS blackhand glitches out in third person view.
  5. Zadic

    Unable to purchase Flash Deluxe Bracer Guards. (ERROR)
  6. Ghost122557

    From time to time warping from Indar to Koltyr would cause my character to go under the map and I can't move anywhere the only fix I've found is to close the game then reopen it
  7. day ofm one

  8. Psykmoe

    Several new Cosmetics for vehicles, tagged as 'Coming Soon' are testable in VR.

    Some of these, for the Sunderer, include various head- and searchlights which do not correctly light up when turning on lights/lumifiber.

    The cosmetics with non-functional lights include:

    Sunderer Bulwark Bumper

    Sunderer Foxhound Grill

    Sunderer Journeyman Bumper.

    Especially the Journeyman replaces all 'stock' front lights on the vehicle, equipping them essentially removes the headlights functionality entirely.

    The Foxhound completely covers up the stock lights and adds its own headlight configuration, yet when toggling the lights, 4 light sources in the stock configuration appear on smooth surfaces of the bumper, while the actual light models above and below remain dark, which just looks incongruous.

    Please don't tell me that player studio items don't at least include a 'toggle lights' step in their quality control :(
  9. NCwolf84

    someone shot me at the southeast Indar warpgate and my shield had this effect for a few seconds. I tried asking the person what they hit me with but they didn't say. I had just logged in. this has nothing to do with the new sundy cloak as I haven't tested it
  10. infant99

    I was on the test server testing the new clocking system on a sundie, I thought to myself that i should try if i can clock in a flash when i'm in the bubble. It did clock me but didn't clock the flash, then i though maybe the the harasser would work when clocked, didn't clock the harasser but did clock the person sitting in the rummble seat(i haven't tried max yet). so just wondering, if the vehicles don't clock then should the infantry clock with it? Or clock the vechile all together? Also suggestion (i have not tried this, if this is implimented then ignore this) does the darklight flash torch work aganist this if a enemy shines it over the clocked sundie? It would really balance the clocking and also make the darklight useful(for once). But thanks to the person who's reading this.
  11. CodexCharash

    cloak sundy bug:

    I also tried to cloak another vehicle but of course it wasnt working, but when i got out of this vehicle (that was inside of the bubble ) also my infantry body wasn't cloaked . i have had to run out of the bubble and run in again only then i was cloaked. i thing thats not planned :)
  12. infant99

    OMG what is wrong with the NS-30 Vandal reload, oh so funny. Also the Max can clock in the rumble seat of a harasser.
  13. Gammit

    Crashed at loading PTS client once it reaches 94%.
  14. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    fixed, no need to report here. Issues like that are usally getting fixed after a few hours.

    Thanks for your reports.
    Important: There is a faster, better and easier way to report Bugs/Issues to us! - use the Daybreak community Issue tracker.
    You can report, vote, mange your and other Users bug reports on it.

  15. Gammit

    If, "by a few hours" you meant "more than 24," then yes.
  16. MrMoogleX

    Im not sure if this is a bug, but when I have landed on the side of a hill or mountain with ANY aircraft and huddle up against it to repair, the aircraft will somehow kill me. The aircraft isn't even moving an inch otherwise I would totally understand, but it doesnt move O.O
  17. JD93

    There is a problem in the VR Training with the fist spawn. When it loads at 100% and apears the level in the screen it freezes to a "PlanetSide2_x64.exe its not working".

    And because when i open the test server client it teleports me to the VR Training if i was here the last time i run it, i can't go to the other continents because the freze.
  18. Matt879

    The updated heat reduction benefit is removed from a base turret after it's destroyed and repaired again. Hacking the turret seems to reset the bug. Also, after a hacked turret has been fully destroyed and is auto-repaired back to full, it respawns as a turret belonging to the faction that owns the base, not the faction that hacked the turret. Not sure if this is intentional or not.
  19. MingcrusherForum

    /bug causes my game to crash.
    when using the t9 carv my front hand doesnt stick to the weapons shaft
  20. Lilly Noodle

    No matter what folder I try to install the test server on I always get the error of "Unable to install to documents folder". I have tried adjusting setting on folders and running the installer as Admin. Nothing works. I am on Win 10 with a SSD as my primary drive.

    It is trying to default into a folder "C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\PlanetSide 2 Test"