Phoenix is not OP, but it does job that no other weapon does.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zealluck, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. zealluck

    Imagine this situation: An enemy tank is on fire, and it’s hiding behind a hill for repair. What can TR and VS do? Nothing! Don’t bring up the AV turret, it won’t do the job without exposing yourself to enemy snipers and artilleries. But NC can simply pull out their phoenix to finish off the tank easily and safely. Corners are no longer safe for other factions.
    In contrast to Phoenix, the other two RPGs are powerful in some ways with very generic functions, which can be easily replaced with other weapons. Striker is certainly strong in some ways, but I still prefer other RPGs. First, the time it takes to lock and fire is too long for my own safety. Secondly, it won’t do me any good if I need to take out a max, or to engage tanks in close & medium range.
    As for VS, their new RPG is actually quite good against infantries, but not good enough for another 1000 certs. A regular RPG can perform almost as effectively.

    My suggestion is: there is no need to nerf it. Just give us more reward for shooting it down!
  2. rumblepit

    i really dont think you understand... they are only nerfing it against infantry......thats all..... i know you guys love to use i as a guided heavy sniper rifle but it was never intended to be used that way.... its not getting nerfed, they are fixing it because its broken.
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  3. HadesR

    It's works fine against Vehicles, that aspect of it isn't the problem
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  4. Bape

    It not broken the Dev released it and said yeh this is ok. Don't blame the NC for using what we were given deal with it bra but fyi it getting nerfed tonight and next week our maxes ;) deal with it bra.
  5. rumblepit

    lol then why are they changing it????i and didnt blame the NC, never did, i was on my NC account last night using that cheap azz weapon to score some easy kills lol.... it was never intended to be used in that fashion ,and they are fixing that issue.
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  6. zealluck

    Yeah, but it's heck lot of fun using it! One shot on people's face.
  7. zealluck

    Never said it's op, just said that it does job that no other weapons can, do you disagree on that? TR and VS are just getting something that very generic.
  8. XDDante

    Striker was never meant to be spammed yet you have entire platoons spamming all over the place!!!
  9. BlueWaffle

    All AV weapons need the damage nerfed into the ground against infantry. It's bad enough being dumb fired point blank by someone yet alone being hunted down by a camera guided missile by someone you can't shoot back at.
  10. zealluck

    Don't think that's spam, people just love to use it because it's new. It only kills vehicle that's stupid enough to stay in open ground for too long.
  11. Traska

    Strikers not meant to be spammed? Their entire purpose is to fill the sky with rockets. It IS spam. And I say this as someone who loves their Striker enough that I'm taking my desire to wed it to the Supreme Court.
  12. Czuuk

    I have to stop reading this garbage.
  13. UrMom306

    member annihilator squads? 8-10 folks using an annihilator, striker, hell any weapon for that matter and it will seem op. And also TR's faction trait involves more bullets, its a rocket launcher that fires 5 small rockets in succession, its literally made to spam rockets.
  14. FlayvorOfEvil

    Yesterday I found out that the lancer is really really good at taking out base turrets since they have no drop and a really really far range.
  15. asmodraxus

    If only one of the Empire specific rocket launchers can kill infantry with virtual impunity then is that weapon balanced against infantry? It might however be useless against vehicles due to range and speed issues, but hey it can at least kill stuff unlike the Glancer...
  16. Leo Di Caprio

    Another "situational post" brought to you by TR, way to defend your oped weapons.
  17. SenEvason

    When something is made to fire off as many projectiles as possible in a short amount of time, it's safe to say it was meant to be spammed.
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    Same, its just getting annoying. They are gonna fix damage Vs infantry so that's great news and ill use my SC on it if they dont make it useless Vs vehicles (Besides air, damage is too high).
  19. Kubor

    What kind of weird logic is that? If there was ever a weapon designed for group use, the Striker is it.

    One things is for sure, it certainly isn't for use by soloists.
  20. Emotitron

    I would rather see them just not detonate on infantry, but rather drive through them and do collision damage. They should however blow up maxes, since the Phoenix is exactly the kind of weapon that infantry needs to be given to take out AA - thus restoring the chain of prey/predator.