Pilots who bail are made of big fat fail!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CoreDave, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Rodriguez

    Joke's on you, I'm Light Assault.
  2. Teeman

    ha ha i love all the cry baby's in this game
    boo hoo hoo no xp for you
    Anything and everything you can do to limit the opposing sides xp is completely legitimate tactic and should be encouraged.
    Keep up the good work people
    • Up x 3
  3. Achmed20

    i'd rather spent my last moments on earth having a nice view while falling then instantly beeing shred in to pieces ^^
    every second count bro :D
  4. Ryloxx

    Yep, it's what all the cool kids do. I've been saying it since beta so I just stopped, SOE doesn't care and either should you. You can't blame the player, the mediocre mindset has them thinking they will look "bad" if someone gets the kill on them. Not only that, SOE has given them a free pass to do it.

    What should happen, is that no matter what they do the last person do damage the vehicle they were in gets the kill if they suicide within x amount of seconds. It's pretty basic for an FPS.

    Suicide should never be allowed to be a valid tactic in a game, just another system to feed the trolls.
  5. Marka Ragnos

    I dont think it isnt a big deal. your taking one less aircraft out of the equation. People who say AA needs buffed use the same arguement you do. I Dont Get XP. It isnt about xp or killing. its about detering for your team. try ground target if you want XP.
  6. Sith

    People can bail out of ground vehicles, people can bail out of air vehicles. This is a war for empires, not individuals. Deal with it.
  7. Freyar

    Dear OP, just deal with it.
    • Up x 1
  8. Silenuz

    Simple fact, if you don't get XP for killing other air, then no one is going to really do it. Most of the people replying to this thread are the guys on the ground getting smashed by the rocket pods and just have a chip on their shoulder about pilots in general, and too stupid to understand that without the ones killing other air, it's just going to get worse no matter how much they nerf pods.
    But you are right, might as well deal with it for now. If they don't want to change it, I enjoy the ground game almost as much, and actually get about 10x more certs.
  9. Village

    When i know there is no chance of escape, i bail out and deconstruct the aircraft.

  10. Sian

    This whole issue was addressed in PS1 by making ejection sometimes malfunction if you're over half damage, sticking you inside the plane for 5 more seconds.
  11. G1n

    I want to say:
  12. Kurreah

    It is unfortunate, but there will always be a subset of the playerbase who are unable to separate the characters from the players. By losing sight of it as a game, they view it as a grudge match and are willing to use "out-of-character" game mechanics because they try to hurt the person behind the computer rather than the sprite on the screen.

    It is the same attitude that causes people to use characters in their opponent's empire to listen in on the chat and locate sunderers for them. To them it is justified because "its war" and exploitation of game mechanics such as multiple characters or XP are acceptable because the enemy is the person that they are playing the game with, rather than the character that their character is fighting against.
  13. Freyar

    If the guy decides to jump, he decides to jump. I'm still getting 75XP for the critical assist, if not more for outright destruction. At the same time, I can shore up any losses by supporting my empire more directly if that was my concern.
  14. KI-Natas

    Bailing out should be disabled while flying a fighter or bomber.
    Only with ejection system you can bail.

    Exiting aircraft should be only able after landing.
  15. Soques

    A as long as ESF can take out my liberator with rocket pods, after I see a rocket and with no chance of escape I won't let that pilot have jack.
  16. Valkan

    Guys, if you see me bailing out of my Mosquito in the middle of a dogfight, it's not me trying to deny your victory, it's just me pressing the E key instead of the R key :(
    And trust me, when it happens, I'm the one annoyed by the situation ^^
  17. Sharpe

    lol don't worry guys - it's just the newbie pilots that bail - it's a sort of "nerdrage" reaction they get. It's quite akin to players rage quitting starcraft multiplayer when they are losing - it's pathetic, and funny at the same time.

    No matter, get the newbie on the ground with your rotary for extra humiliation points :)

    The rest of us real pilots go down with the ship and a salute to the guy who just got us.
  18. Bloodtank

    i think most people are trying to reload their guns and hit e by accident, which is a very bad default keybind
  19. Baby

    I bail every time and this thread has inspired me to make sure I bail even earlier now that I know the other guy will rage about it.

    I'm also going to get the safe landing cert so I'll survive every time. Thanks for letting me know there are people who get trolled by this.

    Edit: Also, it is possible to survive bailing by slowing down, and flying low. I've done it plenty of times and it's the reason I started bailing, denying exp was just an added perk. I also play light assault when I'm flying so I have better chance of survival since my chances of landing and repairing my aircraft are slim to none anyway.

    If anything this thread has only caused more people to decide to bail. :)
  20. CoreDave

    The funny thing is I really don't rage about it at all. I only made the post in an effort to encourage people to think before just automatically leaping out. I had no idea that some sad petty folk actually derived some kind of weird enjoyment out of it. But hey what ever floats your boat. You go ahead and bail, you just lost your ride and will have to wait for the cooldown at which point I'll be back on your tail watching leap to your death when you could of survived if you had just tried a little harder.