Phaseshift - without f ? :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeC0bretti, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. MikeC0bretti

    Hello, just want to add a suggestion to this very " special " gun :) I bought it today for 1000 certs, I knew it was crap before, they changed it...I hoped it to be something better, it is not. Fun factor is high, but the gun is very challenging. I would like the devs add a x4 or x3.4 optic on this gun. Even on x6 optics after every shot the center of your hud goes to heaven, which is quite annoying. Is it worth 1000 certs ? NO. Is this weapon quite fun ? Well..yes and no. Do not buy this before trialing. I did, because I have nothing else to buy :)
  2. pnkdth

    I like it and I am glad I spent the certs on this weapon since the change. Previously it was a toy with ES flavor, now you can master it and not be limited by charge up or the unnatural feeling when firing it. Still the jack of all trades though and teaches bad snipers good habits such as not remaining the same spot firing(cause that's how you get counter-sniped).

    Well done, DGB, for keeping the ES feel of the weapon and not turning it to yet another BASR(having 3 of them was enough...).
  3. breeje

    i would like to have access to all the scopes for every sniper rifle
  4. Okjoek

    I agree 110% that the Phaseshift and even the Railjack should have acess to the 1-4x magnification optics to be fair alongside the TRAP.
  5. LaughingDead

    Now that would be a neat change.
  6. MonnyMoony

    I tried it before the change and hated the charge mechanic. Tried it after the latest patch and thought it was much better so bought it.

    I have been having loads of fun with it over the past couple of days. There are a couple of minor niggles:
    • I wish the BASR and Semi-Auto crosshairs were swapped around. They don't seem to fit the modes.
    • The barrel kick back in BASR mode could be a little less extreme
    But I can live with both of these things :)

    Here is hoping the Spiker gets similar treatment very soon.
  7. FieldMarshall

    I only have 1 problem with it. The extreme recoil in BASR mode.

    Normally to learn the velocity/lead distance of a moving target, i take a shot, see where the bullet goes and compensate.
    After a while, i get more comfortable and start missing less.
    But on the Phaseshift the recoil/kick after shooting is so huge that you cant see anything until its too late to gather any meaningful information on your shot.
    It also has a really slow velocity, which makes the recoil problem even worse.

    I assume the recoil is so that its harder to quicky double-bodyshot a target in BASR mode.
    But in my opinion, they should instead lower its BASR ROF (to something balanced) and remove the recoil in BASR mode completely.

    All in all, i think its a really fun weapon now. Its versatile and fits the VS really well.
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