People saying NC have the "best" infantry - are they insane?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ghoest, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Frosty The Pyro

    the velocity difference is quite small, ~25 m/s IIRC, which will cause about 0.045 extra seconds to reach targets at 150m. slugs also have greater drop than most other guns. There is room for preference of course, though the vast majority of folks I have spoken to who use slugs have prefered the vanu varitiety.
  2. SinerAthin

    NC weapons are pretty baws.

    Their Default SAW LMG is AMAZING, easily better than any VS LMG at medium to long range. It kills people before they even notice what's going on.
    Put it in the hands of an experienced marksman and woe betide anyone who walks within 200 meters.

    And in CQC, it does not matter because every faction uses instagib Shotguns.
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  3. Beartornado

    Are you talking about the shotguns that everyone can use?

    You mean the Automatic Shotguns and Pump Action shotguns that are superior to our Faction Specific Jackhammer? Even though we have the Jackhammer because we are supposed to be the CQC kings?

    You must also be thinking of the Scattercannons on our MAX suits, which will no longer be the only CQC MAX weapon when flamethrowers come out, effectively making the VS and TR MAX units effective with ranged AI weapons and CQC AI weapons. NC May have slugs but I don't recall seeing TR or VS attempt to lay down suppressing fire with slugs.

    There's only a handful of things that are Empire-Specific anymore, and its pathetic that SOE ever listened to the kiddos and allowed things that should've been our niche to own spill over into the other factions.
  4. xGreedFuSioN

    Higby plays NC. I don't think any of them play VS. >~> Id just like to point that out.
  5. -Zlodey-

    I have NC alt too.
    And you know what? With latest changes, NC guns became automatic sniper rifles - they have best damage, they accurate, and they even have less recoil than TR guns.
    The best TR machinegun, TMG-50, is piece of ****, if you compare it even with default Gauss SAW. Gauss SAW just better in any way.
    And today, NC got sniper rocket. BTW, its not bad aganist vehicles too - my Sunderer, which I deployed behind hill with big crowd of allied infantry on top, get destroyed in second - NC infantry destroyed it behind cover with little effort, staying behind cover itself.
    After that, I get sniped by Phoenix 5 times in different battle situations.
    I seen today situations, where massive infantry attacks failed under Phoenix spam.
    So, NC`s infantry bad? You are joking me? They have best infantry guns at the moment!
    Must I mention ScatMAX too?

    Just look at choice of 4th Empire - look at online numbers today. NC got the most.

    BTW, you can shoot Phoenix while staying behind spawn shields (*hint*).
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  6. Diamond Sword

    Every dev I've seen uses NC avatars in the various places I see them (Here, Twitter, Reddit, etc). If they are playing as VS, they sure don't show their support of the faction.
  7. Baracuda

    Why are you all ******* complaining about other factions? Believe it or not, a MAJORITY of the guns are either EXACTLY THE SAME across factions (rocket launchers, shotguns, and some random guns). Right now, there are just a small handful of weapons that are not balanced what so ever in this game (TX1 Repeater, Reaver, frontal armor on Magrider, the Jackhammer)

    Pistols are mainly for close quarters, TR get an almost full auto pistol that is comparable to a pocket SMG.

    The Reaver may have the highest damaging weapons on any ESF, but they have no armor difference from other ESFs, the largest hitbox, and are the slowest of the ESFs (also for a good time, a stock Liberator was actually FASTER than a stock Reaver)

    The Magrider still has a pretty hefty frontal armor. Its a floating tank with afterburners, its incredible maneuverability so it should also balance out towards its armor being much weaker. Being in a Magrider and getting shot at by rockets is almost laughable since I can just fly about almost either evading them or just watch them almost bounce off my hull.

    Where to begin with the jackhammer... well its the equivalent of pepper spray. You can scare someone with it, but anyone competent will just laugh and then proceed to absolutely murder the operator. This shotgun should be atleast on par with the auto-shotguns, but its not. In fact it is constantly outperformed by semi-auto shotguns and pump shotguns.
  8. Locke

    It's always a case of the grass is greener it seems. When NC players go to VS they look at the amazing reflex scope, the lack of bullet drop, the lower recoil, faster reloads and lower bloom and cry foul. When VS players come to NC they look at the higher bullet damage and wider range of attachments (unless they pick up the EM1 in which case they probably just lol).

