Just a few things tonight: More tweaks to Hossin A few bug fixes regarding Continent Locking Outfit Recruitment refinement Various bug fixes
I don't suppose we'll find out anything new about how the outfit recruitment will function, or how far away the ES pistol development is from being ready for PTS?
Any buffs to compensate the magrider giving up its stability and some of its maneuverability advantage?
Really? In which wolrd magrider needs a buff? Most of the vanu players are just to stupid to use it properly. BTW: gun stability and maybe upcoming speed adjustments are necassary since alpha. Its more a bugfix then a buff. But all you can is QQ forumside ...
Somehow, same stupid Vanu are perfectly fine in Vanguard on their NC alt. Looks like being stupid doesn't cause any problem when you play NC.
The advantages that the mag had shouldn't be "advantages". They were things that should be standard on all tanks. And yes, I think the magrider should get some buffs to compensate.
Come on now we all know that the turret stabilization was done for PS4. Can you imagine them trying to compensate with a stick?
With 150+ hours, 2,500 kills, and a score over 1 million, I think I know how to use a magrider properly. Most VS realize that the Mag loses 9/10 times in a straight up fight, and 10/10 times against anyone competent in a prowler or vanguard.. Sure you could say "But you have strafe." Sure, but that is only viable at long ranges, now all the combat is being forced in close, thus negating any advantage strafing did have. Then again you could say "But you can go where no other tank can" true, but those bases that mags get into that actually mean something are few and far between. Besides that ability was nerfed a long, long time ago just after release. The only other thing we have is the ppa, which does nothing against tanks. The problem now is that prowlers and Vanguards are better at the mags own hit and run playstyle than the mag itself, the problem is the Prowler has speed and DPS, the vanguard has Armor and sheer damage, meanwhile the magrider has nothing left to compete with, it is completely outclasses by the vanguard and prowler. Of course we have to play smart, outflank, etc. we have to work twice as hard for the same result as the other tanks. To save the magrider it will need the old 1 shot 1 kill saron, omniburner, and an agility/speed buff to compensate and bring it up to par with the vanguard and prowler. #RIPMagriders
Perhaps in the PTS where the mag got repeatedly and utterly destroyed by vanguards due to the reverse speed buffs and gear popping enabling van use to back out of trouble. After all the only way to reliably pop the shield early is to hit the rear of the vanguard. If you can't do that, the Titan will rip a mag apart.
I think people have no idea how hard it is to aim now, as a magrider, COMPARED to a vanguard or prowler. -- The *turn left/right* in a magrider is extremely difficult.. its not smooth like your turret rotation in van/prowl, its bumpy as ****, sometimes refusing to turn cause your stuck on a pebble. #TurnMagIntoFlyingSaucer .. With a rotating *turret* around the outside edge of the saucer. THEN we'd be even with the prowler, yet still slower.
A front plated armored Vangaurd, even without the "OP INVINCI-SHIELD I-WIN-BUTTON", has always been the most heavily armored ground vehicle in the game. That's just the NC's thing, appearently: defense. If you think you can take that out by attacking it head on, you deserve to lose your tank in hilarious fashion. VS are the ninja faction. lrn2ninja. Also, I don't know why VS would be complaining about short shifting. Mags already have continuous acceleration.
That pebble even kills you! Vanguard was always the most heavily armored(but its still faster than a magrider that is a ninja tank... wtf) and defense orientated tank NO, its an assault tank because its shield is made for attacking The defense/support tank is the prowler because its fast moving to evade other tanks and it has that awesome support ability which improves your reload time. A tank cant be ninja if it isnt fast enough + maneuvering better than ANY other tank, you have to aim with the WHOLE tank that means you cant aim as smooth as a turret tank What we need is better tank control and much more speed + a better ability
why not add a turret with small anti-tank guns and then leave the hull cannon alone, so the pilot can switch between the two for more flexible mobility and damage. just a thought