Phenom II users - let help SOE fix the game for our cpu's - post FPS here along with tech details.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dr_Fell, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. SGT Ace

    I got 4 GB ram ddr2/800
    Phenom I, 9550 x4 (2,2 GHz single core).
    GTX 650ti (just upgraded)

    Worked excelent before at high/ultra. Now it's ********. FPS drops as a hell, I can't shoot a thing sometimes for a 30 sec - 1 minute. Still even after hotfix it happens (but less).

    By the way, when it shows up FPS I got all the time CPU. Not even a once GPU (on GT 430 I got, but now it's gone.
  2. orthus2

    tested again on a most stablized 4ghz overclock and here are some scree shots


    edit: I also am using the preset low settings to achieve the fps
  3. ottomanhero

    Your lucky to be using NVIDIA, ATI totally dumped users that got any products below ATI radeon 5000 HD.Legacy drivers are a joke, the only changes between 12.6 and 13.2 (?) driver was minor bug fixes and CCC theme change.

    NVIDIA even supports users thats using graphic adapters released in 2004.
  4. Meh.

    AMD Phenom II X6 1075T 3,5GHz OC
    8GB DDR3 Ram
    GTX PNY 250 OC

    Before the patch:

    - Warpgate: 50-60 FPS.
    - Large Battle: 25-35 FPS.
    - FPS degradation over time.

    After the patch:

    - Warpgate 50-60 FPS.
    - Large Battle: 35 FPS.
    - Huge stutters Randomly.
    - Sometimes large clusters of FPS drops from 50-20 over and over. They start without a reason and stop without any reason. Can be standing still watching a wall and it happens.
  5. dr_Fell

    orthus, You are GPU limited on every of those screens. That explains Your FPS being lower than mine, despite higher CPU clock. In that case lowering some settings that make use of the GPU should give You performance boost.
  6. Finious

    Almost identical set up as the OP here but with 8gig RAM.
    And I too cant hardly play the game at all. Sorry I don't have FPS specs for you. I'm too annoyed atm to log back in and get the numbers.
  7. MaelstromSOB

    poor cpu usage has nothing to do with either the has to do with the halfwit who chose dx9 instead of dx11 to build on.

    dx11 has vastly superior mult core performance....and they knew that....blame who should be blamed the dev team
  8. dr_Fell

    Please, try to limit Your post to informations that will be eventually helpful to SOE devs. We have so many hate threads here already...
  9. Carl 99

    Just to repeat myself from another thread:

    Intresting peice of info for everyone. I was out and about a minute ago trying to pull a long flank, got myself all setup to pick off people running towards the fight and as soon as i turned towards the fight, huge lag, turn away FPS shoots back to decent values. Even though i couldn't see anyone on my team shooting, (ridge in the way), merely beign pointed in their direct was causing FPS drops on par with being able to see every shot and muzzle flash. .

    CPU limited BTW.
  10. Vanu Superiority


    Performance before patch:

    40-100 FPS with nothing going on, 30-40 in moderate battles, minimum 20 in large battles (pull 25+ 99% of the time)

    CPU limited 99.9% of the time

    Performance after patch:

    FPS similar, but there are A LOT of dips down to 10-15 in even moderate combat. FPS highly inconsistent

    CPU limited 99.9% of the time

    OS: Windows 7 64 bit
    CPU: Phenom II X4 965 (everything stock, so I'm gonna skip specifics since it's gibberish to me)
    clock: 3.4 GHz
    %cpu usage: 50%?

    RAM: 4 GB 1600 MHz

    GPU: GTX 580 (stock)


  11. t0rment0r

    Bear in mind that your hw tech is at least 4-5 years old, what do you expect devs to do? Rich and detailed environment is processing expensive. I suggest that you change GraphicsQuality, LightningQuality, EffectsQuality down to Low/Medium, turn MotionBlur off, decrease render distance and your game-play will be smoother. What you may end up with, is a limit that will be built into the game, which would not allow high settings below certain hardware specs to be set (not what we really want).

    I'm still on Z77SB MB, with i7 2600k 3.4G with TB to 4.3G non-OC'd, and 16GB DDR3 2000MHz XMS2 mem, and consider that an old tech, but have no problems with FPS on highest settings.

    Remember that Intel CPUs can provide more performance per GHz than AMD ones, this is well known fact. I always had performance issues in CPU intensive applications, i.e. MS FSX, and not so much anymore, since upgrade to Intel.