    Using the example of the starting LMGs which seems to be the baseline for most people I would say the VS Orion is an amazing gun for the following reasons:

    • The highest speed movement multiplier when ADSing of any LMG in it's DPS range
    • A reflex scope with no boxing at all for maximum situational awareness
    • No bullet drop
    • The joint highest DPS of any LMG at close to medium range
    • The joint lowest bloom of any LMG
    • The fastest "quick" reload of any LMG

    Of course it has weaknesses also the main ones being it's low mag size, lack of attachment options & fairly weak damage per bullet at range but it's a very nice weapon and still a gun I would love to have access to on my NC.
  9. Vendettta

    Tell that to the countless scat/hacksaw maxes. rofl
  10. MurderBunneh

    Tell that to the countless Mercy Maxes ROFL
    Tell that to the PAS users ROFL Underbarrel GL ROFL Prox mines ROFL Auto shotties ROFL etc etc etc.
  11. DramaticExit

    The only worthwhile thing in this post is the :eek:
  12. Vendettta

    Yeah difference is the hacksaw max can kill a mercy max in 3 seconds.
  13. MurderBunneh

    Unless the mercy is 10m away...ya they are called AI not AM for a reason. Both kill infantry that run in front of them in a heartbeat that is their job description. Why is it that you kids a complain that the scat kills at cqb so fast and ignore the Mercies awesome mid range killing power? But then in the same breath complain all day about the ranged advantage that a SAW has?
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  14. vanu123

    You guys do have one of the best ESFs, not to mention your hacksaws make it next to impossible to capture a biolab, also for snipers I always get sniped by the NC-14 bolt or whatever it is called. Not to mention you have the strongest tank in the game considering that the VS one has no armor, no weapons that can take out a MBT effectively (even our armor piercing rounds take 3-4 shots) whereas if you hit us 2 times we are dead, and no speed advantage. Although the TR pistol is good, it is not the main weapon that they use.
  15. sigur

    Everything you said in your post is right but please, let's stop this "no bullet drop" myth. Thi faction trait means _nothing_, infantry fights take place in such short distances that nobody has bullet drop.

    Bullet drop only count for sniping, and we have that.

    I won't add anything about the infantry balance, i have a VS br34 and NC br 36 and i don't feel any significant difference. When I die it's not because the other man has a better gun, but because he had better aim/situational awareness/luck. Sometimes you drop them, sometimes they drop you: better luck next respawn
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  16. MurderBunneh

    No bullet drop means running with suppressors has no disadvantage. Running suppressor allows you to kill many more people without being noticed. When I run it on my NC Lmg after 60m I am basically dropping bullets on people instead of shooting directly at them.
  17. gunfox

    The NC MAX. Seriously, there is no base in the game where the capture point is not inside a building or a narrow yard. Your MAX renders attackers to ground meat.

    Pistol differences? Laughable. Miniscule ESF differences? Are you trying to troll me?
    Your MAX is what breaks the game, its impact is enormous.

    Besides, your stock LMG is a full-auto sniper rifle, but that doesn't change much.
    It's the MAX that counts. The TR and VS don't have a MAX worth pulling.
    If any faction is OP atm, it's the NC with no doubt.
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  18. supernauttt

    Im glad everyone else sees what a fool this guy is LMAO funniest posts ive read in awhile....if u cant do good and beat most NC in CQC or long range then you friend must be playing with one arm and be half blind, your weapons are some of the easiest to use and some of the most effective weapons in the whole game, specially at range even over the TR kinda...I suggest you practice a little more before putting out what is clearly totally false information as 99% of the game pop disagrees with you lol, so get off the forums and hit the VR shooting range lol
  19. Ghoest

    If you want to whine about the MAX - Im not going to argue.

    On the other hand the SAW works but its nothing better than the other LMGs. Its definetly not a sniper rifle.
  20. Antivide

    Concussion grenades.

    Oh wait no, you want to solo an angry person inside a mechsuit with dual triple barreled shotguns.


    Oh wait.

    Concussion grenades.

    Let's give TR and VS everything NC has, while keeping NC the way they are. Look at my Reaver! You can have it. I'll take the Mosquito. I'll gladly trade my Scattermax for your Mosquito.