Oversized Outfits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OneShadowWarrior, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. OneShadowWarrior

    What ruins these fights now is oversized Outfits. They either overpopulate an area with 300+ players and it's very clear, regardless of the type of the rig you run, server performance drops. It leaves small squads who have really good players in the dust. He who can zerg with the most numbers wins. Often the most number of vehicles in one location.

    Everytime a Citadel Shield gets dropped, Orbital Strike initiated or Bastion Carrier shows up, fight is ruined.
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  2. Mechwolf

    Your best bet is to try to outperform them.

    50 of the same outfit members could prove difficult, but if you had a team of 6+ people on the B point at the crown, you could potentially outperform the zerg just by standing on the capture point at the same time, and holding doorways.

    Usually zergfits don't have coordination, or if they do, it's niche. I'm in a zergfit that does training sessions to ramp up our performance long term. I know PC is different when it comes to the amount of players, but we have roughly 100 players in the outfit, and that's a LOT considering Genudine's peak was 500 players in the past month with the new update.
  3. VV4LL3

    Art of war.

    This is where strategy is important.

    Sure, there is something to be said, being out popp'd consistently as a faction on the server as a whole, but raw population limitations aside -- real world discipline of war still apply.

    How do you take on a larger, heavily armed and equipped force? Use what resources you have smarter, more effective. Be the dagger, not the sword.
  4. Johannes Kaiser

    Which gets hard when you have 5 people and the enemy drop 100 (including vehicles and air support) just for ***** and giggles and because they have reserves. PS2 ain't cut out for guerrila warfare, and there is nothing left to do but hoping for reincforcements and being frustrated.
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  5. VV4LL3

    You're right. It does get hard, but not impossible. ;)

    Guerilla warfare is extremely effective in small squad tactics. I'll be more than happy to teach you a few things that can help you be more effective with your smaller team. Take that experience back to your server and outfit and see if it helps.

    On a side note: PS2 is all about the large scale combat operations (LSCO), which is why it is advertised as such. (https://www.planetside2.com/what-is-ps2)
  6. RabidIBM

    If they have too many in one place then they are lacking somewhere else, take advantage of that. If the enemy have a sent a stupid number of people to one place then just ignore it. Remember that Player*Time is a resource, if the enemy want to drop a very plussed 96+ on one base then you should ignore it and make them waste player time watching a clock tick while you do other things.

    My go-to is I'll jump off that entire faction front and go whack-a-mole the other faction's attacks on my faction. Since a Wild Card is present I'll use them as an example, no offense intended to The Wild Cards: So, say The Wild Cards are doing Wild Card things at me, think of Dawn of War's Imperial Guardsman saying "Where there's one there's a hundred of them!". My response is to check the map to see if the NC are hitting the TR anywhere. If the TR are attacking a blob into the NC there is very little I can do about that, but if we're on the defense I group up an air or vehicle raid, put squad waypoints on all the known sundy spots for that base, and go blow up buses. Once one mole is whacked I go whack the next mole. This is a matter of cat herding. It's one thing to be able to herd the cats wearing your own colour, it's another achievement to herd the cats wearing other colours. Any time the last spawn point is destroyed in a fight the players start looking for somewhere else to spawn. In this case imagine that a coin is being flipped for which faction they'll fight. Flip enough coins and sooner or later you win the flip. Ideally you herd the enemy cats into fighting each other. Ideally they do so at a very defensible base with very defensible sundy locations. Once that fire's burning it typically doesn't stop and you're free to grab the map. In this example I would also be "whacking" the VS "moles" anywhere that doesn't have TWC. From there I can let them over extend a single finger of territory, then hit multiple places so something breaks and I can cut off the territory they took, then re-cap it with maybe 25% of the player-time they put into taking it.

    That's one example of what to do about "oversized fights". The other is to remind your platoon that grenade bandoliers exist. They might not defend the base, but my goodness they produce a lot of certs if they enemy are over-clumped.
  7. AuricStarSand

    If WoW Classic is guild 500 limit. Than PS2's server size outfit limit ratio would be 300 people or less. That's the solution.
  8. Johannes Kaiser

    If you've managed to hold bases against total overpop with those tactics, I'd sure like to learn a thing or two. So far my mates and I did manage to be a royal pain in our enemies' bums, but no chance for pointholds or base contests beyond drawing out the multi-point bases.
    What server are you on?
  9. VV4LL3

    Connery, VS, but send me a PM and we'll talk about the Military Principles of War, and how they directly apply here. I'll make a toon on your server and see if I can help out.
  10. Clone117

    Player logistics should matter more. As in kill crossmap redeploy travel so overall movement of forces is slower.