Does anyone else feel that the worst time to play Planetside2 is at peak times because of all the massive battles? Although I do see the good things about playing at peak time some aspects of the game become almost obsolete such as air vehicles, skill starts to play a smaller and smaller role for infantry and vehicles lose their ability to solo unless camping on a distant hill. For me the golden times are just before and just after the peak times when lots of medium sized battles are going on, where there's lots of players in the area but one player can still make a difference. I understand PS is a team game but lets be honest, what really happens is a lot of people play alone, together. Just curious to hear Forumside's opinions.
I would rather there be 24v24 battles across 4-5 places on the front line than two 48v2 and two 3v48 ghostzergs.
You can always find a smaller fight if you don't want to join the 48+ zergfests on Indar choke points.
You are in a game that whose main selling point is massive battles on a epic scale and you are complaining about massive battles.....
Or the more likely situation of one or two 48+vs48+ battles that are going on. It's not the big battles that are really the issue more how compact they are...
TB pretty much says what I feel at 7:50 Admittedly you can have those moments where you feel special, like I remember an occasion where I flew in to check out a base and saved a squad from a small convoy who apparently had no AA and many cheers were had for my lady lib, but overall I see myself as just another gear in the machine. I go where I'm needed and I try to do what's needed. Personally, and I do mean personally as in this is only an opinion, I feel that those who try to act the hero tend to do more harm for their side than good because they don't want to work with others, they want to stand out. Again, I must reiterate that is only my opinion and not fact in any way.
I love prime time on the rare occasion that my outfit decides to play planetside 2. I hate it otherwise. It's always ghost cap galore and none of the giant public platoons seem to have any idea just how much manpower they're wasting on the most menial of tasks. It's painful to watch.
i disagree completely. the reason i play this game is because of the epic and frantic mass battles. everything from 24vs24 to +48vs+48 is usually phenomenal unless there's heavy spawntrapping involved also, if i wanted to fight smallish battles on mid-sized maps, i'd go play battlefield4. for smaller skirmishes, it actually offers a better experience than planetside2 (imo)
I enjoyed skirmishes for a while but they will get shut down by air pretty hard if you let it happen. Nowadays I prefer the huge 48+ vs 48+ battles. Preferably in a tower. Though not Crossroads or Crown. They suck. I tend to avoid bio labs as I can't stand MAXs. To fight against or along side. I really despise that class. Amp stations are mess unless you have an organised platoon doing a Gate Shield Diffuser rush and the Gate Shield Diffuser actually works. No end of times 2 buses get in and 2 get stuck outside. Freyr is a complete mess now. Capture a point with an infiltrator, redeploy the platoon onto that capture point and hold it. Dumb place. Tech plants are hilarious fun with 48+ battles. Skybox definitely adds to the dynamic of this place and multiple points of entry + multiple points of exit for defenders really make tech plants fun to fight at and defend. Tech plants are probably the most solid and well designed places that fully incorporates combined arms in a spectacular manner. It all just works in these bases. But yeah, 48+ fights all the way, preferably towers or tech plants. Love me that double tower base on Esamir. Esamir Munitions? Hilarious fun to be had there.