For every 1 Megabyte of the Patch it takes about 30 seconds. If i just re-install PS2 from scratch can I avoid this patching process?
Wow well that makes a lot more sense then. Since everyone else is trying to grab this update at the same time. I'll do this later.
I have a SSD and a 50meg connection so it didn't take long. Installing the game again will mean you wont have to install the patch, but the full download is 7GB.
Does anyone elses patcher crash all the time while installing patches? I thought it was my computer, but I just build a new computer and its happening again with this one. It succeeds in installing part of the patch each time, but it crashes like every 10-50mb. I've crashed about 10 times so far in this update. After watching it again, it looks like the installation is going faster than the download, and its probably trying to install files that aren't yet available.
I was curious about the installation size aswell, I don't think I've ever seen a patch be this big before, considering that the full game is about 7GB last time I checked. From the status bar it looks like it's downloading(blue) and installing(green) at the same time?
My patch is taking forever too. I started it once went to go do some things around the house come back to an error and had to start all over it didn't save anything it had already done. Now I'm almost 50% done and hoping it keeps going oh its been going for at least an hour or more just for the 50% so for the guy who is at 80% after 3 min good for you not all of us are going that fast for some reason.
If your updates do eventually finish but you had errors whilst you were doing it I suggest that you validate your files(unless it does this automatically), click the wrench icon shown in my previous post and click validate game assets.
Can I get some tecnical support? There's no way I'm still "downloading" the patch. I'm "Installing" and it's moving at 1 MB about every 15 - 20 seconds.
My apologies this is actually a very large issue for FIOS.
Something else you may want to check for, are you downloading anything else at the same time. I had a FTP transfer and the game patching at the same time, when the FTP was running i was getting about the same speed as you, when I paused the transfer my speed shot way up. I think the launcher may prioritize the game's download lower than other downloads.
How fast is your internet? The patch process doesn't download the patch and then install it. It only downloads the data for the packed file it is updating. It installs the patch at the same time it downloads but it only updates each packed file one at a time. The fact that the files are packed means it has to unpack them before they can be patched, and then it has to repack them. It then moves on to the next packed file and repeats it. I have a 50meg connection and a SSD and it took less than 10 minutes.