would like to see a bombcamera view implemented on the bottom of air vehicles it should not be that hard to add it would encourage more people to play support roles.. since looking straight out into nothingness when your are op very high is quite boring. please bumb this if you agree
if there haven´t been added actual bombbays with dropable bombs or bomblets there is no point in this camera as any bombardmeant weapon currently is a directfirecannon most of the time ... and generally manned by a second crewman .. ... so again .. what would be the point?
I want liberators to drop bombs like planetside 1 again. Not have a ROFL kill everything DALTON wiener!
They point would be that all those suffering from nose down syndrom would have another way too see and interact with their gunner!...
I got you, OP https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/ivubc9/seeing_what_your_gunner_sees_stream_integration/
I've been flying the valkyrie quite a lot lately and the inability to see downwards does get pretty annoying. I'm not sure I'd say it would be easy to add, it really depends a lot on how the vehicles are set up behind the scenes. If its possible though, yeah this would be an awesome feature.
It would be nice to be able to switch to your gunner's view, or at least a static view aligned to the center of their total viewing range.