Outfit of 236 can no longer raise a full squad. Everyone left because of ZOE.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalNoob, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Kedric

    The reason why people are giving NC grief when you complain now is because NC gave the rest of us grief when we complained about the almighty Scat MAX.

    "L2P Scat MAX is fine." was the universal NC chorus.

    Well now you receive it in return.

    L2P, ZOE is fine.
  2. Spookydodger

    If I am fighting in a biolab, for example, I usually have to go through that doorway. Right around the doorway is MrScatmax Sandman, ready to lull me to sleep. Yeah if it is further distances, like outdoors fights, it isn't a big deal. The fantastically small time they could kill a MAX indoors was balanced by their fantastically small range. I just wish that back then I realized that MAXes were so vulnerable to concussion grenades and smoke grenades.
  3. Cab00se187

    Grenades, flashbangs and concussion work wonders. Stop trying to play rambo then coming to the forums whining when you get your *** kicked.

    Quoted wrong person, doh.
  4. ih8Darian

    So taking 6 months for it to be fixed is okay?
  5. PhiladelphiaCollins

    So they're petty. Got it.

    The time is irrelevant. You don't just make up for one thing being broken by making something else just as ridiculous.
  6. vincent-

    Every max I go up against I get messed up but I don't whine and I don't cry on the forums about it. Get the $U#*(*$ over yourselves.
    • Up x 2
  7. sindz

    ZOE saved my outfit of 400 people from quitting.

    See how this works?
  8. PurpleOtter

  9. illgot

    Wait, so a unit that takes a set 20% more damage from everything but gets a bonus to damage (not a set 20% on all weapons), glows bright pink, moves as fast as infantry (slower in strafing) and has a much larger hit box... caused your whole outfit to quit.

    Sure there wasn't a problem before this?
    • Up x 2
  10. Spookydodger

    Then I would be dead from the weight of all the nickles. I'm not a greedy man, so I stopped at Mercy.
  11. MrForz

    And in the reverse, there's no reason to pull out a NC MAX when you have access to a Light Assault with a shotgun. The only downside I've found to these ZOElings was the fact that most of them are too stupid to stop shooting and land a punch when I'm literally kissing them in the mouth with my Claw shotgun.
  12. Tasogie

    LOL this isn't an MMO its an FPS shooter.
    Also no your entire clan did not leave, this is a imaginary story created by you silly youngsters to try an have something that isn't broken nerfed. I gotta say I find you lots imagination to be really lacking. Maybe its school or what I dont know but all these fantasy posts of doom an gloom an how the zoe ruined my life an I'm gonna sue, etc etc is really low brow an not worth the time it takes to read generally...

    Just so we are clear
    VS MAX is fine, it is perfectly balanced an has no over powered abilities whatsoever....
    You cod generation really REALLY need to learn what the word Diversity means... this is how games were before you all got served up your freebe factory puddle shallow excuses for games.
  13. avery649

    So you were in an outfit of 236, and over 200 players just left because a new max ability was recently introduced? I'm sorry, did everyone in your outfit start playing this game yesterday? Do they not understand how new stuff often has to be retweaked? Obviously the ZOE is going to be reworked. And you're telling me over 200 people left over this? That's hilarious.
  14. Tasogie

    he will be back today or tomorrow under a different forum name still playing because he hasn't left at all. on forums theres the forum warriors ho post never ending stories an fantasy about how bad something is, the stories get bigger an more drastic day by day till soe give them what they want.
  15. Pikachu

    NC is supposed to have monopoly on powerful MAXes.
  16. illgot

    I really have to try Call of Duty one day :)

    and yes asymmetric balance is fun. It is why a lot of the more popular card games and even World of Warcraft became a big hit.
  17. Bill Hicks

    Machine guns are ranged weapons I try to use them that way.
  18. HannaDest

    Goddam capitalists. Always dreaming of monopolies eh ?
  19. ent|ty

    ROFL, what a bunch of wimpy players then.

    I switched factions the other day and played on TR, and took out 3 or 4 ZOEs.. easy easy easy.

    Of course, I'm an innovative, tough player who finds a way to beat the odds. I don't come to forums to cry about it.
  20. Benton!

    I really love how everyone whined about ZOE ADADAD warping even though it never existed. There was not one single video to prove it, just stories tacked onto baseless whine threads. Anyway, SOE did not fix the "warping" because there was acceleration and absolutely no warping. They just made ZOE slightly slower and said they fixed the "warping". Nobody complains about it now. :rolleyes:

    The next time forumsiders unite to whine about something, I would love to see SOE say they nerfed the thing without actually nerfing it, and see if people notice. Most likely, they will hear SOE nerfed the thing, and their perception will change. :D

    But yeah, ZOE OP?