Paying members need to still have queue priority!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Your Future Ex, May 3, 2013.

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  1. Hemi

    I decided to sub last week and now this happens??? I was so relived that I didn't have to wait anymore in those damn queue's, now they are just as long again. Great... It's also a tad stupid since the queue time doesn't benefit anyone atm. Can we at least get some compensation???
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  2. Silkensmooth

    I agree with you 100% I'm a member and i think its bs that im paying for what other people are getting free.

    This crap about its only going to people who spent money? Guess what us members buy guns too, AND AND AND we pay 15$ a month every month which keeps the game running. I dont even need certs. I have everything i want certed out. I'm paying for 2 reasons, 1) to have priority in queues and 2) to support a game i enjoy playing.

    This is a slap in the face. At the very least we members should get the free month too. What should really happen is that we should get the free month and we get a higher tier priority than honorary members for a month get.
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  3. Malsvir Vishe

    Soooo, I don't deserve sharing priority in the queue despite supporting the game just as much as other people without having had a subscription? Quit the self entitlement. You act like people with subs are the only paying members.
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  4. Seron

    When you buy something in the SC store, u expect to get it to full extend? Or when u buy that new weapon u find it normally that on day X (or in our case, month X), all the stats of the gun decrease by a certain percentage?

    Priority queue is not a priority queu if you asign allmost everyone the same priority. When we bought the subs we bought a priority queu. This month we're not getting that.

    And i spend money on the SC store too, and when i click on something, i know what im buying and what i should be getting. Soo, noo u shouldn't shar the same queu as that would make that queu not a priority queu anymore. now if there would be a sub level (like premium - fremium - normal queu) I would applaud this very much.
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  5. PhiladelphiaCollins

    This would be poignant if it didn't assume that members don't buy SC as well.

    I got a cool idea, you give me $70 up front and I will give you nothing. Instead I'll give something to someone who might have paid $5 for a camo over a month ago.
  6. Patrician

    Not really as all the new freebie "copper" members are distorting the queues and making wait times much longer than they normally are.
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  7. NinjaTurtle

    Is the camo for keeps or just until the free membership ends?

    I am in agreement though that paying member should have priority over free members... myself being as free member.
  8. PhiladelphiaCollins

    I'll trade that ugly **** back if I can pick $15 worth of Camo for myself.
  9. Phrygen

    the loyal soldier package was only given to alpha squad users and players that were already members.

    its not a big deal.
  10. Jalek

    It's unlocked, they have enough trouble relocking previews, I'm sure they wouldn't want to try relocking all those camos.
    The three additional character slots are also available when your sub runs out, if you create them while the sub is active.
  11. PhiladelphiaCollins goes much further than that.
  12. Seron

    +members that bought anything in sc prior to april, i assume the one time use camos which could be bought with the free SC u got when logging free realms or such also count.
  13. Gary

    Agreed its no longer a priority if it is given to people for free.. I know a couple of people who have gotten it without buying Alpha Squad or Membership
  14. Ostekake

    Its actually covered by laws - in all of Europe - so SOE needs to wake up and be careful where they place their feet.
    They might find themselves in a heap of trouble very fast, just like M$, Apple and others.
    Consumer laws are VERY strong in most European countries and it DOES NOT MATTER what Sony tries to put down as conditions in the EULA or whatever. Sony is Sony - and represented (and by that under those same laws) in most of Europe, and can be fined or sanctioned in any country.
    There are also pan European consumer rights as far as i know ?

    Another thing..
    Thinking that virtual currency is some kind of excuse for doing what you want is also quite dodgy.
    Especially with the latest focus on Bitcoin - making most courts and consumer authorities very aware of how virtual currency needs to be treated.
  15. Neopopulas

    Giving out the membership benefits isn't a bad idea to give people an idea of what they are missing. However, i think a whole month is too much, a week or two would probably have been more appropriate.

    I assume they also get the free 500 SC at the end of the month as well?
  16. Seron

    the 500 sc is only for ppl with an ACTIVE recurring subscription plan. even if you have an active sub without the recurring payment thing, u won't get the 500 sc per month
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  17. NinjaTurtle

    They should have either given you the month for free or stacked the benefits.

    SOE have made another good decision but shot themselves at the same time.

    It makes sense for them to offer these rewards to people who have supported the game by buying SC.

    They need to however ensure that those who have bought SC but ALSO a membership still have more perks.

    This is basically a good promotion for them, more people will sub now once they have gotten used to the benefits
  18. Patrician

    Not all, in fact it shows that you have no idea of how badly SOE have shafted paying payers over this. When you buy your macha frappuccino you make a one off purchase for a one off item; once you've handed over your money that's it. A much more applicable scenario would have been you as a regular, lolyal, daily customer paying your £3.00 for your mocha frappuccino and then the next person getting theirs for free from the proprietors in the hope that he person getting the free one would become a regular, loyal customer. How would you feel about that?
  19. Patrician

    I doubt very much that you have supported the game as much as somebody that has been paying a subscription fee since launch. Remember, you cannot assume that active members (those with an active subscription) do not also buy SC because we do.
  20. TotalNoob

    Should have called it 'The kick in the nuts to the loyal members because we just want to try and make another quick buck' bonus.

    Anyone paying subscription who feels this is exceptable is a sock puppet dev post or simple fanboi.
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