over 1500 fired, over 1000 direct hits, 10 kills, does that sound OP? Guess the weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by St0mpy, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Beartornado

    I don't think any of the ESRL's should've been lock on.

    TR could've gotten something similar to a mobile mortar. VS can practically snipe at great range and NC can swerve around wide angles, so give the TR a launcher where you're given an aerial view while you find your target and then fire in an arc at your enemies. It wouldn't have as much range as VS or NC but it would in exchange offer many more cover options for shelling incoming armor. Yea, it wouldn't have a use against air unless they're right on top of you, but even VS and NC get rare occasions to kill aircraft. Believe it or not its hard to hit aircraft that aren't stupid enough to hover for extended periods of time.
  2. LightningWolfTigrBer

    What you just described is an A2AM or a Nemesis(or one of it's faction equivalents) missile. Those missiles will follow your path and can be very difficult shake. With that said, Striker and Annihilator missiles don't function like this at all and instead attempt to intercept their target by leading. You'd think this would make them more accurate as the missiles are following the shortest path to reach their target, but in reality this makes those missile very easy to lead into terrain. So while it's true that some lock-on's can be very difficult to shake, others, like the Striker, couldn't be much simpler to avoid.

    Edit: And to those who haven't heard or figured this out yet, lock-on launchers received a considerable buff just recently. Before when you acquired lock you could fire in any direction and your missile would simply fly straight from your barrel directly towards it's target even if they were directly behind you, but now lock-on users can acquire lock, point their launcher straight up(or in any direction) then fire and watch that missile fly straight for a few seconds before altering trajectory and following it's target. MBT's/ESF's ducking behind hills to avoid your missiles? Now you can just fire straight up and laugh as your missiles rain hell from above. Only issue I've had with this tactic is with Sunderers. For whatever reason the missiles always seem to miss when coming down from above on the Sunderer, I think it may have something to do with the missile registering the Sunderer's hitbox as larger than it actually is.
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  3. Malsvir Vishe

    I would support the striker being changed from a lockon to a 500m laser guided system while worsening the rate of fire and keeping half the damage.
    That would make it more unique... and we'd hear a ton more whining! :D
  4. Patrician

    It could have been worse; you could, like me, have spent you SC on a Phoenix. Never has there been a more useless weapon.
  5. Selentic

    Tell us more about how useless your weapon that locks down the air in a 1km wide sphere is. [IMG]
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  6. Madmojo

    "Half" doesn't count because he's a hybrid zombie. Plus he's a big rave fan. Soooo one night after a 22 hour episode of planetside and skrillex, Half thought he was at some amazing extra-terrestrial rave. He didn't know what was going on. But he had this giant freeeking laser gun. Now here's where it gets interesting... Upon realizing it does no damage when he shot it really fast, Half thought it must be an alien glow stick. C'mon , what else could it be? Of course he shot the alien glow stick at everyone in sight and had a great time. The next day when his Siamese twin, Banu, woke him, he saw he had a Lancer load out. How odd. He immediately switched back to his decimator and put his fav track, Kill Everybody, on infinite loop.
  7. SheerTorcher

    A dumbfire mode would make this weapon useful. But since the patch I'm back to using the AA missile: better target tracking, same damage as all five strikes if it hits. With no capability to hit turrets at all, might as well be carrying the AA: it can at least dumbfire.
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  8. SgtBreastroker

    That doesn't sound OP at all. It sounds laughable.
  9. Jube

    Actually if you stop and think about it, making the "Striker" laser guided isn't making it more effective. Instead it would make it less effective because it would require the user to hold the laser on the target until the last rocket either hit or missed it.
    That being said hovering lolpodders would get crushed by it, but pilots who are maneuvering and making strafing runs would find they would get hit alot less often. Especially if you have the rockets detonate when they reach their max range, thus giving the ESF's a chance to out run the rocket.
  10. St0mpy

    Tell me why ESF continue to hover plus kill me repeatedly when I try and aquire them for over 13 seconds of locking, beeping, flashing, honestly its better to pull a burster MAX, aircraft flee from those.

    When we are being suppressed at a base and I pull out a striker I can almost hear them laughing with glee that they will probably kill me before I can finish the first lock.

    IF i can hide on a mountain, or gully and not be seen, or have an overwhelming force to add to fire and make my location less known then maybe, and only maybe, can I start to work the lock and help keep the skys a little free, but in 1s or 3s, its a death warrant and not the 'zomg pull it out and the skys are clear' superweapon at all.

    More to the point, the NC get handed a multi use multi faceted all instance killing weapon with a mobile camera on top and we get some small variation of a bad launcher which we already had (and was already bad). The Grounder/ANNI can clear the sky in the same way, when someones being beeped they have no idea if its a striker or what, they just fly away just like before.

