PC Upgrade ( CPU OR GPU ) ?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by maknusdave, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. maknusdave

    hi my spec is

    6870 at 1440x900
    4gb ddr3
    phenom II X4 955
    HDD 7200rpm

    i can only spend 400$ so i don`t know if change my gpu or cpu

    1- i5 3570k + z77 MB + SSD

    2- gtx 660 + 24 lcd

    3 - gtx 660ti + SSD

    o_O help ...
  2. Darkfire255

    I think going with option 1 would make Planetside 2 much more playable, then later on you can get some more RAM and maybe a better GPU :)

    That's what I would do anyway :)
  3. h2oluver

    I would go with option one. I also had a Phenom II setup, although I had DDR2 and a 4870. I recently upgraded to a 3570 , z77 board, DDR 3 RAM, and a SSD. Made a nice difference in the game. The SSD, made loading instant. If you get the 3570k its multipliers are unlocked and you can over clock it further to help frames. I also upgraded my gpu, but as you can see the one I was using was pretty old.
  4. Traciatim2

    I have a 965BE and a 3570k sitting side by side... the 965be uses a 6870 and the 3570k a 7850. The AMD machine is simply destroyed in pretty much every game I play.
  5. Kyuu

    Can you just post your whole PC specs?
    Honestly, you could save up a bit more money and completely rebuild yourself a pretty decent budget gaming rig.
  6. TeknoBug

    RAM definitely, with my spare PC I took with me I recently swapped out my Phenom II X4 955 for the X6 1090T I took out of my main system when I threw in the 8320 and it plays the game well but you need to overclock it with a decent heatsink, and that video card is still actually good. I'm playing PS2 with a 5770 but I bought a 7850 today.

    I said ram because between the 2 systems I've been playing with with identical specs before I upgraded, one had 4GB and one had 8GB and the game ran smoother on 8GB and didn't take as long to load.

    But I'd go with the i5 3570K and I've been considering that myself, I used an i5 2500 and it was good but I've been with AMD for too long.
  7. Believer

    I would suggest simply tossing the 4GB and getting 2 new FAST 4GB sticks, you may be surprised what your phenom can do with it, since you didn't state the details of your existing ram, I assume its value class, corsair dominator or xms would be a reasonable starting point for shopping it. If still not happy you can surely take that ram with you into a new system.

    In the mean time why not try editing your UserOptions.ini with these settings, I have a similar system and this helped for mysterious reason. The ones marked [***] are probably the only ones to change, and do remove the [ stuff ]

    GraphicsQuality=4 [***]
    TextureQuality= 4 [***]
    ShadowQuality=1 [ *this one I have yet to test higher settings, shadows look fine to me here anyway ]
    Gamma=0.330000 [ *personal preference ]
    LightingQuality=4 [***]
    FogShadowsEnable=0 [***]
    EffectsQuality=4 [***]
    TerrainQuality=4 [***]
    FloraQuality=4 [***]
    ModelQuality=4 [***]
    ParticleLOD=4 [***]
    MotionBlur=0 [***]
    VerticalFOV=47 [ *this is just because I play on a 42" screen ]
    AO=0 [***]
  8. Daswen

    Go for CPU/RAM, i upgraded from E8500 / 4G RAM to 3570k/8G RAM and i got nice improvement. You will need a nice GPU to run this game on high settings anyway, but if your CPU is bottlenecking, your fps will be terrible.

    So go for CPU/RAM :)
  9. Kyuu

    inb4 his PSU prevents any of this
  10. Lord Gentlecrab


    This game hates AMD. I had same CPU you do now, was gettin 15 fps. Upgraded only the CPU to i5 3570K, now getting 50 fps.
  11. Crazedmonk86

    Get the 3570k , mobo and ssd if you can man. the 6870 is fine for this game on mid/high settings at your resolution easily. Ive got a 6770 backup card and its MUCH worse and its in a 3570k system and runs PS2 at 1920x1080 on medium without any issues.
  12. Beltway

    Before you jump the gun. Look at your fps and see what's bottle necking your system, I'd rather have my GPU bottle neck than my CPU. If its the CPU there's not much you can do to increase performance except change the CPU. I had a small step up from what you have and can play on ultra with no frame rate issues.
  13. Xyberviri

    The game does not hate AMD

    I just upgraded my system to the specs in my signature.

    i had a Q6700 which is 2.6x4 @1066mhz with ddr2 ram and a AMD HD 5830 1GB, i upgraded my video card first to a HD 7830 2GB and i got a hugh boost but i was still getting low FPS bombs in big battles.

    I then upgraded from the above cpu to a amd FX 8350 (4.0x8) and 16gb of ram from 8 gb of ram and im at a solid 60fps out side of terminals with everything on high and my render distance at 1000.

    i would have though the cpu would have been a better choice if i was in a either or situation, the total upgrade was about 650.00 with blackfriday/monday specials on newegg. (cpu+ram+mobo+video card+cpu cooler)
  14. maknusdave

    my ram is 2x2 corsair ddr3 1600mhz and i will buy another 2x2 ( total 8gb )

    OCZ PRO 600W
    MB ASUS 870
    PHENOM II X4 955 @ 3.971 + 212 COOLER MASTER
    4GB CORSAIR (2X2) DDR3 1600
    AMD 6870 1GB
    500GB SATA3 7200RPM
    LG LCD 19"

    i will buy with amazon, i can only spend 400$ so i don`t know if buy a 115$ MB + SSD or 140-160$ MB without any SSD :/
    worth buy an i5 3570k or i5 3450?

  15. Believer

    The ram I suggested is 2000MHz, and there is faster than that available depending on your motherboard.
  16. TeknoBug

    The Phenom II's are still very capable CPU's and still plays PS2. The Phenom II's supposedly supports up to 1600MHz DDR3, you'd have to go FX or APU to for 1866-2400MHz ram.

    Maknusdave, don't worry about the SSD right away, wait for sales which you should've grabbed one during black friday, 240GB SSD's were selling for $160! Get the i5 3570K, motherboard and some more ram and a good CPU cooler to go with that so you can OC it a bit.
  17. maknusdave

    with 2x2 corsair ddr3 1600 more is fine? (4x2gb=8gb total ) im okay with this config??

    thanks for all repplys
  18. Yohanu

    CPU no doubt. Mate was on a 2 generations old i7 with an AMD 7770, i whipped this package up for him, boosted performance very well.

    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/934145/rowanrig.png (The case was just an extra since his was broken)

    Before: 30fps idle, 15fps in heavy combat
    Now: 70fps idle, 50fps in heavy combat

    Those are averages obviously.
  19. LordMondando

    Wait for optimization.


    There also statements from dev's about similar set ups being a particular test configuration.

    If you want to upgrade anyway, fine... your CPU and gfx are perfectly fine to be honest. Least you want to really jump up massively and start moving into water cooled oc'ed i7 and sli/crossfire set ups seems unnecessary.

    but if your upgrading so you can get 10-20fps more in planetside 2.

    Simply not a good idea.