PC v. PS4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tumdaydar, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. Tumdaydar

    Why is the PC version of the so hit and miss when it comes to just play compared to the ps4 version? If you play ps4 the game is consistint all the time but the pc is not and fluxuats a lot. Why is the ps4 so differnt when it comes to the begining of the game? When on pc you have the ability to use all classes and airplains and the veleculs but if you play on ps4 you can get everything only buy the time you get to like level 30 why the big differance? On the pc i can choce a option were if i stealth i can still fire my gun and unstealth but on ps4 i dont have the option at all why? This is just the start of questions i have compared to the 2 versions and i do not see them talked about at all.
  2. AllRoundGoodGuy

    • Up x 4
  3. FateJH

    We did sorta talk about them, mainly when the PS4 version was first released and then when it was being tuned; but, eventually we realized how meaningless such argument was. Rationalizing that they are independent games with the same skin is enough.
  4. Tumdaydar

    I am just curius as the the real answeres from the devs to see were they stand and if they want to change it. Just pointing facts that some of the stuff in ps4 is way better but over all pc is way better i just want to know truly why that is?
  5. Blam320

    Because the PS4 port of PlanetSide was something Sony Online Entertainment wanted to do at the very last minute before they sold off their online gaming divisions. I think they thought if they brought in more Console-only players, they'd find a new source of revenue. When all it really did was cause people who had PCs to play PlanetSide to migrate to PS4 for good, since for some odd reason or other they prefer the console platform to PC.

    Otherwise, it's just a waste of resources. The crowd that plays PS2 on PC is far larger than the group that plays on PS4, so it's just more profitable to cater to the PC playerbase than it is to cater to the PS4 playerbase. That's partly also why updates have been so slow to get to PS4; there's also a whole lot of trouble developers need to go through to prep their code for the port from PC to console. Often it's more trouble than its worth, especially for a relatively small company like DBG.
  6. Twin Suns

    I've played both and the PC is by far the best. The PC gets fresh updates while the PS4 gets nothing. Look at the last time the PS4 had a update. LMAO. Take for example that 4th of July event recently, PC got it PS4 didn't.

    Also, among other things:

    The console version doesn't even count all you're kills properly.
    It will tell you it's 48vs48 but that's a lie. There's no 48 allies anywhere. More like 7 people.
    Some directives don't work or have never worked.
    Blue screens for days.
    No region lock so those high pingerz always dominate and the people with good connections get punished.
    Infiltrators cloak still makes no sound.
    The lightning tank is undriveable. Seriously!
    Revives don't work properly. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
    Join combat doesn't work properly. Try again later...LMAO

    I could go on and on but I'll spare you that wall of text. ;)

  7. Tumdaydar

    All i will say is the netcode on ps4 is miles better then the pc version witch is sad playing on pc and ps4 the netcode on pc is the bigest issue i have
  8. Commandoo

    Ps4 have less people and less battles going on. At night you can be sitting around lost fighting 1 or 2 people on ceres. so bad that you fight a post over and over by shooting the hell out of it. Gets to a stage where you are waiting for the continent to get wiped just shooting random objects waiting for free certs. The other sever for E.U is a server that has high ping. Well it's not actually for EU but has more people, high ping is bad so unless you are planetside Jesus with best connections across the globe you can't play on it. But that has 1000 people on the whole map. Ceres does not and has 100 people max at peak times. This makes for epic 1 against 5 fights and 6 against 20. You are lucky if you get 100 against 100 battles. Getting directives done is a challenge also because there is nobody online most of the time.

    To be honest the games on ps4 ceres is a bore and everyone just ends up shooting each other. although servers are not dead. Might as well be.