    1000 hits! (not shot, hits) and 10 kills, thats beyond poor especially since I can do what you claim with other available launchers and despite it earning good score for assists, I can get score so many other ways, ways that dont kill me or make me feel embarrassed to pull it out.

    See how many kills a Phoenix gets with 1000 hits. Or so I dont have to force myself to be NC perhaps I could do it the other way, see how long it takes me to get the same 10 kills with a Phoenix, probably a few hours and not 1000 hits.
  11. anaverageguy

    TR version of the lasher.
  12. MykeMichail

    Number of kills is a terrible measure of the effectiveness of an AV weapon purely on the fact that most people will jump out of a vehicle or aircraft before it explodes.

    I don't really have many kills with my Titan AP, but pretty much any vehicle within draw distance isn't safe when I've rolling around with it equipped and a second person on my Enforcer (maxed reload speed, 1.75x zoom on both).

    Most of the time, the vehicle will be destroyed whilst they're trying to repair, or they'll bail out at the last second.

    Does that mean the AP cannon is a bad weapon? No it doesn't.
  13. OKBuick

    I dunno... I'm really enjoying the Striker. Earlier tonight we were getting harrassed by air. I found a little hiding spot on a mountain away from squad and just started locking on to the planes. Every time I locked on they bugged out. I never fired so they couldn't track me, just locked on until they left. I singlehandly held off 5 reavers and a lib. No kills but squad took the base without being bombed. As soon as 1 bugged out, I would lock on another and as soon as they came back in range I would lock on and they would bug out.

    The pilot has no ideal how many rockets are coming when that thing shows lock. A group of individuals with strikers is deadly... one not so much, but that lock on scares the crap out of them because they don't know.
  14. Zotamedu

    Lock ons are useless against air. Only very bad pilots are killed by lock ons. The proper way to create a no fly zone is to bring out the dual bursters. The have a lot longer range and they kill a lot faster. The last times I'm been standing in a AA nest with bursters. I haven't even have time to get a lock on before the aircraft either was blown to bits or ran off because of the flak. The MAXs could also do quite a bit of damage at ranges where I could not acquire a lock at all. They have a pretty limited role against vehicles as well. The tracking make them hit the ground a lot so there are not that many places where they are useful.

    So please, remove the stupid lock on Striker and give us a dumb fire only version. Leave the damage, add bullet drop and you have a high fire rate, low damage per round rocket launcher. That's exactly what TR is about. That I would buy.
  15. Dramma Lamma


    Its not about the kills it gets it's about how strong of a deterrent it is.
  16. bNy_

    The striker, like some other already pointed out does it job very well.

    Like all lock-on weapons, it sucks in the aspect of getting kills. However it made TR the most annoying faction to meet anti-air wise.
    Most of the players seem to play HA, many of these has a striker. This means that you basically can't stay in any region owned by TR for more than couple of seconds before you get lock on message and are forced to escape.

    If it makes you feel better, the lancer isn't that incredible either... Pheonix on the other hand, that rocket launcher is insanely good at getting kills. It instagib ESF and should be nerfed.
  17. OKBuick

    Geez... I couldn't disagree more. The Striker is awesome. You get a platoon full of guys with strikers and its party time. Once the enemy sees you using strikers... its over. They have to pull infantry because tanks and planes will get farmed... Once they make the switch, then you switch to dumbfire.

    I do agree with you though that a dumbfire Striker would be pretty cool.
  18. GimpyGotcha

    I agree the current striker blows. I don't think I've Ever gotten a kill with it cause enemys Always seem to have flares/ir smoke ect which negate not just its usefulness, but makes it absolutely WorthLess since you can't dumbfire it, you can't use it vs maxes ect. And the vast majority of the time these upgraded libs/fighters don't give a damn that you have a striker and just hit their flares then procede to murder you.

    It is a woefully ineffective weapon unless you have 20 of them which is absurd... Nobody would suggest balancing any other weapon based on "oh it's good if 20 people have them so it shouldn't be changed!" That's BS period.

    What needs to be done to fix it IMO is not make it more powerful, but rather make it similar to the ps1 striker with a toggle for lockon/dumbfire. This would seriously fix the majority of its probs and make it more useful in more situations. Just, when it is being dumbfired, limit its rof so you can't instantly dump all 5 rounds but have a like 1 sec inbetween shots. This would actually equal out to the same dps as like a deci.

    If a dumbfire option/toggle was added to the weapon its usefulness would seriously go up 100 fold and people might actually carry them.
  19. hansgrosse

    Seems to work just fine to me...

  20. EvilPhd

    People are on this this. They so LOCK LOCK LOCK pop flares LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK
    Get out get out get out get out. Common AB don't fail me now! *BUZZ* SHAZBOT!
    Terrain terrain terrain get me some freaking terrain!

    Yeah it does it's job.