Picture of every Camouflage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyctalgia, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Nyctalgia

    • Up x 91
  2. Nyctalgia

    Will add video tomorrow. :)
    • Up x 2
  3. Jonesitronator

    Thanks for posting this.
  4. NoDachi


    Handy **** right there
  5. Emperor

    Sir you are a king among men.
  6. Uben Qui

    Can we get this stickied?

    Great work!
    • Up x 1
  7. Pashgan

    Thanks a lot! Should be sticky.
  8. TastyBeatz

    Great post. Thanks for putting this together.
  9. SturmovikDrakon

    The Cyan on the vanu sticks out way too much I find. ruins the entire look

    Snow/white camos look great on all three empires though
  10. QuantumMechanic

    Thank you sir.
  11. Zwan

    so basically TR looks the best, VS looks "light in the loafers", NC looks like they're going to a rave, nothing like going into combat with neon camo on, really hides ya
  12. Enzo

    OP is my hero
  13. xpsyclosarinx

    You sir, are a god!

    You have saved us all many a dollar :)

    Thank you
  14. Vargs

    Wish this topic was up before I blew a bunch of SC on hideous camo. And by hideous camo I mean any camo at all since I play NC.

    Thanks though.
    • Up x 1
  15. xpsyclosarinx

    Actually also requesting sticky
  16. xpsyclosarinx

    I fully agree, the NC camos are just bad.

    TBH most of the camos are bad, they all look so washed out....
  17. Nyctalgia

    Glad you guys appreciate it, makes it worth blowing 2400 SC on this. 8)
    • Up x 5
  18. GrendelPrime

  19. HadesR

    Thankyou :) (and also adds as a bump)
  20. Jonny

    Thankyou for this. Any chance I can be cheeky and ask for MAX's too?