    Upgrade you stuff man.
  12. Vikarius

    MY specs:

    FX-8350 OC@ 4.8 Ghz Stable 2600 / 2800 (NB Freq / HTT link)
    G skill sniper 8gb 1866 Ram 8-9-8-24
    2x 2gb 6970s Crossfire - AFR friendly and RadeonPro RenderAhead = 2
    All preset High settings and render distance in the .ini set to 2000
    Vsync on an limited to 58

    Before Patch:

    FPS capped (58-60) anywhere but medium to large battles.
    Fps would sometimes dive to 50 when turning the camera to face a base (even if empty).
    FPS drops to 35-45 in medium to large battles

    After Patch:
    Same as before patch except...
    Stuttering AND micro stuttering....
    I had micro stuttering before I started using AFR friendly and now the patch has even broken that it seems.
  13. dr_Fell

    Did You read posts before Yours ? I know that Intel CPUs provide more performance and I have written that some posts above. As for Your advices to change Graphics Quality - settings that I have maxed out use none or very little CPU. Being CPU bound I don't see difference in FPS between high and low settings, so I am wondering if You know what are You talking about, or if You just wanted to "say anything".
  14. LibertyRevolution



    Screenshot in amp station:

    If I run ultra config I get 20-30fps, but I have easier time killing people using my settings at 70fps.

    I too am having that random stutter frame drop as of the hotfix..
  15. dr_Fell

    You have 70 FPS at Amp Station with settings You posted ? During battles ? What server do You play on, is it crowded ? And last question - what mem clock do You have ? 1600 ?

    EDIT: just tried Your settings. Initially I was surprised, I hit over 90 FPS (GPU bound) in non crowded area. Then in Ti Alloys (crowded) it went down to 35 and even less (CPU limited), so no success for me here. I am wondering where the secret is, because even considering that the game scales well with more than 4 cores (what is not true at all) Your processor is at most 40% faster than mine, and core to core performance is lower. And memory shouldn't give as much performance boost.
    Also, I can't see any enemy near You on the Amp Station screenshot. How many FPS do You have there when crowded ? Still 70 ?
  16. Otulien

    And what if my text is green, and there is no CPU or GPU beside it?
  17. Eric Smith

    I had a Phenom 9950 (2.6Ghz) on a DDR2 system and got unplayable FPS with it. I upgraded to my current Phenom II 955 3.2Ghz and still got horrible framerates. I then upgraded to a DDR3 motherboard and what a difference that made, I got playable framerates. After doing some overclocking on the new MB I got my speed up to 4.0Ghz and was able to get it up to acceptable framerates (something like 20-30fps in big battles). It made a world of difference for me going from DDR2 to DDR3.
  18. dr_Fell

    Could You post what is Your ddr3 memory frequency and timings ? What server do You play on ? Do You have shadows on or off ? I am getting (or rather I was before last update) no less than 35FPS during heavy Crown battles and usually more than 30 FPS during Amp Station battles. I doubt I would go as low as 20 FPS even after shadows on low (I have turned shadows off, big performance boost). I am playing on Lithcorp, what is mid - populated.

    I have never seen such a situation so I can't say...
  19. Eric Smith

    My DDR2 RAM had 4-4-4-12 timing. My DDR3 has 9-9-9-24. I've never gotten much above 30fps in combat, and it usually hovers more around the mid 20's during heavy combat. Usually run at 1080p on straight Medium settings with Fog Shadows turned off, Shadow quality on Medium, and V-Sync turned on (have to or I get bad clipping). I've got a pair of GeForce GTX 260's for my video, but I'm consistently CPU bound. As for server, I'm in New York, and I play on Matherson almost exclusively; Matherson has a pretty consistant mid-population in the evenings.

    After the Update 2 I've been bottoming out around 18-20fps in heavy battles, though that seems to have improved with the hotfix. I need to test it more in heavy fighting.
  20. dr_Fell

    Thanks a lot.

    I have just checked, and standing in the similar place as You, looking in the similar direction gives me also quite high FPS. Depending on where I exactly standing and looking it's 55 CPU bound up to 70 GPU bound. Situation where my FPS in Amp Stations drop to 30 FPS are, when I am at the middle of crowded Amp Station or when I am closing to the middle and looking at the middle of a crowded facility.

    Outside facilities I can go as high as 100 FPS GPU bound with my current test settings (similar to those that LibertyRevolution posted). But during battles there is no change. Still closer to 30 FPS.